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Everything posted by USNRET



    First good luck to you. Second is I don't get the fireplace AT ALL in deep south Texas. I wanted to remove mine but was 2 sq ft short on left over, non-available tile.
  2. JFC, stepped in and now read something about BSM's nipple.
  3. I will not be leaving Texas. I will be either completely retiring with military, company pension and SSA or taking all the above and going to work for new company or perhaps an assistant door greeter at Wally World> Really what I would like to do is is work for a local company that sells stereo / HT stuff and teach them that two RCA cables does not support surround sound.
  4. and that is why you would represent me pro-bono New company wants me now, old company says no way New company understands and respects my financial issues I need to be on old company payroll 1 Jan 2021 to get 2020 incentive...5 digits
  5. Some lawyer's fine print darn you! If I go to the company that takes over a contract that my current company has (and loses) then I get no severance. Not known but how long I would have to remain unemployed before going to new company is???? I do know that I would have sign some release forms but they are to hold the company harmless Also language about annual performance incentive pay lost if recruited...
  6. I stepped out for a bit for 2 reasons 1. Constant postings that I didn't care to read here. Leave your political innuendo and poster bashing somewhere else. 2. Major changes in life; I'll leave that there The following is not a sympathy callout but just a note to let my forum friends (you know who you are) know what's up. I've been working on the haunted house with new windows, paint, declutter and such in order to get it on the market in the next few months. LONG way to go with the garages and my stuff. Frigging yard got away from me and finally had to buy a new mower. Paying someone to do the work was more than I wanted to pay..$175 per time IF I had it done every 10 days; more if longer span. All is as good as it can be. Although quarantined twice from work for a total of 24 days (I was negative for the 'rona) at least they paid me. Bad news #1 is that the company I have worked for >20 years lost this contract and it makes no sense for me to move back to Georgia so I can pay an increase of $47,000 a year for my son's schooling. Darn boy still wants to be a doctor. Bad news #2 is that I will probably be putting all my stereo, HT and assorted things up on the used market at some point relatively soon due to re-sizing of home. We corporate folk don't use downsizing, right? Good news #1 is that the kiddos are doing great in school with the boy as an Aggie (sigh) and my daughter as a H.S. junior. Oh wait, Bad news #3 is that Dad cannot supply any help with college organic chemistry or H.S. advanced physics. If Google don't know, I don't know. Good news #2 is that the company that won the contract has made an offer (which I tentatively accepted) to retain me in my current position with a coupla bucks raise. Whoops Bad news #4, If I go to the new company, who is taking over the existing contract, I lose 21 weeks of severance pay. Well, that is me
  7. Well you men, women and whatever the crossovers passive or active desire to be identified by have a good life. See ya.

    Food Porn

    Back 2 work tomorrow

    Food Porn

    5 hours in on some BB ribs. RECTEC 700 Bull pellet grill
  10. Wife has 2 Roomba 880s that she uses at home and 2 AirBnB condos. She loves them; I prefer a real vacuum. Sure miss my whole home vacuum. Keep the Roomba CLEAN including disassembly to clean vacuum fan blades; tricky but once learned...... Filter door hinge can be fragile. Just don’t try to close without filter installed. I think we are about 8 years in on them. I would buy the ones with auto recharge and bin dump as they don’t hold that much but expensive.
  11. Double pane low E. House going on market soon so just contractor OEM. Started to practice glazing removing on removed lower sash to prep for uppers. Realized immediately that I need to have some new vinyl glazing on hand as these are heat hardened. Photos and dimensions sent to swishco for ID. I need more than I ordered due to finding garage windows pivot bars fubared as well. 20 sashes mixed 3.0 / 5.0 muti light and 5.0 equal was $1400 with a 4 week wait ordered out of Carolina thru a local lumber company.
  12. Wife said we do not need new windows; I disagreed. First load made it home and first sash installed (that ain't dirt). Another 20 on order.
  13. How does that prevent the metal frame corrosion, not enough carpenter in me to build a non-sagging one especially on the other gate; it’s 10 ft wide.
  14. Now off to pickup 24 windows to replace due to pivot bars lost to corrosion. And I lost my music room when I left Georgia; now I have a living room
  15. The fake rock in front of fence covers the well head, watering an acre made the 200’ well a bargain.
  16. Check these https://www.houseofantiquehardware.com/pair-of-7-16-inch-diameter-traditional-plate-pintles-2-1-4-inch-offset?utm_source=froog&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=gdf&partner=froog&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIxJOfxOvM6gIVUvDACh3-8QcsEAkYESABEgJam_D_BwE we refer to them as livestock or farm hinges around here
  17. Wood is in pretty good shape cedar over pressure treated pine. Darn thing is about 100 lbs. Far left in photo.
  18. 6 year old gate frame Note: next time build it to be able to access the screw heads without a sawzall
  19. On this one I took off the hurricane straps and hinges and put the insulation behind them. No tape or glue. I did all separate panels on mine, this turned into more pia. We have a refrigerator and freezer in this one pumping out heat.
  20. Hot, quarantined for another 8 days. Sipping a rum and o.j. after working to insulate the wife’s garage door. Temperature of insulated top foil is 93* bottom not yet done is 110*
  21. OnePlus 8 Pro https://www.oneplus.com/oneplus-8-pro?from=8pro Forget the memory hogging apps encountered on the "name brand" fones
  22. From today's news story (source KIII TV) There are about 3,000 people waiting on testing as our hospital beds quickly fill up.
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