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Scanner files, save in TIFF or JPEG?


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You're referring to slide trays. The round ones are called carousel type, after the Kodak Carousel projectors and the other ones are just straight slide trays. Slide trays are usually made of plastic. Sounds almost like you have some kind of industrial stuff there.

Metal slide holders? That's different. Are you removing the actual piece of film from its holder? Most types of slide holder, well, the cardboard or plastic ones I'm familiar with, will fit into the scanner as is, with no need to take them apart.

A 36-shot roll of film is around 5 feet long. You might want to grab a pair of white cotton gloves to avoid thumbprints when handling filmstrips.

Slide trays it is. These are metal, probalby from the mid/late 50's. The tray's themselves are metal AND they have a metal slider that encases the specific slide. The metal slider, and I can take a picture of these later, has something like four little bent tabs. Essentially friction tabs to hold the slide in place. I've only delt with one of them so far but it SEEMS as though the top of the holder might also have a small lip on it to help hold the top of the slide inside the frame. All I know for sure is the one I tried to get out was a real booger until I brought out the tweezers.

I was also thinking the 36 shot of negatives was several feet long but I thought 3' would sound too much (so I changed it to two feet). I didn't know they might be pushing five feet. Good call on the gloves.

I had the box of slides sitting in my closet on the floor. Came upstairs later in night to find one of our dogs sitting on the top of the steps. I was wondering why she was staying alone like that. She immediately got up and went downstairs as I reached the platform. Then it became clear what she was up to... She had found the open box of slides and grabbed two of them and was busily in process of shredding them to pieces [:o]. Fortunately it was only two. I pulled them out of the white cardboard they're mounted in and will see if I can somehow salvage them. If I can, great and if not, well... not much choice, so won't worry about them.

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If you're not using those metal slide trays with a projector, you might want to pick up some little slide boxes (the little plastic ones that your developed slides come back from the lab in) so you don't have to put the cardboard-mounted slides back into that metal contraption. You can also get 3-holed plastic sheets (at a camera shop) to store your slides in a looseleaf binder. Much easier to find a particular slide that way.

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