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Posts posted by seti

  1. A friend bought one off ebay years ago for around $600 which he restored to like new condition. I saw another sell at an auction at Klipsch during a pilgrimage for about $300. A local Klipsch fan has a three-way system with two shorthorns and a model t in the middle. It sounds better than I thought possible. They are rare and important part of history and a cool addition to any collection. Do you have documentation that says they are a prototype? Would love to see the docs!  These did see production for a short time?



    • Like 1
  2. New out of the box. Updated. Reset. I have the app installed.


    They charge unevenly.

    One won't charge all the way.

    When I use them both won't play reliably one keeps dropping. Haven't been able to listen longer than 5 minutes.



    Any fixes?

    Please advise!


    **support replaced 8-) **


  3. It was a smaller group but very high quality. There are discussions ongoing for making changes for the next get-together.



    A BIG THANK YOU to Ginny for stepping up and taking command of the visitor center and taking care of the day-to-day business. She is the local we desperately needed. The new gift shop is growing and getting many different products. Thank you Ginny!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thank you Roy and Jim for the classes and tours.


    The hardest working group we have is of course Craig and his crew. It is amazing to see the progress every time we go back.


    For all the members thank you so much because without you the PWK Museum wouldn't exist and the events would never happen. If you aren't a member please consider it https://www.klipschmuseum.org/membership

    • Like 4
  4. 5 hours ago, CWelsh said:

    It is the big can caps that really scare me. They are buried under a rat's nest of wires and have multiple wires connected to them. I recapped my Marantz 1060 and even replaced a few transistors, but everything is mounted on boards and is clean and easy. If it wasn't such a nice amp, I would try it. I just don't want to mess it up when I know someone with experience could restore it to better than new condition. I've even got all the new caps and am including them in the sale price.


    If you get exact duplicate can caps made from HeySeed you just take really good pics so you get everything right and make sure you get everything on the right value. Don't do anything you aren't comfortable with but it isn't bad if you get the right parts and document properly.

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, CWelsh said:

    Fisher X-101-B Part III


    This is why I chickened out on replacing the caps!


    Chasis Bottom.JPG


    Don't chicken out just replace the big can caps with some from Heyseed Electronics and that big brown electrolytic and you will be most of the way there. I love these fishers and can't get enough of them.  Good luck.



    • Like 1
  6. How much does an 1802 HLS cost. It will go lower than 20hz and sounds fantastic. I have one and it is insanity. After hearing the new Jubilee I understand where they are going. Klipsch is as good now as they have ever been. The road ahead is bright. IMO.


    The new subs are based on the HLS technology. These new subs will be game-changers because traditional subs just can't keep up with horns. I know I tried for years and sold every sub I ever heard. The only one I liked was Bruce Edgars Titan but it belonged to a friend.




    1957 Ampex console first stereo console.


    This is a good one. I've had it for years and taken many stabs at restoration. I finally made some progress. The amps, preamp, and tuner are now functionally. I also added some bluetooth. The record changer is going to be swapped and the RTR need serious help. The belts fell out the motor needs some work. All that being said I have a tuner and bluetooth for now.


    The guts all spread out so we can find issues more easily.



    Nice little JBL 8" full rangers.





    • Like 8
  8. Ok it was noisier than I could be happy with so we replaced the filament transformer with a potted filament transformer. We also added potted upgraded choke. Also rerouted some input wires. It is now much much better. Don't think it can get any quieter. This is abit over the top for what I need so it must go.


    Forum price $850











    • Like 1
  9. On 10/27/2023 at 6:50 PM, Marvel said:

    Thebes just hates the Beatles... I never liked John, but I think Sir Paul is one of he most prolific writers of this century. I like a LOT of his music.


    They were never as good separately as they were together as a group. John has always been my fave.  If John had lived longer there is no telling what would have happened I'm sure we would have had another album or two but they went out on top.. Go read the book The Beatles Sessions. It is an eye opener on how much they collaborated which was a lot. It also shows the influence of Martin and the EMI engineers. Together they were unstoppable and built a catalogue of work unequaled in such a short amount of time. 



  10. 2 hours ago, MMurg said:

    As a final capper to the day, we went over to the Klipsch Museum to hear something that no one has heard for decades, the original Klipschorn X-3 prototype with the original X-5 HF horn actually playing music.  Museum members Iain Moore and Chris Hornbeck undertook a project over the last two years to restore it to operational condition.  They found a compatible woofer (since the original is damaged and no one wanted to risk ruining it by attempting a repair) and got the Westinghouse tweeter working.  They also used Paul’s original plans for the tube amplifier that he used with the prototype and created a functional replica.  Jim demoed it for us.  While the HF only goes out to about 8 kHz, the speaker sounded surprisingly good. 


    Thanks for the kind words. Jim Hunter got the #1 Khorn operational. I just bought a woofer off of ebay which we aren't sure is optimal but appears to have worked. Lucky us. The museum still had some PWK Western Electric 555s left so Jim had to make a stand so the weight of the driver didn't hurt the horn. This also required a field coil supply of about 7 volts @ 1.5 amps. Then it was ready to roll.


    This all started when Jim and someone found an amplifier carcass in the basement. The original idea was to do a delicate restoration but this amp wasn't safe by any modern standards.  This thing ran just under 400v across the room to the speaker. This is when I noticed the gain goes to 11 so eat your heart out spinal tap. Then we found late 1940's articles that mentioned his Push Pull 6a5g / 2a3 amplifier with integrated electronic crossover. This was the amplifier parts we had on hand. I didn't feel right changing the artifact.  We decided to leave the amp as an artifact in the museum and build something from scratch based on the artifact, schematic, and the articles PWK left for us. This was a group effort I just paid for stuff and was the solder monkey 8-) . Dave Slagle of intact audio helped figure out all the custom iron for the electronic crossover. Not only did Dave figure it out and wind the parts but he donated them to the museum. This project would never have worked without so much help and expertise from Jim, Chris, and Dave... BTW the tubes in this amp were PWK's and were in the original they still tested good so we used em... I hope PWK would be ok with some of the liberties we took.


    Oh BTW this is a 5 Watt amplifier.


    Some parts are different just because we had better parts available. This is what started it all.

    PWK MAIN AMPLIFIER - Klipsch Museum Of Audio History — Retro Vintage Modern  Hi-Fi


    Here is the artifact...

    PWK Amplifier Schematic - Talkin' Tubes - The Klipsch Audio Community


    • Like 6
  11. It would be worth more if you had two. There are DIY guys that use these. I have no clue what they are worth but they are fun....

    My friend Dave used them for whacky creations.

    These are scary AF to light up and not for the faint of heart 2.5v 16a. I am in favor of overbuilding and doing stupid things but these are insanity. The diy crowd use them as rectifiers the grid as a plate and leave the plates alone.




    Jeffrey Jackson used them for a field coil supply..





    If they don't find a home let me know.




  12. On 2/9/2023 at 2:02 PM, DrWho said:

    I don't think anyone picked up on this....


    I was always told we had to get our audio toys before getting married. You are a brave man, haha.


    Btw, newly married myself and getting a new house this year. I haven't broached the speaker conversation yet, so I might be reaching out for tips, haha ;)


    Oh, and congrats! And good luck with this crazy housing market.


    Congrats guys 8-)

    My wife has bought Belles for our living room and approved new Jubilees for music room... Better than a motorcycle 8-)


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