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Everything posted by charlieboy

  1. Hi, Do you have any pics? I am very interested. Please keep me in mind. Charlie
  2. I know I was no help with my previous post but my budget a couple months ago was 3x what it is today.
  3. The problem is the word "budget" is different for everyone.
  4. First of all most of us here are crazy. Second I could fill the Bob and Sid with a various number of members here. LOL! Seriously funny!
  5. Nice score. Those JBL's are nice and the 500c is a gem. The lattice work on the console seem's 70's but I do not know. It must all weigh a ton in that console.
  6. I'm looking for a single black Heresy to go with the pair I have. The 1977 pair I have are about a 6 out of 10 as far as cosmetics so it does not need to be mint at all. Thanks. Charlie
  7. Thanks guy's. Jorden. That sounds like a plan sometime. That's a nice offer we may have to make happen. Olorin. I'm gonna play some Rush tonight to make the Heresy's feel at home. LOL! Thanks again everyone. Charlie
  8. It means a lot everyone. Believe me A LOT! I'm staying busy as hell right now as I know myself best and that's what I need right now. I'm looking at the positive side of evryting I possibly can. I sold off some extra gear and some duplicate records and raised a nice chunk of change for some grass in my front yard and some new furnishings for inside the house to brighten things up a bit. Thanks again everyone! Speaking of keeping busy here's what 4 hours and 2,500 sq ft of grass finally looked like. Now I need curbs around it. Oh well I got lot's of time!
  9. Hey bud, I actually fired up the tubes and those Heresy's last night for the first time since I saw you and picked them up.:-) Thanks again. Wish I could get that other set from you. If you change your mind let me know!
  10. Thanks everyone. It means a lot. Believe me! Charlie
  11. David, Can you pm on your daughters situation we have not talked in a while. Charlie
  12. Thanks everyone. I am happy to say I get to see my youngest as much as I'm able with no problems. That usually means a little here and there during the week and having her the weekend as well. Thanks again everyone.
  13. Well I have had some chats and PM's with some great members here after going through some rough times. I guess it's ok to talk about real quick with everyone. My partner of 15 years and wife of 13 left me a little over a month ago. I have not been alone since I was 19 and I met her when I was 20. It was out of the blue for me. I never cheated, lied or any other of the BS with her and took marriage very serious and told her I loved her every day. She just said she did not feel the same for me. We have 3 kids. 2 of them stayed with me and the youngest age 9 went with her. Our youngest child is a "special needs" child so she really has no choice I guess. I still love my wife and i think she is a great mom but I'm just starting to realize I have to move on. Anyway I just want to say thanks to some of the guys here "You know who you are" for the positive PM's and such. Ps Tonight will be the first night in over a month I wil try to fire up the tubes and horns for a listen! Charlie
  14. Well it was to be 2,200.00. I spoke to this guy from his Craigslist ad 3 times and we agreed if I went up to his place with cash Friday wich is today now that I could have it all for 2,200.00 I rented a cargo van and called him back at 9p.m. for the fourth time to finalize directions and the time of 8 a.m which was when I was to leave and he said he got a better offer after we had agreed. I made sure and asked him several times about the agreement as I had a 3 hour drive and van rental to take care of. Oh well my luck's been "shitty" lately anyway that SOB! http://www.craigslist.org/sfc/ele/151441439.html
  15. It's been a while but I want to start a HT in a NOW spare room I have. I'd like your thoughts please on this equipment list. It's all used and looks spottless. Any thoughts on fair values would be welcome also. Here's the list: Mitsubishi 65" HDTV Diamond Series Model WS-65711 Klipsch Reference Speakers: RF35 (1PR) RS35 (1PR) RW-12 Subwoofer (1) RC35 (1) Sony CD/DVD Lecteur Model DVP-cx985v Yamaha Reciever RX-v2400
  16. I posted wanting package setup. If you would like to ship I may be interested in the center surrounds and floorstanders.
  17. I sent a PM. If we could talk I would appreciate it. Thanks a bunch. Charlie
  18. I'm loking for a couple floorstanding speakers a center and pair of surrounds used. I have been forced to sell much of my High-End 2 channel gear and will probably be watching a lot of movies now so I could use some help. I made the dredded Besy Buy store visit yesterday but would rather not buy new as I really need to stretch my money. Thanks. Charlie.
  19. I wish I could honestly say I have a list. Iv'e just been to lazy over the years. I have around 7,000 records and 1,500 cd's. I'm not motivated enough to make a list at this point I guess.
  20. I'm gonna be patient. So if anyone see's some Cornwalls in My Central California are I'd love to hear about them. I'm gonna be patient as I have nothing but time on my hands now it seems. Charlie
  21. Got it Greg sent a reply. Still looking for Cornwalls. []
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