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Everything posted by ivanhurd

  1. ^^^You will not be disappointed. Coming from an onkyo 706, my speakers have a whole new dimension.
  2. Well, a wav is almost exactly the same as a redbook cd file. MS just changed it slightly.I am aware of this. To me it just seems like a silly argument as 99% of people aren't going to be able to tell the difference in a controlled listening environment, let alone a club.
  3. There are always arguments on DJ forums that I frequent as to if you are going to play digital, should you play MP3s or WAVs. My argument is always that nobody in the club is going to be able to tell a difference, let alone care. I've also played 192s in a club that sounded fine. I do have to say when I tried to play 128s, that I could definitely tell that I never wanted to play that track again.
  4. Maybe what you are noticing is the speakers not being timbre matched. Going with the RC62 iv might end up working out for you.
  5. I'd buy that system in a heartbeat if I could afford it/had the room for it. I'll be looking forward to your review as well.
  6. ^^^I don't really understand how any sort of compression could be considered 'lossless', but I'm no rocket surgeon either. And I dunno, there are times when a song comes up on my itunes that just sounds different and my suspicions always come true when I look at the bitrate. Could be a poor rip from way back in Napster days that I've just hung onto throughout the years, but who knows. Maybe I'll give one of those tests a try to see if I can tell.
  7. Just measured mine and I would say it's a touch under 17.5, but I'd go with that to be on the safe side.
  8. ^^^I understand that, but .wav just takes up too much space. All of my CDs I ripped at 320, the beck one is just something I had downloaded at some point.
  9. I'm speaking in terms of how a movie is mixed. Low notes just don't go to the center channel. Even if you have the center as full or large, that doesn't mean that anything extra is going to go to the speaker. The vocals are still the main thing that will come out of the center. This is why I say that it seems pointless to have something large like that in the center, and not very cost/space effective for most people in their setups. What's wrong with someone wishing there was a lascala center option for them? I would say it's not outside of the realm of possibilities.
  10. Exactly. With those choices already, why would Klipsch produce one of those 2-woofers, one-at-each-end "centre speakers" that go against audio engineering theory for the sake of use of space?> Because it doesn't really make sense to have a speaker with a 12-15" woofer in the center when you will never really utilize the 12-15" woofer the way it was intended to be used. Seems like a bit of a waste to me.
  11. I went from an onkyo 706 to the 4311. It definitely brought more presence and clarity to my speakers. Probably most of that is the power increase tho. At any rate, I love my 4311 and am never hesitant to recommend it.
  12. I read somewhere that 256 aac (itunes) = 320 mp3 as far as sound quality, not sure where I read it or how true it is. But I prefer to stay 256 and above. I haven't jumped on the FLAC train just yet.
  13. ^^^I don't think it really ever took off in the first place. I think maybe he thought there was an SACD layer on the BD. Bill I understand that, I was asking what about the bluray. I did a quick search on amazon but didn't see DSOTM on bluray...
  14. which one are you talking about?
  15. I just received Dark Side of the Moon today. Does it have SACD? There is one available... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00008CLOA/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i01
  16. If you don't get a chance to listen, I have the 82 IIs and I can definitely vouch for them.
  17. I tried listening to Beck - Sea Changes thru my 82 IIs. The tracks are in 192k MP3 format (I freakin love airplay btw). I couldn't even get thru the first song =^( One thing about good speakers is they make good stuff sound great, but crappy stuff sound crappier. I guess I'll have to upgrade the album into a more klipsch friendly format =^) I'm guessing the problem has to do with lower bitrates having a lot of high end artifacts, so that was very pronounced coming through. Definitely a bummer. Great album tho, check it out if you haven't. Very mellow Beck album, but he always does it proper.
  18. I've been eyeballing the 93 myself. It's going to be a while tho...I don't think I can justify a grand on a bluray player, universal or not...I would love to get SACD playback tho. I bought dark side of the moon only to find out that my slim PS3 didn't support SACD, booooo.
  19. I would say any dock would work as long as it has a headphone output.
  20. There may be other opinions on this (and really a whole nuther conversation), but there is a reason that 16 bit is the industry standard for CDs. It's because anything above 16 bit is not discernable to the human ear.
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