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Mighty Favog

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Everything posted by Mighty Favog

  1. Just something I read just now.
  2. And....no....I'm not dragging my McIntosh gear or Klipsch H.I.P. glass speakers out there for this. By the time we packed everything up to leave the humidity must have been 200% and 65 degrees. Condensation was on EVERYTHING.
  3. Hi 'y'all !! So, this past weekend, my girlfriend, her son & his wife put together and set off a 20-minute fireworks show on the son's dad's country property. Along with the show was a video on a portable projector and screen describing the writing/meaning of our national anthem followed by many musical cuts played to coinside with the fireworks. While I supplied the amp and preamp (Carver C1 and Carver M1.5), the son provided his MTX TP1200 (yuck) speakers that he had since high school 17-years ago. The Carver equipment is probably from about 1983-ish and untouched internally. Here's what happened: We were playing this system nearing max output for the amp for about 4-hours while we set up the show. The source were MP3 files on my Samsung S9 phone. Things were playing fine the whole time but I was still checking the amp for heat. Yes, it was getting warm but nothing you couldn't touch. When it came time for the show, the son connected a laptop that synced the music and video to the show. About 2-minutes into the show the amp goes into clipping mode and stayed there till I turned it down to let the amp reset. It did this 2-more times and each time I turned the volume back to be a little less than where it was before. The third time I just turned down the bass a couple db's to conserve some output energy needed. So, my question is; did the clipping happen because the output caps in the amp are 40+years old or more likely from the laptop's audio output set too high? I want to use this same setup next year and I was already thinking of getting amp refurbished and hot-rodded to 520wpc at https://nelionaudio.com/ . I use this same amp in my office at home but nothing near this kind of play it saw a couple of days ago. For giggles, here's part of the finale with the son's wife's sister practically having an orgasm. Ya see, that family came in from Arizona to Ohio to see this. And Arizona just doesn't have stuff like this, I'm told. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/6itQZSTUmDMEyWxK/?mibextid=jmPrMh
  4. https://www.facebook.com/share/76Z35HtUAdJGBfJg/?mibextid=kL3p88
  5. https://www.facebook.com/share/KSL9E6pKRTnA6VC5/?mibextid=kL3p88
  6. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/dq715uYiG4jEWA2W/?mibextid=kL3p88
  7. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/7163291447085413/?mibextid=dXMIcH
  8. Here's a good start: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1837240503363522/?mibextid=dXMIcH
  9. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/VjSxrR3DogeATgMq/?mibextid=qfPjYD
  10. I thought this was a joke at first..... https://www.klipsch.com/products/pro-800sw
  11. https://www.facebook.com/groups/904208026352351/permalink/6550694571703640/?sale_post_id=6550694571703640&app=fbl
  12. 📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/Ji8bEh4GkFJidhZm/?mibextid=xfxF2i
  13. Watching Blue Bloods, one of the villains has a Klipsch home theater in his apartment. S11E2 - I The Name of the Father
  14. ...digital fine tuning? When I first started selling audio gear as my first job, we carried a Yamaha receiver along the lines of the R-1000. Maybe not the R-1000 itself but we also had a model that had a digital fine tuning for the FM tuner. It would display something like 92.5325
  15. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/3207790736032785/?mibextid=dXMIcH
  16. If you look during the last few seconds, Kurt said "Will you turn the corner?" This was AS Steve was turning the corner. 😁
  17. I relate her more of the girl in the 56' T-Bird. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/15/obituaries/suzanne-somers-dead.html
  18. Just a song before I go......
  19. There are so many situations and periods of life this can be applied to. Not just your next love affair. I apply it a new group of friends I made after I graduating from an elementary school that was very tyrannical (think Roger Waters and The Wall).
  20. Yea, I know for sure this is unswitched and we use/used it quite often.
  21. No, I just disconnected and capped off both wires at the outlet that is upstream and feeding the problem outlet. Lots of other projects have crept up till I can dive into this again.
  22. I have a Pioneer VSX49TXi receiver and the volume knob is not steadily increasing/decreasing the volume. Rather than the display reading -20,-21,-22,-23, etc. It will read and play at random levels such as -21,-35,-17,-12,-23, etc. This will happen until the unit warms after about an hour or so. The volume commands from the remote control work fine but it's sometimes all the way across the room when I'm standing right next to the receiver. I'd like to save this thing as it's a real beast and weights a ton. Could it just need to have the pot cleaned. Is it an optical pot with dirt on the pick ups? Need a new pot all together? Chances of a new pot being available?
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