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Everything posted by ARPRINCE

  1. ---------------- On 1/16/2005 7:30:13 PM Gramas701 wrote: if your player is still wroking well, I would hold off until you can just buy a dvd player that is HD blu-ray what have you. you make a valid point, but somewhere along the line you just have to settle for something you like ---------------- I agree! Wait for the PlayStation 3 (blue ray)!!
  2. You should have gone straight to his manageer and see what happens. That's what I usually do if I have problems with the person assisting me.
  3. I have the model Samsung HL-P5085W and on one of the brochure being handed out it says: "The DLP Panel is insusceptible to the damaging effects of heat, humidity, VIBRATION, and aging."
  4. ---------------- On 1/6/2005 11:32:49 AM Amy Unger wrote: I agree. The marketing giant is spitting out "singers" such as Britney and Ashlee, and now the "new school" of Hillary Duff and Lindsay Lohan, but thankfully for every one of them, there seems to be a young girl out there with real talent to satisfy the non-teenybopper crowd and inspire young girls who truly want to showcase their talent and not their fingernail polish, such as Norah Jones and Joss Stone. Even singers such as Jewel, Avril Lavigne, Michelle Branch, and Sarah Mclachlan are very talented. All is not lost. ---------------- I totally agree with you on Jewel. I remember watching her on one of the morning show where she sang a Christmas song (I think it was Silent Night way back 2003)live with only a guitar as accompaniment. All I can say was that "I WAS BLOWN AWAY!!!" It was the best, NO, it was the "BESTest" rendering of that song I have ever heard in my 36 years of existence. Well, of course it did help a little that I always did find her very pretty.
  5. What can I say, she may not have the talent to sing but she looks HOT (to me)!! But her sister Jessica Simpson is by far the HOTTEST of them all!!!!
  6. Samsung has a HI DEF CONVERSION DVD players that you may want to look at and is within your budget. Specs looks great but has no DVD carousel that you are looking for. Planning to get one when the wife says "YES" - hehe. http://product.samsung.com/cgi-bin/nabc/product/b2c_product_subtype.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@0915307834.1104932194@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccccadddhlkhhlfcfejceefdfggdhgk.0&eUser=&prod_path=%2fAudio+and+Video%2fDVD+Player%2fHi-Def+Conversion+DVD+Players
  7. ---------------- On 1/4/2005 12:51:58 AM Colin wrote: nice stands ---------------- Thanks. They really are and was really glad I got it. I was also looking at the classy BELLO stands but VTI was a match to my TV. The center stand is 13" high.
  8. I got the VTI VSP series. The base is a solid and heavy making the stand really stable. The aluminum post is fillable. I got the 29" but is also available 24" high.
  9. OK Hope this works. I attached the file prior to composing.
  10. Having problems attaching a file and editing my last post. Sorry no pix. hehe
  11. I took this one when I started putting all my stuff together a few weeks ago. Really glad we had the basement fixed. Now I always tell my wife that the basement is MY DOMAIN and anything that she wants to put in there just got to have my approval - hehe.
  12. I was at my son's karate school and started reading PS. There was an article there about BOSE. A brief background on the man behind the name and company and what they are up to right now. Interesting facts if I may say so (i.e. MIT grad/prof. and it is a billion dollar a year, privately held company, etc.) Now, they are venturing into auto mechanics. Yes, their new "INNOVATION" is a high tech "SHOCK ABSORBERS".
  13. I bet you can get a replacement of your remote on one of those internet websites where they sell you refurbished "ORIGINAL" remote of your unit (TV/DVD/RECEIVERS/etc.). I would however STRONGLY DISCOURAGE you on getting them though. My JVC TV remote crapped out on me and wanted an original replacement. JVC site was selling it for more than $100 buckaroos. Went with the internet stuff cost it cost something around $35. Worked flawlessly for a month or so and then some of the button functions started to go haywire. I would never ever again buy remote replacement unless they are from the manufacturer.
  14. SEARS has an eBAY outlet too so it was not a surprise to me when you mentioned BB has an ebay outlet account. Company wise, I think it's a good move to dispose off "old/unwanted" inventories.
  15. ---------------- On 12/7/2004 7:26:55 PM myriadcorp wrote: Get a radio shack spl meter and set it up yourself. Make your sub about 3-5db above your other speakers. You can do this with the gain or the setup in the receiver. If you want more bass crank up the gain or the db in the receiver. ---------------- OK. I finally figured out (i think) on how to use the SPL meter. As I was reading through the SVS manual, I set up the meter according to instructions. Sitting in the middle, I run tone test on all of my speakers with my receiver at 0 db. I would then point the meter in the direction of the speaker running the tone test and adjust them accordingly. Initially, the meter needle was reving beyond the +6 db and adjusted it so that it falls to +3 and thats for my F/C/R speakers. I adjusted my sub to +6. I don't even know if +3 is OK. I figured it's in the middle so I chose that reference point. I picked +6 for the Sub because it's +3 above my other speakers. Am I on the right track here? TIA
  16. The Yamaha YPAO AUTO configuration set all the speakers to LARGE. I read a few post prior to setting up my system so I set it the SMALL manually. So right now, it is small accross the board. If this is the case, it means that the X-OVER is engaged. Since the X-OVER freq I have is 80HZ, does that mean all frequency below 80Hz goes to my sub? TIA
  17. OK. I will try different variations tonight. If I set the speakers to LARGE or SMALL, in general, should that configuration be accross the board (F-C-R)? I actually have the SPL meter but I really don't know how to use it right now so I'm reading through the SVS manual. Thinking of getting the AVIA or Video Essentials DVDs (good idea?).
  18. I finally received my speaker cables and banana plugs yesterday and started running cables to my speakers (RC35, RF35, RB35, SVS-PB12ISD, YAMAHA RXV1500). I finished at around 2 AM and run the YAMAHA YPAO auto configuration. When all is said and done, all the speakers where set to LARGE with a X-OVER frequency of 80Hz (I think). Needless to say, I was looking for a more profound bass so I changed all my 5 speakers to SMALL. I wasn't really able to crank the volume up because it was almost 3:00 PM (watching and testing the sound system with THE MATRIX) when I decided to call it a night. Is there something more I need to look at? Should I set the surround speakers to LARGE? I really would prefer to get a lot more bass, you know, the likes that rattles the room. TIA BTW, It'a actually the first time I really had a good HT setup and I can only say "WHOA!" . With the Reference 35 speakers that I have. The dialogue is so clear and the sound effect was outstanding, yup, just like in the movies but better IMHO. On one scene where NEO was shooting the machine gun in the helicopter and the bullets run accross the screen from left to right, you can actually hear the sound shifting from left to right too.
  19. OK I ended up getting option #1 simply because they told me that they didn't have the RC7 on stock and don't know when they would get it. I brought home my RF35 last Friday (11/26). I got my RC35 and RB35 last night. Opened the boxes to check them out and I REALLY REALLY love them (it's the same feeling you get when you open up presents during X'mas when I was a kid). These units are just a thing of beauty!!!! All in all, I got my system with a 23% discount from the list price - not bad IMHO. I got my Yamaha RXV1500 for $545. Better than any internet price out there and coming from an Authorized dealer at that. I received my SVS PB12-ISD last night too! OMG, these thing is HUGE and HEAVY!!!!! I was not at home when it was delivered but I was told that the UPS guy asked to be helped to carry them in the house. I began to wonder if I should have gotten the PB10 instead. Can't wait to set them up since my cables/connectors and stands are still to be delivered. But I'm happy and believe me when I say that "HAPPY" is an understatement!!
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