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Reference Forum Suggestion


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In my short time here, I have often been impressed by the depth, and diversity of knowledge here.

The problem I often have with locating knowledge in a given area, is that often the best white papers and reference information, as well as some excellent web sites, flies under the radar screens of search engines if the don't have a commercial interest and/or are very popular for some reason.

In several threads I have read here someone will reveal a reference to some exceptionally useful information, which might be difficult to locate later, or which clearly answers a frequently asked question. Sometimes a thread itself evolves into an unusually useful examination of a subject.

So I thought I might suggest that consideration be given to a reference section of the forum which would be a repository for hard to find information, links to useful information, links to repected whitepapers. There might be some method for nomination of material to the forum, or possibly a way for folks to rate the value of the thread, and after a threshold is passed, it might be archived for reference.

I think this approach would be very valuable to the members here, and as the quality and value of the reference material grows, it will bring more traffic and interest to Klipsch.

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The moderators frequently 'pin' posts like this to the top of various forums, and there is a FAQ section on the main Klipsch web site.

But I understand what you mean. The difficulty would be manpower to judge which items were worthy and how to sort it all out.

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I think that Damon's site over at www.klipschcorner.com would be a

great place for collecting these types of articles. In fact

he has quite a few articles gathered already. I would like to

suggest that all the available "Dope from Hope" articles would be a

good start.


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In fact, KlipschCorner was designed for just this purpose!

If you come across a thead or reference or anything that you'd like to see immortalized, then by all means contact Damon or myself and we can immortalize it there. Better yet, if there's a lot of stuff you have in mind to add, it might be possible to provide temporary admin priviledges to let you do it yourself.

There's no need to over bureaucratize everything. Maybe after the site is more popular and full of info would it be feasible to start pruning the information.

The forum does have a feature to save posts as "favorites" - which you can then later access in your profile. If you click on my profile you can see a list of a few favorites I've added (so that I can reference those posts at a later date). I don't know of anyone else taking advantage of this feature, but it'd be nice if the regulars starting doing it more often.

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