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Everything posted by Deang

  1. I love it when I learn something thanks ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  2. SACD is the bomb. Must get Roger Water's 'In the Flesh', Alice in Chains 'Greatest Hits', and Santana 'Abraxes'. Guana Apes 'Take no names' is now being released in Germany. If these 4 are the only SACD's I ever own -- I'll still be glad I can do SACD playback. The new Sony's on Redbook are simply amazing for the money. Would have cost $2000 to get this kind of sound out of CD 10 years ago. It's a great time to be into audio. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  3. email brent jesse he's a walking tube catalog ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  4. How do you define 'high-end sound card'? I think it is very difficult to get a real apples to apples comparison between vinyl and CD. Each does certain things better than the other, and they just simply do things differently. Also, the cost/performance ratio argument can be misleading. When I see the cost of the some of the top vinyl rigs, I simply gag. Give me 1/2 as much money for a good Redbook transport/DAC, and I will do very well indeed. I had a nice rig back in the late 70's. Good table with moving coil. When CD originally came out -- I thought it just sounded horrid. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation low cost DACs, and half deaf recording engineers -- did not mix well. Somewhere in the mid 90's however, it seems things started to come together for PCM. 15 years of technological advances, combined with 15 years of digital experience in the studio (compare any of the early CD recordings to the new 20 bit and more remasters of the same material) -- have brought PCM to a more than acceptable standard. One simply can not compare the 1980 PCM standard to the 2002 PCM standard. It's like comparing a decent vinyl rig to a Gramophone. I think it's that big of a difference. I had just recently sold my Anthem CD-1 (paid $1700 in 1996) and bought a Sony DVPS-9000ES. I did this primarily to try SACD, but at the same time being prepared to be completely let down with it's Redbook playback capability. However, I was instead immediately struck with the superiority of the sound as compared to the Anthem. Evidently, much was accomplished in the six years between the manufacture of my 'high-end' Anthem and my 'mid-fi' Sony. It may have taken 20 years -- but the CD has finally arrived. Redbook may always have a touch of that digital haze, but it gives you dynamics and clarity in spades. Vinyl will always sound a bit compressed, but gives a smoothness and a somewhat expanded soundstage. At this point in the game it is merely a matter of preference. I don't think one can any longer say -- "Man, CD's sound like shite" Now of course we have SACD and DVD-A. Another 10 years and I think we can put our vinyl away. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-21-2002 at 04:05 PM
  5. Please comment on your observations of this speaker. I have never heard the RF5. However, based on previous posts regarding this speaker the indication is that it is marvelous. As to the differences between it and the RF7 -- I do know that they are 'voiced' somewhat differently, with the RF5's strength being in the reproduction of voices. The RF7's strength would be higher efficiency, lower bass extension, and addtional dynamics, especially micro-dynamics. The RF7 uses the "better" HF driver. The RF5 uses the same driver as the RB5 & RF3, but with a larger horn assembly. I have been trying to get opinions on this particular model but have only been successful in finding opinions on the RF-3. I have heard the RF-3 with my own JoLida 302a and was impressed. I have heard the RF-5 with a terrible HT receiver with terrible zip cord in a terrible listenning environment. Those of you who are from Champaign, IL know the store I'm talking about. I could not make any quality observations under those conditions. I would not judge the sound coming out of any Klipsch speaker being powered with an el-cheapo HT receiver. I agree that this is almost a complete waste of time. If I do purchase these speakers, they would be run with my Rogue M-120 amps in Triode mode with Svetlana KT-88s and Mullard 12s. My cables and power cords are all Harmonic tech. My preamp is BAT VK-3i with Visseaux and Mullard tubes. CDP is Wadia 830. Phono is Pro-Ject 6.1 with Grado Sonata. Tice Power Block 3c conditioner. Would this be a good match? Nice setup. Yes, a good match. However, the RF7 would be a considerable leap in performance. My current speakers are Hales Rev. Three. I have a subwoofer so bass is not a concern. This is why I am cosidering the 5s over the 7s. The Hales huh? How did you end up with a pair of those 'sissy' speakers Though the sub negates the difference in LF extension between the 5 & 7, you should not forget to consider that since the RF7's uses two 10's instead of two 8's -- the distortion levels at any given SPL will be lower with the RF7's, because the drivers simply do not have to move as much to produce to the same SPL as the RF5's. Also, since the RF7's have a larger front baffle -- the soundstage tends to be larger as well. To purchase these speakers from the local dealer would cost me an extra $500. I can order them in maple wood for $1,000 BUT no warranty. How big of a factor is this? When you say "these speakers", I am assuming you mean the RF5's? An extra $500 more than what? I don't really understand what you are saying here. As far as a set of RF5's in maple for $1000 and no warranty -- I can only wonder who you would be buying them from with no warranty. Evidently they are not a Klipsch authorized dealer, and I would imagine you are not buying them from the same dealer that you heard them at. At any rate, a good deal. And yes, if you blow a driver, you can always order a replacement driver from Klipsch and install it yourself. No biggie. However, you are not likely to blow a driver. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  6. I've always found the Epic interesting - but have never had the chance to hear them. I always wanted to hear the KLF10 also -- but never had the chance. I know a lot of folks like that middle driver -- it's just too much for me. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  7. Would you believe that's actually a pretty fair price on those Mullards? I would buy the EL-84 Tesla JJ's (Slovakian) from 'Ned' at Triode Electronics here . Click on 'tubes' on the right and find your tube. The Teslas in Matched quad will run you $39.90. He also has the Tesla 12AX7's in matched pairs for $19.00. I couldn't find your 6CA4's there. For NOS and hard to find tubes I would use Brent Jesse. You can find him here . After you get to the page, use your browser find utility (for IExplorer click on edit, scroll down to find) and search the page for your tube you need. Looks like he has the 6CA4 for $10.00 a piece. You could also buy your 12AX7's from him if you wanted. They would be NOS and might cost a little more. Welcome to tube hell ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-19-2002 at 06:05 PM
  8. RF7 in Maple RF7 in Cherry RF7 in Black Ash RF5 RB5 RF3 anything after this -- doesn't really matter much to me i have just always preferred the sound of two-way designs ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  9. First name and middle initial - Dean Gregory No last name, because somewhere, somehow - I got the silly idea that people were supposed to try and stay anomynous on messages boards. My moniker started out as the 'paper airplane', and after a few hundred posts I promoted myself to the 'UFO', which is more appropriate anyways -- because of my facination with them, and all things paranormal. Hey Wes, what do you think of Sasquatch, Wendigos, Ball of Lights, ectoplasm, and inner space. Guess we'll have to talk about that on some other board Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-18-2002 at 05:09 PM
  10. Hi Chris - howa doin? You put that Super Amp back where it belongs ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  11. uhg - i was editing my post while you were responding. at any rate -- where do you stick this thing? see the pic of my system config in my last post. BTW -- the RF7's are horn loaded, at least they try to be I can drive people out of the room with 15 watts no problem. What I'm worried about is the impedence. What kind of load will that present to my amp? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-16-2002 at 04:23 PM
  12. Not me -- I got a measly 15 watt triode amp. I don't think I can push another set of speakers with it. I do have a free channel on the amp driving my sub. So where do I stick this thing? There is no online documetation for it. Attached is my system configuration. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-16-2002 at 04:13 PM
  13. The only person I would trust with this is Brent Jesse -- of Brent Jesse Recording. I found all the tubes you need -- provided I read the schematic correctly. email Brent here , and tell him you would like to buy the following: One 5Y3/GT@ $11.00 each One 7F7@ $8.00 each One 7A6@ $3.00 each One 6SQ7@ $4.50 each Two 7C5@ $5.00 each Two 6SN7@ $17.00 - $20.00 each Shipping will be $4.80 with Priority Mail. So you are looking at $75. Not bad. I'm not 100% sure which 6SN7 you can use. Clipped & Shorn, or someone else from this site probably knows for sure. Brent himself probably knows too. It may not even matter, hell, I don't know. It will be one of these two: RC7 6SN7GT/A/B RCA blackplate, short glass envelope. or RCA6SN7GT blackplate Greyglass Various USA Brands (RCA or GE made) - older style 6SN7, mid to late 1940s. Medium glass envelope, grey inner glass coating (RCA made) or black coating (GE /KenRad made). Good luck! ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-16-2002 at 03:50 PM
  14. clean it up nice and replace the tubes it's perfect for a la Scala center channel ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  15. I finally got around to plotting my in-room response for my system. The meter was 8 feet away, right where my chair sits. Very revealing. I found out I must really like bass I took the readings after watching a movie, and was quite surprised at what I found. Jeesh. The setting for the SVS sub is only a notch more than where I set it for music. I will post the graph again as soon as I have made the proper adjusments and factored in the additional values necessary to make the Radio Shack readings accurate. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-29-2002 at 07:32 PM
  16. I remember the Hafler thing and I am interested in trying it. What do I need? 2 speakers, another amp (with a volume control), and wire the speakers out of phase? Just flip the wires at the speaker right? Or is that polarity? Jeesh...I think I've lost some brain matter over the years. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  17. Ed said How do you have the Sony hooked up? Video out to the TV and 2 channel out to the Line 1? Do you have a HDTV and what video out method are you using (component out?)? Sorry for so many questions. Yes, I have the Sony going straight into the preamp. I leave the S-video cord plugged into the back of the Sony, and when I want to watch a movie, I roll the TV in front of my rack and plug the other end of the S-video cable into the TV. When I done, I roll the TV back out of the way for music. I don't have HDTV. All my money goes into 2-channel. Maybe someday. At any rate, I'm not totally sure -- but I think HDTV requires that the component outs be used. I'm pretty excited right now about another product I fell into. I bought the HSU electronic crossover with the really nice parts so I could get the cleanest signal possible on my high pass using my sub. What a great product. It's the first time I have ever used a high pass without noticing some signal degradation. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-07-2002 at 08:51 PM
  18. mace I'm pretty sure it's region 1 only. There is a hack to get into this thing and make it play all regions, but I'll be dipped if I know how to do it. It's also 60Hz/120V only - sorry. craig your killing man -- you still doing this? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  19. see you on the other side Mr. Klipsch thanks for everything ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  20. In that case -- since you already have the investment into the RF3's, and taking the time and money to make what you consider to be an improvement in the cabinet structure resulting in improved sound... ...why not stay with Reference and get some RB3's and wall mount them? If you can afford it -- add the RSW-10, which you might be able to slide out of the way somewhere. Your options may be limited -- but you can still get some really good sound. ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  21. thats exactly what you do just get some nice 12 gauge speaker cable and make your own straps ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  22. How 'nearfield' do you want to be? I sit 8 feet away. Just use your RF3's! ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c>
  23. $150 X .03 = 154.50 -- you ain't gonna stick me with that paypal fee are ya? Shipping will be $7.50 to where you're at, and so that will be $162 total. Cool? ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-04-2002 at 12:00 PM
  24. Hi Craig, Your choice really. You can do paypal with my email address -- dean.wescott@wpafb.af.mil -- or you can do check or money order, makes no differnce to me. Email me and I will send you my mailing address if you need it. The MIT's come terminated with ends that allow various 'screw on' options. I opted for the bananas at $15 for a set of four. I also have the large spades, but they were $25 for a set of four and I'm using those on the AE-25. If you want those, the cables go up to $100 and I'll just keep the bananas. It's your choice. Thanks, Dean ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-03-2002 at 11:58 PM
  25. Marantz DV-7010 DVD/CD/CD-R/CD-RW/CD-V player. Original Retail was $899.00 - I got the unit less than 9 months ago at a clearance price of $599.00 plus tax, after Marantz released the DV-18. The unit has primarily been used for the occasional DVD since I used my Anthem CD-1 for CD's. Mint condition and like new. $400 NOS East German Siemans EL-34's, Two sets of matched pairs. I just recieved these from Triode Electonics less than two weeks ago. They have less than 30 hours on them. I've decided I prefer the higher output and slightly better controlled low end of the KT-88 in my Cary AE-25. It's a very clean sounding tube with a very smooth midrange. Shipped to me for a little over $130. $90 I'm selling off my current interconnects so I can upgrade to Cardas. One set of Monster 550i's in the 2 meter length. Less than a year old and mint. $35 Another set as above except in 1 meter length $25 Monster Interlink® Datalink 100 Low-Loss S/PDIF Style Digital Coaxial Cable. Again, like new. I have two of these. $20 each Signet interconnects in 1 meter length. These are about 6 years old. Signet used to make speakers, and then they jumped into the cable thing with a dynamite product. These were my first 'high-end' cables. I am a bit of a cable loon and these are still in excellent condition. I have still been using these in conjunction with my Monsters. I have two sets of these. I paid $175 for them. $65 Same as above except 2 meter length. I Paid $200 for these. $75 MIT 4 speaker cables. This is the new version with the improved components and outer sheathing. I upgraded to the MIT Biwire 2 and no longer have any use for these. If you still believe cables all sound the same, buy these. They are 8 feet in length. Paid $150. $90 ------------------ Deanf>s> Cary AE-25f>s>SuperAmpf>s> - Sonic Frontiers Line 1 - Sony DVP-S9000ES - Klipsch RF7's SVS 20-39 CS Plus - Samson S1000 - HSU Research elec. crossover - MIT/Monsters f>s> Inside every small problem is a large problem struggling to get outf>c>s>-- 2nd Law of Blissful Ignorancef>s>c> This message has been edited by deang on 05-03-2002 at 11:59 PM
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