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Sunfire Theater Grand BIN ebay


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I will be the first to admit that I don't really know if this is a great deal or not, but it sure seems like it.


I have a TGIV, purchased new for over $3K, At the time I could get floor demo TG III for $2500. I never looked into the Mark 1 or Mark 2 model. This is the original model, and with BIN he is including the newer remote. A remote I happen to really like. You don't see a ton of Sunfire gear on ebay, so hard to look at selling history. Not even sure why/how I stumbled upon it.

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I actually bought this unit to go with my Sunfire 7x200 that I recently acquired. Next year sometime, once the format wars have settled down, I'll upgrade it to a newer Sunfire (V?). But for the price, I think it will do just fine with Klipschorns, a Belle and Cornwall sides.

Question: It comes with a NIB Sunfire III remote control. Seller says it can be programmed to control the original Sunfire Theater Grand (I). Can anyone help me with this or direct me to a resource that would offer some guidance on it? The original remote apparent just wore out or rolled over [:(]


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That remote is actually a 3rd party vendors remote branded for Sunfire and factory programmed for them. I believe the TG 1 and 2 had a much inferior remote. The TG III and IV have this newer remote. I love the remote that came with my TGIV, you will too.

My manual has instruction on how to program it for other devices such as your CDP, DVD, etc. I am sure you can find the manual on line.

Nice pick up. I think you will really like the ease of use with the TG. I was shocked to see how relativly cheap this unit was considering what I paid for the IV just over a year ago. I am sure you will love it.

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Found this on line quicky. Just to drive the point home the III and IV use the same remote...the one you now have.

The remote is a strong point on the Sunfire TGIV. The look, feel and layout of the remote control compliments the other aspects of the TGIV. The control, made by Universal Remote, is basically a re-branded TheaterMaster. One of the biggest snafus many manufacturers repeatedly fail to recognize is the backlighting on the remote. If you are running a front projection set-up like I am, turning the light on to view the remote kills the movie-going experience. How else are you expected to know where all of the functions for their powerful preamp/processors are if there are no backlighting options? Brail? The Sunfire remote is one of the better ones in this respect. A cool blue backlight allows the user to easily see all of the remote functions with the push of a button that is conveniently by itself on the right side of the body of the remote. The light remains on approximately 10 seconds, then shuts off. Sunfire also did a nice job with the manual, explaining every function very clearly. Using the pre-programmed codes, I was able to get my Denon player working in less than a minute. The three macro buttons allow customization of your system. It can learn commands from other remotes and can also control up to 10 different components.

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Thanks, rplace, really good info.

As far as the depreciation goes, remember this is a 7 year old unit. The real challenge of course is to keep up with current processing modes and connectors, etc. I think this has more to do with the loss of value than the worthiness of the unit. 90% of my DVDs still still 5.1 with DTS, perhaps, some AC-3. I was close to pulling the trigger on a TGIV but felt I could wait a year after the standards settle in a bit. I'm also feeling pretty po' right now starting up a new business [;)]

Anyway, I have a tracking number from the seller. It should arrive here on Tuesday so I'll hook it all up and give it a spin. Will let y'all know!(see I'm already learning to speak southern!)

y'all (all of you)

all y'all (plural of y'all)

dawg (canine quadraped)

My vocabulary is limited but I'm adding words every week [:P]


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I think you are going to be just fine with it. When I bought my 4 I was looking at 3 and figured brand new latest and greatest at 3500 was better then demo model for 2500.

In the value to performance ratio, yours at aprox 600 with new remote is a deal!

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Chris.. Your going to love it, I agree. I also have the Sunfire Signature 200x7 amp.. I bought the Sunfire Theater Grand IV when a dealer had it ordered for a Install that the customer ran out of funds for.. Still in the box setting in his showroom all summer while I joked with him when you gonna see that Sunfire separates "Stuff" LOL.. I think I finally wore him down cause he gave me a take it away I will take a loss on it offer at Christmas time I could not refuse. Cash rules!!!

One thing really great about separates is you can upgrade later with different pre amps if you like.

As a hint if your using this for HT you may need to turn down the front L+R two speakers -3 Db and your subs will come to life too. (the only complaint I have with mine..) I use the Ultra 2 THX subs and this was "the fix." The output mv wise on the Sunfire is not as "hot " as others to THX ulta 2 specs.

Enjoy and let us know what you think too.

Also you should know this too, with the Sunfire Theater Grand IV and on... the software will upgrade it to whatever version they will have out V, VI, VII, or whatever..in the future. There has not been any new sound formats thank goodness really making everyones stuff obsolete in the last year or so. So Enjoy it! With 7 La Scalas and the KLIPSCH KSW120THX subs and KLIPSCH KA1000 it has been awesome.

Your not going to believe just how BIG your movies are going to sound!

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Indy, good tip. The Klipschorns are pretty forward anyway and I'm looking forward to hearing the whole rig together.

Another forum member is selling his pair of THX Ultra 2 subs with the amp for $2500. Would you expect this to be a good addition to the assembly? I'd probably put them along the front wall just inside of the Klipschorns. Since you've got a LAS HT, my results would probably be similar. Room is 30L x 18D x 9H.


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I used the THX subs with the K horns just for giggles and grins. They would be a great match as well. The RSW 15 (which is what I use now with he K horns upstairs along with an older vertical Cornwall II's is now on the side hidden behind fabric in my family room you can see it in my pic here... It is a fantastic match.)

Others may argue a La Scala or Belle is better (??? why a belle I never got because the Mid horn I believe is the same as a Cornwall and still has inferior bass. Same inferior bass on the La Scala too with K horns...????? Look, where the Cornwall goes deeper almost to K Horn levels... It feels much lower than a La Scala or Belle. And that gut punching bass full range BIG sound is the Home run in a center too!)

Now if your crazy to go say 3 Klipschorns, 3 La Scala's, 3 Belles, 3 Cornwall's, a moot point at this level your at that 99% threshold for Timbre reasons, just seamless and a home run!!

Add the subs, and your in 99.9999% nirvana.

The thing is again.. A good sub adds to the excitement but is not a car boom box OMG you have the sub on. This is especially true for music. With k horns, a sub is really not necessary but trust me once you hear it for HT... OMG with K horns or La Scala's... You will never look back.

That's a great price, too, BTW, for the Klipsch THX sub bottom end package 2 subs and the amp.. ENJOY!!

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As a hint if your using this for HT you may need to turn down the front L+R two speakers -3 Db and your subs will come to life too. (the only complaint I have with mine..) I use the Ultra 2 THX subs and this was "the fix." The output mv wise on the Sunfire is not as "hot " as others to THX ulta 2 specs.


I saw this in a review of the KW-120's ... Is this what you're referring to?

If your room is huge or you're a total glutton for bass, feel free to daisy-chain KA-1000-THX amps and add extra sets of KW-120-THX subwoofers. I noted one small snafu with the amp: Its relatively low input sensitivity may render it incompatible with some pre/pros, like my Sunfire Theater Grand III. Even with its subwoofer output turned up to max, the twin KW-120-THX subs' volume level was ever-so-slightly low.


This actually sounds like a real issue ... Is the amp going to have to be max'ed all the time and the front mains turned down a few db's to really get this in balance?

Maybe the better question to ask is do all the Klipsch subwoofer amps (including the new 12D) have similar issues with the Sunfires?



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