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Everything posted by westcott

  1. I have provide a link of some sub comparisons. It is a real life test setup in a room. The gentleman who conducted the tests is well respected and the RSW15 is right at the top. The Genelec and Velodyne 1812 cost close to $10K and are the size of a small car!! They are some of the most underrated subs on the market except by those who own them. It is not all about getting low but how cleanly and flatly you can do it without excessive distortion (97dB @20Hz is nothing to sneeze at and most subs will barely do that over their entire range). If you take the cabinet size in consideration, Klipsch has built some amazing subs! http://members.cox.net/fabulousfrankie/Nousaine.htm Granted, some of the newer subs by SVS and Velodyne are missing but hopefully Sound and Vision will have tests run on them soon. I would also like to see the results for Martin Logans Descent and Depth subs. I was very impressed when I auditioned them. VERY clean and real wall shakers.
  2. My only problem I have with suggesting HR's is that due to the narrow frequency they address, you have to make sure that it is fixing the problem frequency. Room calculators are convenient but without actual in room measurements with the proper equipment, you could go to a lot of trouble and not address the proper frequencies, IMO.
  3. Weird, I never got an email update with your question. Sorry![8-)] We are free and you and your wife would be welcome. Your friend is also welcome to join us. Just give me a day as the date gets nearer. The 6th, 7th, or 8th would be fine. We even have a guest suite if you need a place to stay. My wife and I love to entertain so do not hesitate to take us up on the offer. We are quite a ways from Kingwood. Without human children, it is easy to for us. We do have dogs so if you are allergic or phobic, I thought I would give you a heads up.
  4. Congratulations on the new place. More room is always appreciated. I have to admit, the picture is rather dark. I would suggest closing the blind entirely, turn on all the lights in the room, and turn off the flash. It sounds like you are off to a great start. Klipsch subwoofers are some of the most underrated subwoofers on the market except for those who own them. Buy as much subwoofer as you can afford. The only subwoofers that I have found that come close to the RSW line is the Martin Logan Descent and Depth, Velodyne DD**, and HSG's for clean, flat frequency response. I have not heard the new Klipsch subwoofers yet. Good Luck and send us another picture. We would love to see more detail.
  5. Well, as you know, your uncle probably has has his LasScalas for a while. Quality speakers last generations so max your budget and it will probably be hour last speaker purchase for this room. Adcom is great stuff. Wish I had an uncle like that. The new RF 82s and maybe the 83s might fit into the US$5000 range. There are some great deals on the older RF7 series out there too. I would not hesitate to buy used reference series speakers from Klipsch, as long as they are from a reliable source. Have not priced the LasScalas lately but they are always a Klipsch fan favorite. Just depends on space and what your home theater objectives are. I think most of us would recommend spending more on quality speakers. Good Luck. It sounds you are off to a great start with a great mentor.
  6. I was trying to come up with an appropriate punishment for this infraction but I decided that parole was the proper judgement as you came forward and admitted your transgression, to the benefit of us all considering Emotiva. By the way, I am not a cable snob[] but I do believe in quality cables without all the "snake oil' marketing to justify absurd prices of some manufacturers. I am very happy with plain old Belkin cable and Canare connectors. Glad you came forward and clarified. Hope you have years of enjoyment from your new equipment.
  7. I think you misunderstood me. I was talking about the thieves who try to steal your money\identity.
  8. Actually, a large room can be very forgiving acoustically and acts as a large absorber. The problem is that it will cost you a LOT of money for light control. I have a similar room so if you can garner any ideas from it, you are welcome to it. I would avoid placing the front speakers against the glass wall unless you spend a lot of money on thick black out lined drapes for the first floor. I doubt you want to spend the money I did for shudders on the second floor windows, like I did. Looks like the fireplace wall will have to be the focal point and video center. Lovely home, by the way. I love open spaces and family rooms open to the kitchen. It seems that is where everyone gathers anyway. If you parents have the funds, it can be done but as I suggested, it is not cheap.
  9. How about the expandable foam insulation that can be shot in by a professional. Will fill any space, is fast, and may be worth the added cost vs. work time.
  10. Doesn't anybody work for a living any more? It is a sad statement of our world today to have to even converse on a thread topic like this.
  11. First, that's cool as beans! [Y] Second.. WHAT??? you're not going to give us a SCOOP and post some pics??? [] pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!!! Well... you might be forgiven if you supply us all a copy of the magazine for that month (free of course, but you can autograph them) [] I am sure you have already seen it but I did not want you to think I was ingnoring you. Klipsch contacted me afterward. I guess they are going to use it in a newsletter to reps and employees. Thanks Coytee. http://www.audiovideointeriors.com/readerqa/0307diy/
  12. thus resulting in the same energy being spread over a greater area...But I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do with this. But, to state this from a 'position' that I am more familiar, yes, the smaller the volume of space a given amount of energy is dispersed, the higher the effective intensity. Hence, for example, corner placement is more 'effeicient' than free space placement. Please see the attached graphic that summarizes this. THAT pretty much clarifies what I was asking. I will keep reading to better understand how a room should be treated to avoid a studio like listenting room. I do not have the luxury of randomly placing solutions so I want to make sure that I do what is best before making the pitch to the wife in our shared space. I have a large "small" room and I will have to be very judicious in my approach. So, if you were going to pay a professional to come in and make in room measurements, who would you suggest,what questions would a prudent customer ask, and what would one expect to pay (per cubic foot?). Oops. I should have PMed you. I will next time, I promise.
  13. I have a question. I know it is probably not answerable but if the control room is manipuling the ITD and the Studio is manipulationg the ITD, how are we supposed to treat a room to address all the various manipulations that have been already implemented? I also want to make sure I got this. Lpowerlevel or sensitivity and directivityQ equals Lpressurelevel?
  14. I was actually going to ask about that. My wife resists the idea of carpeting the embryonic HT room. I assume that "real" carpet with pad would make a difference? Probably not too much of a difference. Half the carpet we put down was of the thick padded variety. The problem is that the wavelengths of sound are simply too large and don't get effectively attenuated. In fact, the rule of thumb is a surface at least 1/4 wavelength in thickness. So to attenuate "down" to 10kHz, you're going to need a material at least .3" thick and twice that for 5kHz. You're talking a really plush carpet to get down into the audible range - and even then you gotta hope the carpet doesn't reflect much. Yep. You have to have a retro house with 4" shag before it will make an audible difference, especially in a room like theirs with all the other concrete\brick. Glad you cleared the air. Did you try setting up the room on a diagonal? With the square dimensions, I would have been inclined to attempt it.
  15. Speaker stands are the preferred method of mounting a center channel. Entertainment centers are not a speakers best friend. An anology would be to take the speaker with you into the shower (skip turning on the water). Now that is an exageration but the same effects occur when you place a speaker inside another enclosure. I would also suggest that you place it on the same axis as the left and right channel drivers, or as close as possible. Higher is better than lower.
  16. Congratulations! All good things come to those who wait............................................ And believe me, HD is a good thing! [<)] Two comments, one: did you consider Dishnetwork (lots more programming)? and two: you are getting their new box that support MPEG 4 (H20)? I prefer the video quality of DN. I started with Directv but the two factors I alluded to earlier made me switch.
  17. Well, I started the ball rolling. I tried to find info at AV123, only to find out that Emotiva went direct and AV123 is no longer selling them. A google search did not locate their site. Really weird but www.emotiva.com will do the trick. I called Emotiva to get a quote on the MPS-1 in five channel configuration and the breakdown is $339 for the Chassis and $199 per 200 watt module. Total = US$1339.00 and free shipping for 5 channel model. Thanks again for everyones input.
  18. No wonder they are so good and popular. It is basicaly a Carver\Sunfire and a Sherbourn in a different package and built in China. This decision is getting easier by the minute. Now, if I can find a place for it that the wife won't notice [] The ZZTop concert last night was a bit of a dissapointment but the tickets were free and my wife and I got to spend some quality time together. Reliant Statium is not a venue a rock concert should be played in. I am glad you love your Emotiva. Do you have the 100w modules? Have they come out yet? Here is the Secrets of Home Theater review. http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_13_1/emotiva-dmc1-ssp-mps1-amp-3-2006-part-1.html The lab results are truly impressive for a digital rail tracking amp, or any amp for that matter.
  19. Here is the link to Secrets of Home Theater Emotiva Preamp and Amp Review and Lab Test Results http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_13_1/emotiva-dmc1-ssp-mps1-amp-3-2006-part-1.html You gotta see the lab results. Truly Impressive.
  20. Inventor said it best. Spend more than you think you can afford on speakers. Quality Kipsch speakers will be with you for a very long time.
  21. That is my take on the differences between Pioneer and Panasonic. The Pioneers seem to have better video processing and the Panasonics have better black levels. You can not go wrong with either manufacturer so just decide what is more important to you. As for model, it seems you get what you pay for from both of them so set a budget and pick one that fits within it. 1080p is nice but at 50", it will be hard to justify the cost\performance ratio.
  22. You are welcome any time you find yourself in the Houston\Bay Area. You know what good beer is so I am sure you will bring something enjoyable. My wife gets all the credit for the "His and Her Room". She picked all the colors, materials, flooring, speaker finish, furniture, etc. I just asked for a color on the darker side and, of course, the reference series placed in an unimpeded manner. The funniest part is, she has become one of the biggest audio\video snobs you will ever meet of the opposite sex! They too are not immune. Thanks again! We would love to host a visit.
  23. Well, between you and jetjockey, you shamed me into finding more information on the EMO equipment. I went to one Secrets of Home Theater, who I trust implicity for such information and they gave the MPS1 raving reviews. I also took a look at the test results and they too are very impressive. Even better than the Sunfire test results, which I was considering. The price is also EXTREMELY attractive. I guess I may have to reconsider. I do like the current vs. voltage option on the Sunfire. Wish I could audition them both side by side. I wish I had never seen this thread. Sunfire[*-)]MPS1
  24. Great looking speaker. I wonder how it would compare to my Valencias? Is there much difference in the bass drivers using the JBLs? Do you have any schematics for the crossovers? Just curious.
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