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mxr dad

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Everything posted by mxr dad

  1. Setup is free and performed by strippers. LOL at Ceptorman. Now the bi-amp is a different story. I just couldnt let them go that cheap! Change order.
  2. I beg to differ, I have the most expensive speakers in the world. Any 2 speakers in my warehouse can be bought for 1,00000,00000,00000,0000. Is that even enough zeros? Any takers? Oh yeah, free shipping!!
  3. Ah, got cha. In that case, I am talking passive bi-amp. This sounds like a project/experiment that I will tackle one of those rainy weekends and the wife is out of town. In the meantime I am going to try and see if I can tell a difference between the Outlaw and this Sunfire. It may take a while but sooner or later I know I will try to bi-amp just for kicks and grins.
  4. Holy Bat poop Batman. I had no idea they even existed. Man, I hope reversing them cables isnt too bad on ya. WTH, now we have 1 way HDMI cables????? What in the world are these good for? Maybe the drywall manufacturers invented this cable??? LOL.
  5. Hey, I am capable of that too! The only reason I havent done it yet cuz I dont know wth yall are talking about. an HDMI cable?
  6. I really need to edu-ma-cate myself on this. I have heard for many years and many forums that Bi-Wire is snake oil. I have never bi-amped at all before so I will spend tonight trying to learn a little more. Are there other ways to bi-amp other than passive? Oh, I'm almost out of silly questions for tonight. I will be a little more prepared (hopefully) by tomorrow.
  7. I dont know what that means. Right now, no cuz I havent even hooked it up yet. Still new to this bi-amp/bi-wire. LOL. I think I need to get me drug tested!!!!!! Sorry man.
  8. I didnt get it at first but do now. BTW, nice setup you have going there. Them smiley faces are there for a reason. Use Them! Its all good. I still think I might bi-amp for the front, then when I want 2 channel, it will be there. Which brings up a good point Miner. Even though I am using for HT, I use the same setup for 2 channel. Am I missing out by going this route? Is a dedicated 2 channel setup better for this? You would think I'd know these things but I never really thought about it until now.
  9. No, dont leave me now. Its still relevant in 2 channel.
  10. I just wish them bone-headed engineers that made HDMI cables took note of the clicking.
  11. Yeah, its pure ignorance on my part. I have never tried either. Its just the back of this amp had me puzzled, but I think I understand better now. I was thinking since they had 2 connections on back of amp, I could run 1 to tweets and 1 to woofers yet still have 5 channels. If I understand it, if I bi-amp, it would take 2 channels to run 1 speaker. I mean, I know thats how it works, but the different connections on this amp had me thinking differently. Just a noobie So lets see if I'm on the right track now. I bi-amp the 2 fronts and not the center therefore the Sunfire is driving the fronts and center. Then I let other amp/AVR handle the 2 surrounds? I have 5.1 setup.
  12. Ah, looking at the owners manual, if I bi-amp I can only use 3 speakers. I dont have an owners manual but found one on line.
  13. Derrick, so on the front channels, would I run 1 cable to the tweets and 1 to the woofs and remove the jumpers? Is that bi amp? As you can see kinda new to this one.
  14. Dude, I do have a $ 500.00 AVR (3 of them and actually more than $ 500.00 when new) and if you dont know by now, clipping aint cool. I dont think I will have to worry about that with either the Outlaw 7125 or this Sunfire. I just wanted to hear Sunfire although I havent hooked it up yet. I have never owned a Sunfire amp before.
  15. I just picked up a new toy and checking to see if anybody else has this amp. The question is, would it be worth while to bi-wire the RF 7ii with this amp? I know bi-wire usually gets some pretty good debates and I usually wouldnt think about it but with this amp, it makes me want to try it. Any thoughts on this one? Pic of amp attached. Not actual picture, I got it from the net but its the same.
  16. I may have missed it but how did you listen to 2 channel? Through Oppo 103? USB? SACD? Talk to me. Now cuz of you buttheads, I have to re-try pure direct!
  17. Nice, but now you have to walk the walk, go pizz off some neighbors now!!
  18. I dont find enough bass in pure direct. I do however have to turn the volume down on the sub quite a bit or it will overpower the rest of the music. I wouldnt use 2 subs with 2 channel music, maybe thats what made it sound "wrong"? But, thats the beauty of the different modes, with a flick of the finger you can change the sound until you find the sweet spot. But if you found your sweet spot, thats all that counts.
  19. No hum!!!!!!!! Drinks are on Gadgt !! Let me know how you like the Belden. I may be in the market.
  20. Hey, I feel cheated!!!!! My RF 7ii aint no where near as big as my fridge. Maybe he lived in a dorm at the time??
  21. mxr dad


    Agree it should stay private. I hate to see him go. I figured something was going on with him and just hoped it wasnt health issues for him or family.
  22. This seems odd. I know when I change mine from small to large I notice a huge difference.
  23. I wish I knew and the first thing that came to mind is the bracing. But I looked at the pics again and I just dont see how the braces could be causing any problems. I have no clue if this is even remotely close but I wonder if the braces are too high? Meaning maybe instead of flush with box maybe 1 inch lower? I wish I could help, I really want you to succeed with this DIY.
  24. Wow, three very strong words......... Palladium Anthem Aragon.
  25. Pure direct doesnt work for me. Direct mode using .1 channel brings the 7ii to life. I enjoy the music using 2.1 much better. And, in my house, there are basically 2 listening scenarios. The first is when the wife and/or kids and I are watching a movie. I assure you, any mid level AVR could easily handle that load. Now when we have a "Boys Night Out" and the buddies come over, needless to say that is where I appreciate the Amp. It gives me a little peace of mind knowing the amp is not going to bottom out as fast as the AVR. I agree with Scrappy, its when 7 channels driven at same time is when stuff can hit the fan!
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