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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. Really a true third is lamb fat. Yeah Dave, what I'm saying is if you got home and announced hey honey I got the duck fat, then you should expect an immediate trip to the marital chamber, assuming you married well, or maybe just right there in the kitchen, depending on the circumstances.
  2. Duck fat and pork fat rule. Duck fat is essentially "liquid love, " when not solidified from cold of course.
  3. Oh yeah, Thebes for sure...
  4. Is there any alternative worth exploring?
  5. I think it smells like teen spirit, but I also like doll parts. On the other hand, there is that band, radiohead, with their song creep...
  6. Worst conversion program? My money is on those door to door people.
  7. You mean the goat in the truck?
  8. oldtimer


    It's not all I got, but it was late and so obvious. Baaaaa
  9. oldtimer


    Stevie Nicks?
  10. It must have gotten lost in the mail from all those years ago.
  11. Probably a burnt offering of St. Louis cut ribs using oak harvested from the yard. Only the shaded out dead branches though since the living oaks are sacred. Gotta love a feast day.
  12. Wishing a merry summer solstice to all.
  13. Confused? Throw me a bone john. What "special day" or which women are you referring to? Like I said before I have no idea what you are talking about to even agree with you.
  14. Truthfully I have no idea what or whom you are referring to. As for a spat it wasnt a comment on a statement but a comment on the sillyness of the topic.
  15. It's full when it sits on the seat...
  16. How about everyone just have situational awareness instead of trivial spats? Who here walks right into a dog turd rather than watch where they are going? Of course there is always common courtesy, or is there?
  17. Less than a bottle, perfectly acceptable.
  18. The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenements halls and whispered in the sounds of silence.
  19. oldtimer


    It's only a feeling.
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