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Everything posted by tofu

  1. too big for your 10x20 room? hah! i just paid for a pair on audiogon to upgrade my rf3-ii's in my 11x11 room im sure my room is too small, but either way they should sound better than rf-3's hopefully. good luck with your sale.
  2. bump offer price increased edit: there is a guy on audiogon that will ship his '67 scalas to a freight depot to me for $1300. i'm a little weary because he could not suppply any more pictures than the two small ones he sent and his word that "they look good for 38 year old speakers." the only upside these speakers have is the fact that he's willing to ship (to a depot via freight) and the university driver upgrades, but i'm not sure how much value that adds. he said the cabinets were badly stained as well. what do you guys think?
  3. the seller isn't being too responsive.. maybe he already sold them
  4. i might grab these and restore the cabinets. i'm not too happy with the condition they're in from the looks of your pictures, but this is the first pair of la scalas i've ever seen near nyc. if i want to grab some shipped, it's going to cost me over a thousand. hopefully the jbl drivers he used are halfway decent.
  5. yup. thank you yendor. i'm looking into these, but the seller hasn't been too quick in responding to my inquiries. hopefully everything will work out and i'll buy them
  6. ---------------- On 3/15/2005 3:11:07 PM Frzninvt wrote: Here you go! These should be within driving distance for you. Save the $200 for something else it would have never covered shipping anyway. Perhaps it could go towards renting a truck. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=61378&item=5760574479&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW ---------------- i'll keep an eye on this pair. theres still over 5 days left on them, from the condition they're in, it looks like they'll go for over a grand thanks
  7. hi there, i've been looking for la scalas for a while. i'm looking to spend around the $1200-1300 mark shipped (sorry, can't go any higher) and around ~$1000 local pickup. i live in queens nyc. i'd also accept la scalas with badly damaged cabinets, but i'd like that to be reflected in the price. thanks a lot. i don't seem to be having too much luck with ebay/audiogon/craigslist. -chris edit: oh, if you wish to contact me by e-mail, it is tofu@phile.net thanks again. edit: 5/13/05 increased price
  8. they look pretty beat up, and have mountin brackets on them, but someone may be interested. if they were located near nyc, i'd jump on them. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=61378&item=5753134758&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW i'm not associated with the seller in any way
  9. i cant find local la scalas anywhere! i'm running out of patience. i'd really love to purchase them before the end of march. i'd be willing to pay shipping if it's under $200. if anyone in nyc has la scalas for sale, please let me know. cabinet damage isnt a problem as long as it's repairable and reflected in the price.
  10. wouldn't building your own corns be fairly easy?
  11. i clicked your link, but was only greeted by text. i see nothing on the page to allow me to vote. all i see is the following: Vote Now for the KVIL Fantasy Wedding Week 1: The Couples Please vote only once
  12. great deal on a very decent setup. congrats
  13. ---------------- On 1/17/2005 8:09:00 PM jzoz01 wrote: The other thing that must be taken into account is who is actually doing the a/b test. There are people who can't hear the difference between klipsch and bose because they don't know what to listen for or what a good system should sound like. ---------------- actually, if i remember this was a $10,000 contest if you can pick the more expensive amp 100% of the time. i think there were ~20 or so demos. it was a while since i read about it. i'm sure you can find it on google if you're interested. the cheaper amps were heavily eq'd and it was under very controlled conditions. no one won.
  14. actually, on audioholics there was a simillar argument where they did blind a/b tests between eq'd cheap a/v receivers and high end seperates. according to a lot of the people, most of the time they couldn't even tell the difference. according to their logic, any amp can be eq'd to sound like a higher end amp.
  15. would you be willing to ship them to nyc? and what is your asking price
  16. would you happen to have the plans for this design? i'd love to check them out and perhaps build a set of my own!
  17. i'd be all over those la scalas if they were in nyc
  18. ---------------- On 1/3/2005 8:02:51 PM D-MAN wrote: I read somewhere hereabouts that a full set of drivers, horns and crossovers (for a pair of enclosures) would run somewhere in the vicinity of $1700! That's enough to make anyone patient enough to wait for a used pair to come up... DM ---------------- definitely
  19. ---------------- On 1/1/2005 12:49:27 PM Marvel wrote: I have seen them go for $450 and up. You MUST be patient! They weigh in over 100 lbs. each, but the size is the thing. I figured that a pair would fit in the back of my Blazer, so it isn't too bad. Figure 24x24x35 each. Build the cabinets is more labor than cost, but you need to use good wood if you go that route. I would still wait and keep looking. Marvel ---------------- $450? wow.. that's quite a deal. well, i suppose that gave me some more incentive to wait. i just havent seen ANY la scala sales in new york (aside from that $2000 one with gold feet) thanks for the replies, guys. oh, and one more question. cornwalls... they don't seem to be too rare. are they as impressive as the la scalas, or would i be better off waiting. take into consideration that i'm an rf-3 owner, and i've heard neither la scala or cornwall. i'm just basing my ideas off comments made on these forums.
  20. ah, a grand is a bit more than i was looking to spend on DIY la scalas. hopefully i'll be able to find someone selling them used that is also willing to ship. i really don't care much about cabinet condition, as i'd have a fun time restoring them. i figure if i sell my rf3's and other various equipment i have laying around, i should break even and be able to purchase my dream speakers. how much would shipping on a pair of these usually cost? let's assume the worst conditions... california to new york. from one side of the US to the other. what kind of la scalas could i attain for ~$800? they seem to be quite scarce on ebay. i searched completed listings and found less than five. i'm worried i won't be able to find any la scalas in perfectly working condition within the next month or so.. (i'm very impatient )
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