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  • Gender
  • Location
    Twinsburg, Ohio
  • Interests
    Corvettes, jeeps, sound, woodcarving, and sometimes video editing.
  • My System
    1965 Decorator K-horns & Cornwall, all with Dean crossovers, CT-125 tweeters, and A55G midrange drivers.

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    http://www.jjkizart.com (art portfolio only) "E" mail--jjkizak@windstream.net

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JJkizak's Achievements

Klipsch Fanatic

Klipsch Fanatic (6/9)



  1. Urban Meyer, also the coach of Oregon. I forgot the others. JJK
  2. The media have already named 5 possible replacements. JJK
  3. Ryan Day should be fired. Four time looser. Terrible offensive coaching. JJK
  4. Those people are pretty good at what they do. JJK
  5. What happened to the high pitched voice guy? JJK
  6. JJkizak


    What's the punch line? JJK
  7. Ohio State did well but I think the coach should have had a quick talk to remind the rookie quarterback on the time management stuff. JJK
  8. I hate hornets and wasps and yellow jackets. JJK
  9. The last two days this forum has been slower than Deshawn Watson of the Cleveland Browns. JJK
  10. Thats capitalism at it's finest. JJK
  11. As long as big snakes don't migrate I will be OK. JJK
  12. JJkizak


    Or tell her it made her look pretty. JJK
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