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Everything posted by seti

  1. ---------------- On 12/9/2004 10:10:58 AM Allan Songer wrote: Anything by the band called "Journey." ---------------- You've got that right Allan growing up my friends loved Journey and it drove me nuts. Lets not forget Air Supply and the other bands of their genre from the early 80's ah wait no lets forget them : )
  2. OK I forgot about this but Mr.Shatner was on late night TV the other night promoting his new album......Wonder if it will be available in SACD format? William Shatner's New Album More than 35 years after the release of his debut solo album, William Shatner teams up with Ben Folds to create Has Been, a surprisingly pop-driven, lyrically potent collection of songs written by the duo. With the exception of Trying, co-written by Folds and novelist Nick Hornby (High Fidelity, About A Boy), Real by Brad Paisley, and Pulps Common People, Shatner proves to be a witty and self-deprecating poet, while Folds talent for crafting the perfect pop melody has never been more evident. Heard about this via Sam and Fuzzy. Listening to the samples and interviews on Shatners site, the album seems really genuine. I feel really good about this; it fits. Makes me happy to see Shatner pull this off, at the right time, and in a good manner.
  3. ---------------- On 12/9/2004 12:29:39 AM mike stehr wrote: Yoko's stuff has to be worse than prince..... ---------------- When I wanna get a date in the mood I just slap on some old fashion Yoko. Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 Number 9 come on you know John wasn't responsible for that~!
  4. I hadn't thought of the WAF factor hmm perhaps she did it..bad evil women.. I think a nice exotic veneer would have been much more effective. They look like Klipsch from the cover of Southern Living. They don't like that bad from a distance but close up barfy..... OMG They sold already.......
  5. I'd like to know who the hell bought all the soft cell albums or better yet who kept their copies. When you go to buy some used vinyl check the "S" section and look for soft cell and your bound to find 10 to 20 copies of the same bloody awful LP. Kraftwerk good soft cell bad seti
  6. They just don't look right at all. If that carpenter took one step too close to my belles I would club him like a baby seal!
  7. muh mudder drank scotch de holle time she be pregenant wit me und i um finee i had some trouble with a cdp i bought off of audiogon from canada but the audiogon staff was very helpful with the resolution although i will not by from outside the us again.
  8. I thought they were more fugly can you believe the price LOL.... I'd like to see how they arived at the price.
  9. http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?spkrfull&1107611264 Klipsch LaScala-beautiful custom made LaScala. Solid hard maple furniture quality trim at all corners/joints, glass tops set flush atop beveled hardwood trim. 17S801 and 17S802-late seventies models. Look at the birch grain obtained for these! High end Solen and Musicap parts as well as wound Litz wire. Big difference! Cant beat vintage Klipsch drivers and cabinets; crossovers have improved greatly in 30-40 years and thus the improvements have been taken advantage of here and are incorporated. Have type AA crossovers as well if you prefer and will bring price down by ~$300. Hardwood casing adds stability and tighter controlled base. Think about it. 150 lbs each and these speakers are stunning! Wives will love these! I will place these lascalas as the best looking you can find! Also in performance! LOOK AT ALL PICS CAREFULLY TO SEE QUALITY! $2000 is firm with crossovers, offers with type AA (any choice fine-save money if use standard AA-still great!)These are much better and prettier than new ones costing $3000. Local pick-up preferred. But, will deliver for reasonable price in a 500 mile radius!(depends on distance).
  10. Wow no last minute bidding and reserve not met at $611.00
  11. I keep the speakers oiled every so often. What do you oil them with ?
  12. I have been reading klipsch user reviews via google searchs and several reviews mention some changes that were made to the heritage line. ____excerpt Additionally, this would be a good time to remind faithful readers that any Klipsch speaker requires considerable user tweaking. I would estimate that after 200 hours of moderate volume playing and the removal of a damn redundant elliptical filter in the high horn circuit, the Belles softened wonderfully. ____ What is this 'elliptical filter' and does it warrent removal ? ____excerpt Also, you'll see two, small, black, rectangular 2-mfd capacitors setting side-by-side. You'll notice an identical capacitor that sets perpendicular to them. There is a jumper wire that goes from the lone cap to one of the side-by-side caps. Snip that wire. You've just cut the elliptical circuit. It stores energy and rings like crazy. This removes much nastiness. ____ fact or fiction ? ____excerpt Roll up two small balls of plumber's putty and smooth them over the backside of the metal tweeter horn. This will dampen any ringing. ____ Hadn't heard this one. ____excerpt Mount the crossover network on rubber bumpers available at the hardware store. Lastly, stuff the mid/tweet horn cabinet with as much polyfill as can be stuffed into this recess. ____ Hadn't heard of this one either.
  13. ---------------- On 12/5/2004 9:00:33 PM tomski wrote: I bet on dark stormy nights if you sneek up to their windows and listen, you will hear the "mad scientists" apon powering up their "systems" cry out "IT IS ALIVE"!!! ---------------- To bad they muted they next line in that movie "now I know what it feels like to be God" : ) (Whisper- Also for a group that likes light bulbs,they often listen in the dark,their a very odd bunch) Hadn't thought about that LOL how true. I ran my Belles with solid state gear for a while and it sounded alright but my Belles really came alive with tubes and I am glad I gave them a try.
  14. Can any CDP be used as a transport for a DAC? Musical Fidelity A324 24 Bit Upsampling DAC and Music Hall MMF CD-25 single CD player w/remote http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=3280&item=5735179821&rd=1 6922 Tube DAC PCM-63 PK Decoder for CD-Player http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14974&item=5735592710&rd=1 THETA COBALT DAC D/A CONVERTER DIGITAL CD http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14978&item=5736023860&rd=1
  15. Good price unfortunately I am going to be cashless till about January. Wish I had bought a phono pre before I bought a house. drat double drat. He also posted a hagerman cornet based on the 6sn7 bet it's great. http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cl.pl?preaphon&1106372348
  16. ---------------- On 11/16/2004 9:55:23 PM Daddy Dee wrote: Bob, How do you like the Wright pre with the 2a3's? I love my Wright's but have never heard them driven with one of Geo's pre's. ---------------- Hey Dee I am in town and have a wright pre if you ever want to hear it give me a pm and perhaps we can arrange some time for some listening. It was one of the biggest improvements to my system so far. I really really really need the wright phono pre.......
  17. ---------------- On 12/4/2004 6:02:22 AM Timmikid wrote: I'm very happy that it appears that I have won the items anyway, even though it's more money than I thought they would end up to ---------------- Yeah just try to come in under budget on an audio system. I like budgets I especially like the wooshing sound they make as they fly by.
  18. I think it looks pretty cool. Would be cool to clean it up updated some components and see how it sounds. I would take the black rails/handles off the sides. I tried finding a pic of what it came out of but to no avail.
  19. I'm a network/sysadmin for a small org get to use what I want. Yeah I remember compiling linux kernel 1.3 ug nightmare. I've used it off and on fora while BSD always requires abit more tweaking but can't be beat for stability. SGI\irix are cool but they give me a rash. I use kde when I need to work and gnome when I want eye candy it's getting better though and with Sun pitching in to help with development it should come up nicely. I can't stand pc's but if you wanna talk job security yee freek'n haw. Oops is this #Klipsch or #Geekout. Thanks for the reply will wait for a reply from a modecalc interpreter.
  20. Oh cool thats a bez! If I didn't already have a Wright Pre I would consider giving one a try especially at that price.
  21. You can count on ebay for some strange gear it must be the best store ever! Check this puppy out. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=14974&item=5735236632&rd=1 I was looking for some 6SN7 tubes when I found this preamp very well made for the money I think it would be hard to go wrong. Would sell on audiogon faster I think.
  22. LOL good one didn't think of DOS emulation LOL. Are you running Gnome on FreeBSD? Once I got my teeth into OS X I ditched my linux distros and bsd except of course when I need a good firewall or router I use BSD. I usually don't have to reboot them except for power outages etc. I also should have added that I am a modecalc newbie in fact till i started read these forums the room size never even entered my head as a possible component of my system. I don't completely understand the output. Is this good bad or ugly? Thanks again!!!!!!!
  23. I just did the room size search which yielded the modecalc link I was looking for but the bloody thing runs in DOS which I am sure my OS X unix command line doesn't know jack about LOL..... In short I just measured my audio room and it has 11ft ceilingings. The room is 13.5 ft wide and 15.5 ft long. Just curious how this would stack up on the mode calc. It is not open on any walls and can be closed up pretty good. Any info much appreciated thanks
  24. I in vited a local band over to listen to a cd they had just cut and the guys were floored. They said they couldn't tell the difference on the cd players in their cars or homes but on the Klipsch they could tell a big difference on which tracks were recorded at which studio. They actually based their decision on which studio to use in the future from that experience pretty cool actually.
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