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Travis In Austin

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Everything posted by Travis In Austin

  1. Klipsched, Do you have an update? How are you doing. Hang in there, it's hard but you can do it. If you have had slip here and there keep going, keep taking the Chantix and it will work. I hope to hear you have been doing well. Travis
  2. You're still probably 2 hours away? (maybe 3?) Chattanooga is about 90 minutes from me. If you DO swing up this way and want to have a Jube-Jam, just lemme know. You are welcome to come by. Probably go to Mikes too. Wife is working (fancy retail jewelry store) so she's going to be working every day from now til Xmas. Besides... might be nice to have another opinion on where to have JubeStock were it to happen. Thanks Richard, it would be right after Xmas, and I will keep you up to date on it. Travis
  3. Wasn't there some news lately about plants in China having big problems with counterfiting and pirating product? So the manuf. gets a great price on the labor and get a lower cost per unit, but they end up competing against themselves on the product that ends up going out the back door under a different, or even the same, name. I am sure that China has had to give more assurances on this but how do you keep that in check. I talked to an engineer who has to go to China periodically to vist their plant, QA, etc., and the conditions he describes are just horific. He just hates it when he has to go over there. Price does matter, it is the first principal in macro economics, however, at some point alltrustic values can come into play. Clothing and the gradual elimination of child labor used to mae it is a good example. When people were made aware of who was making their clothes and the conditions where they lived, they quit buying those clothes, even if others were more expensive. If you had a dog get sick recently you will pay twice the price on food, made in USA like Flint River Ranch, to avoid all of the hearache and expense and glad to do it.. Normally product liability laws insure that products are designed and made in a safe manner. Where products are made in a country where you have no legal recourse the only function that insures safety is inspection. We have discovered recently there is not enough resources to be able to do an adequate inspection. People eventually choose not to accept certain risks, such as with their children or pets, and will avoid products where risks remain. So while price is a major factor, other outside factor do come into play besides price as purely a function of supply and demand. Travis
  4. Well not really for me, but I think I will be driving to TN, Coytee's neck of the woods, to get my wife a new Great Pyrenees puppy for Christmas. http://great-pyrenees-dogs-puppies-for-sale.com/ I am more exited about getting her this then anything I could get myself. Besides, he will end up liking me better then her anyway.[:^)] Travis
  5. Jetro Tull tour dates/venues? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh. I am right, there is a sticker on my forehead that says: Kick him when he walks by, It took me awhile, but I figured out who he was, same old tricks. Maybe he will be nicer this time around. I think he could be if he tried, now that I managed to get him out of hiding, I have to figure out a way to get him to try to be a bit humble. I'm trying, but I don't think we are off to Tull together anytime soon, unless he can get us backstage passes. Doesn't he live in Texas now, or am I thinking of someone else? Travis ? [Y]
  6. Clothing stores. http://www.dawahares.com/index.php
  7. I know right where Florence is, there is a Dawahares there. I thougt Union sounded familar. Travis
  8. I can certainly understand where there are situations where a person may not want to talk about a period/job/siutation in ones past for a whole host of reasons. And my questions, while they were kind of directed to Mas specifically, it does not matter to me if Mas choses to answer them in general, as opposed to what his personal experience was. There may be a situation where for various reasons he is not supposed to talk about what they were using, and I certanly don't want him to violate any agreement he had to keep things confidential. I am interested in those things and I hope he does feel comfortable talking about them, as they relate to him specifically or other wise. So come on Mark, please share some of that knowledge, those were a just of few I have always wondered about. I have about 400 on It's a Beautiful Day Alone, and I know some of those you will want to avoid[] Travis
  9. Boy you sure can tell you moved from Santa Clara County to Humbolt County (or thereabouts)[] Actually, I agree 100% with what you are saying, you just said it so much better then me. That is why I bought from you, that is why I bought from my java house (I know the coffee is imported, but the owner, his wife, his kids live in my town). Price is always going to be the No. 1 factor for most people, and China is going to win that battle because they earn $25 a month, have children working in the plants, don't have to worry about keeping the enviornment safe, and have no accountability with product liability laws. However, if you want the best tool box money can buy you get a Gestner, made in USA. Sure they just started selling an inferior overseas line of products, but if you can, you get the hand made in the USA one. Can every machinist afford one now, no, but to me it is worth not getting somethine else in order to have that one instead of the very nice, but not made in USA one. Don't get me wrong, I have only been on this kick for a few years. It started with all things shoes and suits. Our garmet industry wiped out by, ahhh it doesn't matter the whys or the whats, I get satisfaction out of it. The other reason to buy local is that small business is what keeps this country going. Despite what anyone thinks about global economy, being competitive, small business in the US is what employees the majority of people. Without the local small business people there will be no need anything else. Travis
  10. By the way, where is Union in relation to either Lexington or Louisville?
  11. Jetro Tull tour dates/venues? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh. I am right, there is a sticker on my forehead that says: Kick him when he walks by,[] It took me awhile, but I figured out who he was, same old tricks. Maybe he will be nicer this time around. I think he could be if he tried, now that I managed to get him out of hiding, I have to figure out a way to get him to try to be a bit humble. I'm trying, but I don't think we are off to Tull together anytime soon, unless he can get us backstage passes. Doesn't he live in Texas now, or am I thinking of someone else? Travis
  12. Mas, No one, and I mean no one, is doubting that you are extreamly knowledgeable on a number of subjects related to audio. It is just the way you approach things, and while you may be the most knowledgeable person in a particular area it does not give you license to be condesending, inconsiderate of other people. You posted a reply to meagain's hum problem. It was beautiful, perfect. It was stated in simple terms, had a great handy article attached to it, etc. It was one of the most helpful, concise responses I have seen by anybody. You typically talk way above people (and I know I know nothing about the technical aspects of audio), you need to bring it down to our level, or the level of the person who you are talking with. There is no need to espouse your knowledge and then when there is a response where they don't understand, come down on them like a ton of bricks. There have not been that many changes Mas, that was how I was able to figure it out. Your style is not to come out with it. Your style is to hold something back so that you can come back with something to crush them with a response. Instead of saying, I have some experience in this area because of this, and you might want to consider thus, you prepare for a knock down drag out. I know it takes more effort, I know you should be able to just come out and say it, without explanination, etc. but to have it come across so people who want to read it requires that effort. For example, in this thread you could have come out and said something like: "I enjoyed reading your post about the concert, it brought back some memories for me, as I had the unique privledge to tour with Jethro Tull back in . . . . (this adds credibility to what you are saying without comming across like a jerk) Was Martin playing his signature __________? What did you think of the strings being part of __________? (asking questions shows you are interested in what the person has to say, in addition, it avoids the impression that a person thinks they know everything already). Mas, if you had left that little response, you would have had all kinds of inquirys about what you saw and heard back in the day. People would be dying to hear about it. But they don't want to be talked down to, they don't want to be deridded for asking something, so they don't. Did you notice, not one person responded, hey Mas that is really cool, Hey Mas I have always wanted to know about this, or that. But they didn't. I know your natural response is to come back at me with some attack about it does not matter to you what people think, or what I think about how you say it, etc., but it must matter if you keep coming back and reading and posting. The only reason it would not matter is if your sole motivation is to harass and annoy people. Which I don't think it is, at least I hope not. You could be a great teacher on here, just be a little bit humble. I know it's hard (hey that's a song isn't it) when we are all so dumb. To use your analogy about trying to explain religion to God, remember Jesus was a teacher. He had to explain things as to what God meant about many things, and he used a particular style in getting points across. Thier is nothing wrong with bringing your language down to a common level, to making your replys more succient. The word you need to look up, and I mean this in all sincerity, is humble. Try using some of it, it will go a long ways on here. I know how frustrating it must be dealing with the likes of me and others, who just are never going to get what you are saying, you just need go on to the next topic. You cannot save all of us you know. If you just don't see there is any room for improvement on your end then I am sorry for taking up your time with this. You seemed to be expressing some frustration in your previous post about people not understanding. I am offering the above with all sincerity, and I hope it is somehow helpfull. While we are all gathered here, if I could ask a couple of questions. You have posted previously (I am talking a few years ago, so I am talking generaly here) about one of the ways you came in contact with Klipsch was the tour was looking at possibly making a change and using Klipsch equipment. As I recall this was mid-tour. First, what speakers were they using on the tour, and what configuration? Did they always use their own speakers or were there situations where they would use the venue's system. One of my interests in the "business" of music, the economics (as in the science of economics, not so much in the accounting sense) of the music industry. So my other questions would be, who pays people like the sound engineer, lighting enginner. Is it the promoter for the tour? When you were touring with these bands had any of the bands made the switch to self-promoting. In other words, instead of collecting a check, they woud share in the risk of promoting their own tours in exchange or more of the revenue. (This was a big thing when the Stones made a "business decition) told Bill they were going to bypass him and Mick was going to promote it). I was just wondering if you saw that kind of shift with the tours you were working with. This is more personel, I am not asking about you specifically, but what kind of money would the head sound or lighting person make on a major tour such as with Tull or Floyd (since you worked with them as well). My impression/assumption, which is why I was curious, is that while it was a job that required skill and expertise, there was no shortage of folks who were interested in the position, thus the pay was relatively low. Again, I am asking in general and not with respect to you. Were there any union issues. For example Tull played in the LV Convention center. No one, I mean no one, does any wiring, rigging, moving, etc. unless you are in the Union. You could not carry a speaker into the center unless you were in the Teamsters. You can't plug something into a socket unless you are in the electrical union. Was there much of that on tour, or were you given waivers, etc. If you feel like answering any of these I would most appreciative. Travis
  13. Krudet: I hope you take Roy up on his offer to ask away about the Jubs, he will answer all questions. Don't worry about asking something you think might sound dumb, I hold the record for asking him the most dumb questions and it will never be broken. It is not very often that you have the opportunity to ask a principal engineer about his/her product. 6Foot8, I am really looking forward to seeing the photos. I have heard a lot about your system and have always wanted to see the photos. If you take regular ones and need somone to scan them I am sure we can get you hooked up on that easy enough. Heck, your in Fla. right? Just invite us all down and we will take a bunch of photos for ya. Can't wait to see them. Brother Bill H: I think you are overdue on photos. Unless I have missed them, but I don't recall seeing the sub in your room. If you have not said what xover are you running the Beast. Travis
  14. A pretty girl in the ad never hurt either. Travis
  15. Steve, I also just saw this today, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. If you are any kind of reflection of her, I know she was one heck of a wonderful woman. She raised you right. We will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Travis
  16. Mine was that stupid cowboy guy (Hope nobody still has it) that was one of the ones you selected when you started up with the forum. Travis
  17. Naw, He figured it would be cheaper to have an employee discount on all of the stuff he buys. Now, if he could only own stock. Mike is great, and on most days it seems like he has his dream job, and I am happy for him. It just kind of makes you smile thinking about Michael talking to some guy about Klipsch. Someone in a panic calls up, "Hello this is Mike" he listens to the problem "No problem, I actualy own 5 pairs of those and I had the same thing come up, here is what you wanna do . . . ." I am trying to figure out a problem I can call in to him just to hear him "live." I just hope they give him Christmas off. Travis
  18. Thomas, First, welcome to the forum, I hope you stick around, ask lots of questions, read up on things you are interested and have a good time. I agreee with your quote above, I think the vast majority of folks on here do, and Klipsch is not afraid to hear people discussing their products, good and bad. I am not only trying to buy US, but also local as much as I possibly can. Local coffee, sporting goods store, etc. Everything I possibly can I try to buy from a local vendor, then a US vendor. ()There are only two companies that make dress shoes in the entire US. Johnston and Murphy has the headquarters in TN, all shoes are made in Mexico. To do that I pay a big premium over what the same would be from a national retailer, and over products from China. When you buy a car it lists the content of parts and where they are assmebled. While I am a not in favor of a requirement for all products, I'm with you, companies should list whether they are made in the US or not. I can live with them using imported materials (like New Balance does). I love the catalogs and web sites that have a sticker that says, proudly made in the USA. Do I stick my head in the sand and say I refuse to buy this, or that, no, but I try to keep it in the US. With Audio it is so easy, you don't even have to strain to have the best of the best all USA made. McIntosh (foreign owend, but made in NY), Klipsch, Basis, NosValves, Juicy Music, Cary, and on and on and on and on. Hope you enjoy the forum. Travis
  19. Marty, I went back to the original post because I laughed so much when you originally posted on this very important topic. However, you promised a future talk on safe sex, which I never saw discussed. I am sure you were side tracked by such things as keeping the twins in tow, ensuring the bar was well stocked and other such matters. I was always to shy to ask about such matters in biology, health and gym class, and so I was hoping to see the helpfull hints you were offering on the subject in order having to ask in front of everyone. As you never followed up on that subject I guess I am forced to ask in front of the entire class: Here goes, and I would really appreciate it if you would specify in your answers whether the information is comming from you, or the twins, as I believe the subject of Safe Sex is very important: 1. What is the maximum speed one should be driving while having sex 2. What is the maximum height one should attempt the act without using a net; 3. Under what situations would you reccomend wearing a helmut, no not that kind, the kind that you strap on under your chin. Thanks in advance Professor, Travis
  20. Mas, You know, Gary is right, you are a very smart guy. It is a very big shame that you don't use it to be helpful to people (I know you think you are being helpfull, but you are not), but instead go about trying to insult, bait and harrass anybody you possibly can. I don't know what happened to you to be so mean spirted, so anti-social, but it really is sad. I have done very well as a trial attorney, not because I am the smartest person (far from it) but, by the grace of God, a lot of hard work, a great memory and some luck, I have been able to achive good results for clients along the way. Another reason for a long string of court room victories is that I have been blessed with a natural ability to read a person, in an instant. More specifically, as soon as they take the witness stand I am able to size them up, know their background, whether they are telling the truth, stretching it, hiding something, etc. This allows me to be very effective at cross-examination. I always love it when I have a prosecutor or a witness who thinks they are smarter then everyone else, I know it is going to be a fun trial. Not because I am smarter then them, I'm not, but because I know it is going to be a fun day. Whenever I have a cop or an expert witness who just knows they know more then everybody else I know my client's case is won. Without exception, where a witness like that is involved they end up hanging themselves. They can't help it, their ego won't allow them to keep things in check and they just melt down. The best part about it is that they don't even realize it, they think the jury is eating out of the palm of their hands, when in fact the jury says they didn't beleive a word the person said. It took me awhile, but it came to me. I know you, you have been on here before. You see you do in fact have a very distinctive "flair." The manner in which you tell the whole world how smart you are, on so many subjects, in a way the offends everyone (save and except Richard), is almost as unique as a fingerprint. But there were several things you said in your last few posts that brought your true identity to light. I don't know why I didn't catch it earlier, it was like a light switch went on, but it went on. You are the same, you have not changed one bit. I would have thought your last experience, under your prior identity would have taught you to restrain yourself, to be a gentle and kind person, or as least not so caustic and abrassive to everyone. Unfortunately, you are like those witnesses that I have had, very intelligent, but with a mindset that everyone is inferior to them. You just couldn't keep a lid on it, you cannot keep it contained. You just have to let the world know how smart you are, and moreover, how stupid everyone else is. You can't help it. You have been banned here before and you will be banned again at the rate you are going. I hope you can get it in check, to understand that you have to respect others before anyonoe will respect you, regardless of how smart you are. But I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Travis
  21. Marty, Thanks for the box of tea!!!!!! I have not had a chance to make a cup, but it is supposed to be cold this weekend so I think I will be making my wife and I a cup, thanks so much. Travis
  22. It has nothing to do with negligence. It means, The Thing Speaks for Itself, refering to your quote.
  23. I don't need to, you are the expert, we have you for that. You pull it off and put it out, except you can't get the facts right. I only checked a website to see if the swill you were trying to sell was accurate or not. My memory is getting terrible and I wanted to be sure that I was remembering those prior tours. Low and behold that web site shows that you were wrong. Then you go off on multiple tangents because you are the expert. Fact is that they played many of the same venues in '71 and '72. They even played a highschool in 72, something they were able to avoid in '71. Is the website wrong? Everything you are saying is hearsay, you have admitted that. Your trouble was you went and shot your mouth off about the sgnificance of a tour before they got the likes of you which you had no knowledge of, hearsay or otherwise. By the way, to my knowledge the Fillmore East held more then 3,000, maybe as many as 4,000, but you can look it up on a website and tell me I am wrong or becasue you were a soundman you counted the seats one day, I am sure you would know. I know for sure it held more then 2,000. As to the Fillmore East's capacity, it didn't matter. As a former sound man for Jethro Tull, I can understand how you may not understand this, but it didn't matter what the Fillmore East held, it could have been 500. What mattered was who was in the 500, or 2,000 or 3,000 when you played. Travis
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