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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. I missed: Disco Sucks And I'm sorry,Tapestry? You would have got your a s s beat if you had that LP. Everyone had Blue and loved Joni, you were given a pass on that one.
  2. Ok, let's see who can remember their album covers. Record your scores. I missed two, without hints, and I am proud that I missed them both. Here is the link to the test http://www.msn.com/en-us/music/gallery/rock-show-and-tell/ss-AAgbirm
  3. I think Mark used to post about a guy that was a major influence on George Lucas, trying to remember who that was it will come to me in a minute. Watched Temple of Doom last night, saw all of the Star Wars homages and hidden tributes, are at least the one's I remember.
  4. Sorry, I had pictured a giant snow covered hill that you took that to the top of, sat two people in, and let her rip.
  5. Thank you for not typing "entity." You know I'm better than that. For all "intensive purposes." Eggcorn
  6. Yep, or even the smoking section. Lot to be said for eating at the bar.
  7. Sounds like something out of a big city. I don't think I ever seen such a thing. You typically see people with a cart full of stuff let somebody with a few items go ahead of them. I admire your composure and quick thinking.
  8. Love you long time Sarg My kind of thinking True American, when we see something we can make better, when we look at something and think of how we can build something to have fun. CeC has good input, i suggest a swimming pool store and pick up a couple of those foam tube looking things, lace them on. You dont want anyone with stiches on xmas. So how do you steer that thing? Or is it like an inner-tube, "you don't. " Where is the closest snow to you? That ia going to look great on youtube.
  9. Both beautiful. Is that a Berger Blanc Suisse?
  10. Everything you wanted to know about ketchup and more. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2004/09/06/the-ketchup-conundrum
  11. Yes indeed. It is toxin to a dox and there is no predictability as to what is lethal either by the amount of the chocolate or the weight of the dog. Grapes and raisins are bad news for dogs as well. Along with cheese and bouncing balls thrown in front of passing cars. Bouncy balls in wrist rockets are amazing btw. Hours of fun back in the day. Super balls hit by a baseball bat can really keep a dog occupied. Bad dog foods (not food for bad dogs): https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets Awesome link, thank you for posting that. From the site: Grapes and Raisins Although the toxic substance within grapes and raisins is unknown, these fruits can cause kidney failure. Until more information is known about the toxic substance, it is best to avoid feeding grapes and raisins to dogs.
  12. Yes indeed. It is toxin to a dox and there is no predictability as to what is lethal either by the amount of the chocolate or the weight of the dog. Grapes and raisins are bad news for dogs as well. I never knew that, occasionally one falls to the ground and I have not been too diligent about scooping them up before the hounds scoop them up, fortunately they seem to always spit them out. I wonder what it is about grapes.
  13. I don't think the blind typically go the horse route at all. There are long established seeing eye dog programs, raised and trained by volunteers, and I think it takes about 2 years to train them. Typically Labradors or German Sheps from what I have seen. I think they get about six to eight productive years from the dogs and then they are adopted by someone after that. There was something about the blind individual with the horse, that they lived so much longer and that is why he went that route. I just cannot see a horse, regardless of size, being able to do as much, and as well, as a certified seeing eye dog on average. There are of course exceptions, a quick browse through Youtube is enough to see that. I see a seeing eye dog about once a month (the Texas School for the Blind is in Austin), I have never seen a guide horse.
  14. Really? Karma is real, and it is a *****. People like that usually wonder why their kids are in prison.
  15. Because it happened ten years ago if it is the incident I am thinking off. I don't think the article was too specific about when the horse incident occurred, and it was news at the time. Here is what the DOJ tells business owners of what they can, and cannot do, with regard to animals: http://www.ada.gov/archive/qasrvc.htm
  16. Hope you never lose your eyesight. Your point is well taken my friend, but most of us can tell and have sympathy for a person who is blind with a service animal, as opposed to the frauds/idiots who drag their cat through a mall, or try to bring a horse on an airplane. The guy who brought the horse on the plane was blind. He had a legitimate seeing eye horse. It happened happened about ten years ago when the rules were changed for service animals for travel by the Department of Transportation. .
  17. Hope you never lose your eyesight. That is a whole different thing. No prts, no kids on the plane should be the rule. A Seeing Eye dog should be allowed anywhere, anytime. They are a completely different thing. I have flown with them, dined with them, they disappear into the background.
  18. Oj was a 1/1 is he still in HOF or that could be a trick question too, but as far as I know still in the Hall.Ding Ding Ding! People in Austin pretty much allknow that the Tyler Rose is a 1/1 and in the Hall Who the heck is Tyler Rose? So 50s, a guess, Doalk Walker. Good guess on Doak from 1948, but I was going for a Notre Dame man. Earl "The Tyler Rose" Campbell He won the trophy, I have seen his and the school's, he is in the hall of fame, I just don't know for sure if Houston had a No. 1 pick when they drafted him.
  19. That doesn't even take into consideration the effect that bullying can have. It's rampant with kids. I had to get involved in a situation with my youngest daughter once for just such a circumstance. I have had people imitate my niece that I had to get involved in, other situations as well, there are a lot of very strange things on there. If you are in a law suit it is the first place that attorneys check.
  20. Yes indeed. It is toxin to a dox and there is no predictability as to what is lethal either by the amount of the chocolate or the weight of the dog.
  21. I haven't looked it up yet. I bet Archie Griffith from Ohio State is one (he won two) and the other, maybe Hershall Walker, GA? +++ Edit: OK, I just looked it up. It seems I'm as good at answering the Heisman question as I am picking pre-season #1 teams. +++ The ultimate trick Heisman question would have been "how many juniors have won?" That's a trick question because the 2005 winner Reggie Bush voluntarily gave up the trophy due to the scandal of his agent giving him money and gifts, so instead of giving the trophy to someone else the winner was vacated. +++ Can you name any of the 3 Heisman Trophy winners who were picked #1 overall in the NFL draft AND are NFL Hall of Famers? The first guy won in 1956, the next guy in the '60's, the last guy in the '70's. Oj was a 1/1 is he still in HOF or that could be a trick question too, but as far as I know still in the Hall. People in Austin pretty much allknow that the Tyler Rose is a 1/1 and in the Hall So 50s, a guess, Doalk Walker.
  22. I haven't looked it up yet. I bet Archie Griffith from Ohio State is one (he won two) and the other, maybe Hershall Walker, GA? I have not looked yet either, but I think Archie Griffin won it as a Jr and Sr, unless maybe he didn't redshirt freshman year and they consider that a soohmore? My recollection is that all of the Sophmores and the Freshman were in about the last 10 years. Lately the Heisman has been a curse, a ticket to big, big early money and a quite, thus far, disappointing early start. The only Sophmores I think I can name is Tim Tebow.
  23. Actually it is Flipboard. You create yiur own interests, your own magazine if you want. Here is an example. FBI to launch new system to count people killed by police officers http://flip.it/FmHKn
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