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Bills of Sale and ramifications...


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Just sold something on CL and the buyer wanted me to sign a bill of sale. I simply (maybe stupidly) replied, "This is craigslist. I can sell it for twice that on Ebay." He easily conceded and took the item. He said that he just wanted it in the event of a fire, etc. Is there any legal ramification other than what he stated? I don't want to look like a jerk but I also don't want to be dragged into court either.

WWBD What would Brasky do?

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There's nothing wrong with you writing the buyer a receipt for the amount paid inclusive of the model and serial number.

I have alway's given one and received one.

I require a receipt in the event the item I received was stolen......a judge will consider what you paid as a factor in you being an accessory.....if you paid 1000 on a 10000 item, there is an obvious lack of judgement on your part.....if you paid 9000 on a 10000 item...it's less likely you conspired to steal the item.....also helps having a receipt so the investigative trail does not end with you...you can provide an name, address, etc....

I would not turn over my receipt from my transaction to the new buyer....but write him a new one.

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Isn't it standard practice to give a bill of sale when you sell something, other than yard sale priced items? If the police happen to stop the guy and ask him where he got the nice speakers or whatever and all he can say is, "From this guy, but he wouldn't give me a bill of sale.", he'll be in an awkward position, through no fault of his own. It's always good to have some documentation to show where your stuff came from.

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If they ask for one, I'd give one .................. works both ways though, you buy a car for $8,000. and have the seller give you a bill of sale for $2,000, then he wants his money back, well the Bill of Sale says $2,000. .......... We must be careful when we use our names or signatures ..........

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