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DFW Hornheads get-together on Sat. Sept. 23


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I want to thank everyone who came yesterday and made this a really fun event. The turnout was better than I expected. I counted 10 of us (plus two wives = 12).

I'll post some pics later (I'm digitally challenged when it comes to photography - I have to get FILM processed and put on a CD).

We spent most of the afternoon and evening in the Khorn 2-channel room listening to everything from Jazz to Rock to Country music. I learned that a flea-powered SET amp can sound very good when played through Khorns.

We ended the day in the HT watching the Pulse DVD side 2 (DSOTM).

As for the tweeter comparison, I really think I will leave the APT-200s and the K-77s on my Khorns with the A/B switch. Some source material sounded better with the K-77s and some better with the APT-200s. IMO, I think the majority of the material souned better with the APTs when using the Dynaco MK3 amps, and the SET amp sounded better with the stock K-77s.

Now, I have to put the living room back to normal (darn it, I personally like it this way!).


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Sorry for the delayed post , but I just now got back into San Antonio,

got the car unloaded and fired up the computer. Here is a link to the

pictures I took. If you wish, you are able to post comments to the pics

in the gallery.


Many thanks for a really nice meet. I had a great time and only wish I

could have stayed longer, but alas I had to drive up to McKinney to

drop off a pre I sold a buddy up there. The upside is he gave me some

speakers while I was there. It was an audio week end through and

through. Even for Travis who now has a whole rack of SAE gear that I

was bringing back from Dallas. It just didn't make it all the way to

San Antonio. It did look wickedly good in your upstairs rack


Well type at you guys later.


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