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Everything posted by Thumpelstiltskin

  1. Here's an ad I found. They're too far away for me, but maybe someone here could get a great deal. "WONDERFUL KLITSCH HORNS, klitchors corner speakers top of the line, all horn speakers, oak, $3500 new only $1250 /obo, cash only; 612-861-3434 Richfield, MN."
  2. Congratulations DT! That is a very nice setup that you should be proud to own.
  3. Your ad for the Heresy speakers is in the Technical Questions section. Good luck.
  4. ---------------- On 1/23/2005 11:33:58 PM silversport wrote: Can anyone tell me the age of Heresys that have a "W" as the 4th "digit?" Is that year 1981??? Thanks... Bill ---------------- Yes. Those are from 1981.
  5. ---------------- On 1/23/2005 11:05:01 AM bsafirebird1969 wrote: i dunno ... the Denons are kinda limp .... ---------------- Compared to what???
  6. Don't shut it off until you've sent your homework. Good luck....
  7. I don't have the speakers, but I do have a piece of Klipsch literature that covers the KSF-10.5 and 8.5, KSF-C5 and KSF-S5 speakers. I have no use for it. Send me your address through a private message if you'd like to have it.
  8. ---------------- On 1/18/2005 11:41:26 PM DeanG wrote: You should buy the new ones Bob Crites sells. ---------------- I've bought some diaphrams from Bob, but I didn't know he sold tweeters. Thanks for letting me know.
  9. ---------------- On 1/18/2005 5:30:57 PM Budman54 wrote: pair of 77's on ebay right now #5744799005. did you buy those cornwalls from ashland, ky ???? ---------------- I saw the ones on Ebay, but I'd rather buy here from a forum member if possible. My cornwalls are not the ones from Ashland, Ky., but they are less than 10 miles away from me. The seller sounds like a real jerk, so I didn't even look at his. I found mine in a local trader paper, advertised as "Cornwells". I called the guy and asked if they were actually Cornwalls. He said no, they were "Cornwells" and were made by "Eclipse".....cracked me up.
  10. Does anyone have a pair of K-77 or K-77-M tweeters they'd like to sell?
  11. Hey.....can you still get a pair of K-77 or K-77M tweeters? I just got home with a pair of Cornwalls, opened them up and found radio shack tweeters inside. Please help if you can.
  12. ---------------- On 10/21/2004 8:18:21 AM Tom Adams wrote: That's right folks, we may no longer be needed. Our little community of tweekers and geekers will soon be over-run by a well organized and well funded group of folks that intend to blitzkrieg through us like crap through a goose. And to make matters worse, our freebie advice/help will give way to folks having to pay for what we gladly give away on a daily basis. I direct your attention to the latest corporate greed monster that's been created by none other than Best Buy.... THE GEEK SQUAD! Yes ladies & gentleman. A group of talented individuals that have been focused trained to be the geekiest of the geeks. Their sole purpose in life to help the A/V challenged masses of the world and charge them an arm & a leg. I truly believe these almost zombie-like geeks will roll into various cities and towns JUST LIKE YOU LIVE IN and will mindlessly take over control of HT setups and ridding folks of chroma bugs. And it sadens my heart to tell you that I'm afraid that we here may have been infected - at the very least, we've been duped and have help spawn one of these "Geeks". I hate to turn him out, but Kenratboy....you've been outted! I say it's time we take a stand against this onslaught of controlled geekness. It is in vain, folks, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from Best Buy will bring to our ears the clash of the Geek Squad’s tools! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of Monster Cable and extended warranties? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Klipsch or give me death! Tom ---------------- Paranoia will destroy ya'.
  13. Costco has a Pioneer 64" tv for $2000. I'm hoping someone here can tell me if it's a good deal. Has anyone seen it or had any experience with this big screen? Also, is 64" too big when sitting 10 to 11 feet away? Any help would be appreciated.
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