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Dedicated 78 rpm deck - suggestions?


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I've got several dozen old 78s, mostly pre-war that are in pretty good shape. They've been sitting around for quite a while and I was thinking of setting up a player for them. Wondering what I should consider. I alreqady dumped a lot of the typical pablum of the era, but there are some that I'd really like to hear including a bunch on Odeon and Telefunken. I've passed on boxes upon boxes of the old things as I just didn't want to bother with them...

I'm not sure where this would eventually fit into things, but I do have a Heathkit mono pre that has different compensation eq choices if I want to do a standalone rig or run it into a line in of the Blueberry. I don't want this to be a major expense in case it proves less satisfying than hoped. Where to start?

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I'll "third" the Lenco. The variable speed is a nice touch, especially since early 78s actually had pretty whimsical speeds - some anywhere between 72 and 84 rpm.

Duals and Miracord changers from the 1970s are pretty cheap nowadays and give decent performance too. Remember to get the right stylus. 78s have a much bigger groove and a regular lp stylus will be mining the bottom of the valley, so to speak.

Nice Rek-o-Kut.

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