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Everything posted by rplace

  1. They don't write 'em like that anymore....RIP Greg Kihn.
  2. 9 RVG CDs and 1 Connoisseur CD Series. Most are in really nice condition. All guaranteed to play 100%, the Bud Powel has a promotional sticker on the face of the CD and creased back artwork...but you want them for the brilliant 24bit remastering by Rudy Van Gelder anyway. If you need specifics on any titles let me know and I'll get more pix. Some jewel cases have shelf wear, price tag sticker goo, etc. I'm pretty good at packing (ask around) but you never know with USPS. As of now all the jewel cases have good, unbroken hinges, no shattered front/back, etc. $110 PayPal Friends and Family shipped to your door media mail and I'll throw two more in the box for free...see pix of Sara Vaughan Verve Master Edition and Late Might Piano Various Artists. Check prices of SOLD listings on ebay I bet you can't get these 10 for twice the price.
  3. Clearing out some space. Handy devices and worked great for switching between my VRDs, 2A3s and SS HT amps. Looks like $50-75 is the going rate on eBay for each piece. All 3 shipped to your door for $75 PP FF or...Zelle 😉
  4. What was thinly veiled, even you got it?
  5. I sooooo want to believe that every single one of your posts is actually sent by Jeff `The Dude' Leboswki sitting in a robe drinking a White Russian. Careful man, there's a beverage here.
  6. Apologies if my OP was not clear that the point of Friend and Family via PayPal holds zero weight. We were both fine with that. Actually he is fine with it I would not sell ANYTHING today via paypal without it being friends and family. If you have sold anything of substantial value on PayPal since around 2011 you realize that PayPal almost always sides with the buyer no matter what. And the scammers know this. I personally know a guy that is 100% legit, honest, salt of the earth, straight shooter, and sold a 3,000+ watch on a watch forum via PayPal Goods and Services. Buyer shows "unboxing" pix of a box of rocks "sent". After a long back and forth PayPal takes the $3K back from the legit seller. Watch and $$$ all in the hands of the buyer....well thief. I personally only deal with people I can build up a rapport with and convince them I'm above board. I don't really need to sell my stuff. I value the space these days more than the cash. If they won't meet in person and absolutely have to have my cast off junk, then they can live with my rules. Its just knee jerk reactions and hearsay these days for old farts to say "Never buy anything Friends and Family or get a certified check or postal money order only" that was so 2006. All the selling sites have sided with the buyers. legit, honest sellers inturn get screwed. That was my whole point in the first post that I need some Zelle expertise and not just "I've never used Zell but...." @Ceptorman gets it. This is the new world we are living in, like it or not. TikTok, Amazon same day delivery for "free". People want things now and if both sides are comfy, PP FF is fine. Just be smart about it on both sides. I just sold a $4,500 DAC to a guy in Canada. He paid PayPal Friends and family because he didn't use Venmo (instant no fees no protection). I shipped it to a 3rd party PMB in New York. He traveled across the border to pick it up. Here is is feedback on US Audiomart he left for me: "He did everything he said he would. An excellent seller highly recommend. He is honest and transparent. Definitely a plus to the HiFi world. If you are buying from him be assured your are in capable hands. I highly recommend him" So much for never buy with PP FF, no? I hardly post here anymore because of all the chaff and not much wheat. I get it we are all wasting time and like to poke fun and rib each other. Also, ultimately it is just an Internet forum. That's why this place used to be so much fun. Flip side when people had legit questions and were looking for non-audio advice, most (key word most) used to be helpful not spew out crap they had no idea about. There is a place and time for everything. I used be on fantastic Home Brewing forum where rule #1 was "don't be a d!ck". Pretty sage advice for all of life, I think.
  7. Care to elaborate? I'm looking for insight as a Zelle seller not a PP FF buyer. Perhaps the comprehension issue is more widespread.
  8. On that point we are in total agreement. Sending the item and then losing funds down the road is the real concern. If it is just an honest mistake, I want the deal done and behind me. I in no way want to screw the guy if he is legit. Everything I read from the reverse perspective of trying to get back a transaction after you send it, more or less says you are SOL.
  9. That would be the worst possible things I could do. Because Zelle payments are like leaving cash on a table and walking away. If by chance this is a sophisticated scam and not an honest mistake on the buyers end, I'd be sending the perpetrator my money with zero recourse. As I said in the OP we have a "reasonable" comfort level. But from my perspective there is no way I'd send him money via Zelle. I'd use Zelle for paying the kid that cut my lawn after he did it because you can't un-cut my lawn. I'd never use it to pay for stuff sold online to a guy I never met. Split a check with a person you had dinner with - yes. Pay for a car before it was in my driveway and title signed over, no way!
  10. Yet you felt compelled to offer $0.02 anyway. Love it, this is just like the old Klipsch Forums circa 2006. Thanks for taking the time. Didn't one of the Ts in ATT stand for telegraph? Is anyone here younger than I am....I'm almost 60. Yes, I'm being a jerk. Seriously, thanks for trying. I was pretty sure I'd get several posts like this. Its a rather unique set of circumstances and not a wealthy prince that needs my help.
  11. Hey all, I'll cut to the chase not BS. I'm looking for somebody that knows more than I do. I think I am dealing with a poor dumb b@st@rd, but if not he is the sharpest scammer ever. Working out a deal, and the guy is supposed to send me a PayPal friends and family payment. We have a reasonable comfort level and I'm on the receiving end so all good I figure. He sends me a $1 PPal payment and I think all is good. He is just being safe and making sure my info is correct. I say send the rest and I'll ship in the morning. I go to bed last night. I get up, no paypal payment. I send him a WTF, message saying don't jerk me around. He says he will send ASAP, got busy last night, etc. I end up getting a Zelle payment in full....but I never gave him my Zelle info. I say what's is up, he says he was having problems with PayPal. If you know anything about Zelle once it is gone its from you account is gone. You should only pay people you know well and trust like @Thaddeus Smith or @richieb, right guys? I look up a bunch of info online about Zelle specifically (not PayPal or Venmo that offer protection) and I call my bank. They more or less tell me the money is mine. Zelle customer support is non-existent. Still I'm skeptical. I don't see a way to "return", refuse, cancel a Zelle payment. Bank also tells me no way to cancel it back to the sender....like PayPal does. If I were to send him a payment back it would literally be like my putting cash on the table and walking away. I don't think that is an option. I truly think they guy is just a bit confused and dull (older gentleman based on what I have gathered) and I don't want to not send the item if this is all just a silly mistake on his part. But I did ask for PayPal and he agreed and he did the $1 right the first day. My spidey senses are up and I'm not feeling the love. Over zealous on my part or one hell of a long play for the scammer?
  12. Tie between: 1993 And 1992 Oh man, somebody stop me! Pasting all these video links I'm starting to feel like Randy
  13. Sold, you all, 'Yall, you guys missed out on a awesome DAC.
  14. Bump for price drop....$4,500.
  15. ...and an even better book
  16. It is the Plus, all handpicked caps/resistors, IIRC. 100% original, no mods.
  17. Tons of info available online about this wonderful DAC. Rave reviews and all that stuff just look around if you need to. Right now it is in my equipment rack. I'll take it out if you need more pix, but it went from the shipping box to where it sits now. Local pickup for now in the Baltimore, MD area. its a beast at over 40 pounds. Willing to drive a bit to meet you depending how easy you make the transaction. If you are truly serious you are welcome to demo it in my space. I have all the original boxes/packing/paperwork PM with any questions you might have. Anything you see in the pictures are glare, dust or fingerprints. My room has no windows and is painted black so hard to photograph. Took some with and without the lights on. It has a FPGA processor so easy to keep it updated. It is my understanding that nothing has changed except the firmware in the past several years. From memory this is a 2021 or 2022, but same model you can buy today for over $7K. $4,500 cash on pickup or Zelle or Venmo or PP Friends and Family. If you really must have it shipped we can work something out. Send me a label, arrange for shipping, have a friend pick it up. I'll drop it off at your preferred shipper but the details are on you. Thanks for looking!
  18. Same here. If I took all my audio purchases in the last 20 years....speakers, amps, tubes, record cleaners DACs, heck anything but music. Roon is the single best purchase at any cost. I'm happy with Plex to manage my local video library be it purchased or phone video. Can't comment on VLC. I'm a music streamer. All my 100,000+ song library of Standard Rez and High Rez music is local. Room is key to that. I spend a good bit of time over at the Roon Forums ( Since Randal/Double-Aught-1 took root here 😉 ) and I get the feeling that many like Roon for streaming as well.
  19. Fellow Klipsch member has an F8 up for sale. https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/228872-first-watt-f8/
  20. rplace

    RIP Steve Albini

    Here ya go @Marvel https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/nirvana
  21. rplace

    RIP Steve Albini

    Too soon 😞
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