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Everything posted by eth2

  1. There's no such thing as a bad or dumb question, Earl.
  2. Coytee - Thank you for asking the questions (I was too embarrassed to ask). Mark - Thank you for answering. I am learning so much in this Forum.
  3. I fear that DeanG has joined the crew and passengers of the missing Boeing 777. Can't stay awake much longer Dean and the suspense is killing me.
  4. Thanks, Mark. All I needed was advice and now I have it. The Peach will be there on 3/28 for the PSU and whatever else you think it needs. Earl
  5. Mike, Thanks. Unfortunately this is Greek to me. I am looking for someone to recommend the "best" cap for the Peach (whatever that means).For example is there a benefit to Auricaps over Hovland? I listen mostly to Blues Jazz and Classical so someone please tell me what to do. Hmmm, that did not come out quite as I meant it. .
  6. Does anyone have a suggestion as to which caps I should send to Mark for the Peach? Thanks
  7. I agree with CECAA850. I am an employment attorney and deal with people all the time who have lost their jobs. It sounds like a cliché, but it is true; losing your job (especially after 40 years) is like losing a family member. Many people define themselves by what they do for a living. When that is taken away, they sometimes lose themselves. People go through all of the stages of grieving when they lose their jobs, just like when they lose someone they love. It is very important to refocus and find something to occupy yourself. The routine that you have had for many years is gone, and that is one of the hardest things to deal with. Volunteering, going to the gym, etc., sometimes helps. I wish you both the best. Although it is sometimes difficult to see at the moment of the separation, it really is "just a job" and that perspective helps one to move on. Take care of yourselves.
  8. Only 16 entrants left in the Warren Buffet 1 billion dollar contest
  9. I am with you in spirit. If Cooney can keep hitting from the outside and Christmas can keep his fouls down, we have a chance.
  10. eth2

    LAST 4

    I am pretty sure you will not be going to heaven after that post
  11. I would contact him right away and if he does not respond, cancel his bid.
  12. I have been kidding around about the travel, but I sure wish I lived closer. That is a heck of a deal.
  13. WOW!!! I have to stop whining about Upstate New York weather. New Hampshire has us beat all to heck.
  14. In my area you can sometimes talk BOCES (the school district's occupational ed program) into allowing you to use their facility. Currently they are painting my father-in-law's truck. They do this without cost as a part of the training for their students. At least in Ithaca, they do very good work. The problem is they are slow.
  15. It is just beautiful. I am so impressed with people who have this talent. When I was having my basement redone I called a friend who is a contractor for an estimate. He gave me a price and then said, "But it will be 50% more if you start it as we both know I will have to tear it all out and start over again."
  16. It is just impossible to predict. Warren Buffett is underwriting a 1 billion dollar prize for a perfect bracket. I saw an interview where he said the odds were 1 to 10 to the 26th power. As a Syracuse fan, I went from believing they were the dead on favorite to win the NCAA's back in February to just hoping they make the Sweet 16.
  17. Budman, I think you missed the point. Kpisch is a traditional ethnic food sold by street venders in NYC. So I think Fritz is offering some sort of baking equipment used in the production of said delicacies.
  18. Beeker, Don't give up yet. I am may be willing to go as high as $695.50 if Minermark is willing to come to Nevada, Pa.
  19. I wasn't aware there was a town called Nevada in Pennsylvania, but heck I have a GPS.
  20. $675 and meet in Pennsylvania?
  21. OK. I am really going to get serious now. I have to get to work.
  22. All I have been doing this week is sitting on the couch listening to music and pretending to work. I have a Brief due in federal court by Friday at 5:00 pm. I am screwed.
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