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Everything posted by Matthews

  1. Haven't given it much thought, Mook. Have a bit of work ahead of me before I have to make that decision. And yes, cane grills are a given. Already have the material and frames 🤓
  2. the LS's? They are not perfect but do present well. Custom cane grills set them apart. This pair was a part of my restorations several years back. Sold them to a friend to finish so they don't have quite the perfection as a pair I had personally restored. He wanted something that blended into his lifestyle a little better (WAF) so I traded him a pair of RF-7, and so, the LS are back in my possession.
  3. Good question, Diz! Hadn't really thought about it. Have some shop speakers I could pull inside. But then, what am I going to listen to in the shop 🤔 Sounds like I may be in a pickle 🥒 LOL. Probably just pick up a pair of something or other from MP.
  4. awe 🥰 - very nice of you to say have made a little progress since that photo, Cept
  5. All original, AA crossovers, $1950 grabs 'em.
  6. going to restore the clear pair. The black pair will go up for sale, as is... not really, just plucking around on a cheap bass. Will pick up a nicer one once I gain a little more confidence on the strings.
  7. well Ladies, looks like i jumped right back into the restoration game once again. Two pairs in line now. OYE - the crap i get myself into LOL 🤪
  8. you know you want them, Mook! Let us know how they sound on 'em purdy Belle's
  9. Tubes vs SS is an argument that will get you thrown out of any bar! All I can say is this: For over 15 years I ran most of a dozen SS amps and receivers. Then I listened to a tube amp for about half a second and decided I would never go back. Been running tubes and horns for over 25 years now. i will NEVER EVER run tubes again - NEVER !!! ...insert explicit language here
  10. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/315911869607541/
  11. no no no - we are here for you, Indy Part of the fun of this hobby is trial and error. Trust me, all of us here has had our share of errors LOL.
  12. What are you going to use the receiver for? Bill willing to bet he means tuner rather than receiver.
  13. Yes, these units sound very nice with Klipsch. I suggested one of these to a close friend, on a budget, was a pleasant surprise to say the least.
  14. Indy, stay far far away from tubes! You will be full of disappointment at the first spin of Anthrax. Most any old school SS integrated or receiver will suit your needs well. The old stuff is generally built to a much higher quality and power output.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/701404777083817/
  16. ah, you must be one of those "is this still available" fellers. I rarely respond to those. If you want what I am selling, send me a message. End of story...
  17. I know a lot of you guys like these... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1903941706410048/
  18. @Matthews well darnit !!! Missed that one, been a busy week... How about a "Cats Love Klipsch" photo instead 🐱
  19. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1196307930705998/
  20. the answer is YES no matter what, they can be changed with out altering sound quality what so ever...
  21. crazy, i know 🤪 - But indeed true...
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