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What a Klutz


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Because my turntable is up pretty high (almost eye level) I tend to reach in from the front, rather than down from the top to change the record. Well last Saturday night after a couple of bottles of very good red wine and lots of good music, I was changing out an LP and reached in to do so. In the process I heard the unmistakable sound of a stylus being brushed against. Lo and behold the cantilever on my Shelter was now at an almost 90 degree angle from where it should have been. YIKES!

So I bent it back into place as best as I could and disgusted with myself, went to bed. On Sunday I had a full schedule and could not try the cartridge to see if it was still working. On Monday I caught an early plane so I was still unable to check it out.

So to make a boring story a little shorter, I was finally able to check it out tonight and it appears that all is well. I tried a few LPs and they sounded great. I then tried the test LP and all appears OK at least to my ears. This is all good news as a re-tip on the Shelter is rather expensive.

Has anyone else had experience with bending back a bent cantilever? If so I would be curious with your experience.


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Wow, I can't believe you could bend it back and it's now ok. You're lucky. I've ruined a couple of styli over the last 5 or 6 years. Snagged shirt sleeves, dusting... the usual. I learned on cheap cartridges fortunately. I'm sure to ruin one again some day.

Being prone to a fair bit of exaggeration I should say that it was closer to 45 degrees! But nevertheless it was scary and I too am a little amazed that it still works!


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Mean feat to bend the shelter's cantilever - it is well covered.

Try living with a Blue Point Special (the naked one). Broke off 3 cantilevers within a 6 month period - and no fixing available. Replaced each time.

Of course - running the 103 I dont think about it twice. Again it is well covered and even if it does go it is not an expensive cartridge to replace.

As for bending it back - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. As someone else said you were lucky. Thing is you have permanently weakened the thing (I did it with a Clearaudio cart I cant remember the name of - that broke off suddenly some time later when I let the arm fall rather heavily) so care is needed from now on - bend it again and it is toast.

Of course - I cant imagine your alignment is perfect anymore.

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That's not much of an audio screw-up Josh. Some here may remember when I just got my Klipschorns, I was scooching them around and bumped into my turntable, enough to roll the vibration reducing handballs out of their cups, allowing the turntable and stone slab to gently roll completely off the table. And land upside-down. Ah, the Black widow arm was toast, but miraculously the Shure V15-III and its stylus survived! I've come to realize things happen for a reason. This time it was because I'm an idiot.[;)]

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Mean feat to bend the shelter's cantilever - it is well covered.

Try living with a Blue Point Special (the naked one). Broke off 3 cantilevers within a 6 month period - and no fixing available. Replaced each time.

Of course - running the 103 I dont think about it twice. Again it is well covered and even if it does go it is not an expensive cartridge to replace.

As for bending it back - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. As someone else said you were lucky. Thing is you have permanently weakened the thing (I did it with a Clearaudio cart I cant remember the name of - that broke off suddenly some time later when I let the arm fall rather heavily) so care is needed from now on - bend it again and it is toast.

Of course - I cant imagine your alignment is perfect anymore.


I hate in when youre right! The stylus dropped off tonight when I was cleaning it prior to playing an LP ( Elenor McElvoy). I had a low low input Grado Sonata that I have replaced the Sonata with and it sounds very very nice. I guess I ll save my dough and have the Shelter re-tiped. If anyone has any ideas on retiping beyond having it replaced by Shelter for a ton of money please let me know!

And yes fini your Klutz moment sounds way more dramatic than my wine induced slip of the hand!


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Mean feat to bend the shelter's cantilever - it is well covered.

Try living with a Blue Point Special (the naked one). Broke off 3 cantilevers within a 6 month period - and no fixing available. Replaced each time.

Of course - running the 103 I dont think about it twice. Again it is well covered and even if it does go it is not an expensive cartridge to replace.

As for bending it back - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. As someone else said you were lucky. Thing is you have permanently weakened the thing (I did it with a Clearaudio cart I cant remember the name of - that broke off suddenly some time later when I let the arm fall rather heavily) so care is needed from now on - bend it again and it is toast.

Of course - I cant imagine your alignment is perfect anymore.


I hate in when youre right! The stylus dropped off tonight when I was cleaning it prior to playing an LP ( Elenor McElvoy). I had a low low input Grado Sonata that I have replaced the Sonata with and it sounds very very nice. I guess I ll save my dough and have the Shelter re-tiped. If anyone has any ideas on retiping beyond having it replaced by Shelter for a ton of money please let me know!

And yes fini your Klutz moment sounds way more dramatic than my wine induced slip of the hand!


These guys are good!


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