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Everything posted by justinsweber

  1. Thanks everyone for the input. I went a bit sideways with my choice, but here it is: VPI prime with SDS and Ring Clamp and Ortofon 2M Black. I used my budget for a SUT to get the clamp... hoping its a solid choice. I’m jazzed about it coming and cant wait to start listening again. I have a Pioneer PLX1000 and think its a fine table, the VPI is just a completely different animal.
  2. I believe the most widely considered choke point of the CWIII is the mid horn. I perfer to build cornscalas on my own but if I had a CWIII I would consider the fiatal elipitical or my preference the elipctrac400. After that some version of ALK crossovers. I have come to rely on being able to voice/attenuate as I see fit.
  3. Where is the pics? I actually took the plunge... Ive bought some ES500s from Al... Cant wait to wait hear in my system.
  4. I've build a few 6T9 and 6LU8 tubes and loved the sound of the 6T9.
  5. I believe its a combo Mylar/TN setup.
  6. I wish I had a deal that had a Dl103r and a 2m Black. Most won't Cary the DL103 for whatever reason.
  7. True. The reality I install a cart. That's where it's staying if I like it ;-). I'm waiting on my table as we speak so all I'm left to is anxious rumination.
  8. So of the denon 103 owners. Would you go cinmag sut and dl103r or ortofon 2m black? Seems like where I'm at now
  9. I never thought Id buy an off the shlef pre inplace of my tubed units but my lazziness yielded a Emotiva pre and remote... all hail the remote.. oh an op amps too :-).
  10. That's no secrete. The actually review is coming. Many on here run my amps as they also run others who build. No one really plugs but share what we're trying. Again, I was focusing on the LDR. Which can be a wholly awesome option for anyone wanting to go passive. ( I like that it uses a remote).
  11. New Record day's reviews have their audience. That'd said the pre he reviewed seems pretty interesting and within reach.
  12. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yUIrKOldEp0&sns=fb
  13. OK as an off the wall question. Would you rather CInmag SUT with DENON 103R or Ortolan 2M Black MM?
  14. I’m wanting warmth and musicality over analytics. Other sugestions?
  15. Last night I sold off my VPI classic, SUT and Grado MI cart. I will be moving up to a VPI Prime and am building the same SUT with Cinmag step-ups. All that said, I need a new cart. I want to try something wholly new to me. So far I’ve had a Sumiko blue point 2, Grado MI, Oftofon 2M Red. I'm somewhat budge conscious and value oriented. The 2 finalists are far apart in their perspective signatures but both well thought of. The 1st would be a Denon DL103R, and is a Ortofon quintet Blue. That is everyones thoughts? Yes I want to use MC and yes I will be using with SUT (I like the sound a great deal.). So Im most interested in low output MC choices. Thanks, Justin
  16. Great price. I removed... in perfect working order. A fantastic upgrad to stock cornwall owners... can be used with fastlane horn and fits in stock cab. Can be crossed at 500hz and used as a 2way.
  17. I was a skeptic... they did sound amazing.
  18. Yup Dave's horns, ALK crossovers. Was my 1st time hearing the ES network the bottom end... pretty amazing.
  19. These started out as my 2ways when Pete and I 1st meet a few years ago. He wanted them and decided 3ways were the path. Elliptic 400/B&C DE85TNs with AP12-500 and ES5800/DE10s. Pete came over to hear my newest cornscala and was impressed with the DE750s and decided an upgrade was in order. I didn't know he had already ordered the ES500. He had I spent the last 4 hours pulling the crossovers and drivers and reinstalling everything. I only got to hear the ES500 for 30min but am wholly impressed!
  20. Only wired for triode. Ive tried pentode and not the biggest fan. Warm but not low enough distortion. Hope you love your amp.
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