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Everything posted by Arominus

  1. I repowered my RT-10d through the power socket because the amp died, until i can get it repaired its working pretty well, though it took some tuning in the AVR to get enough gain for it to work well. I had to drop the rest of the channels volume in relation to the sub while cranking that up.
  2. $100 + shipping for the 25's? i don't need the RC-3 as these are going in my office for workday use. Estimated shipping to a business address in the 80915 zip code?
  3. Looks like these would finally out perform the RB-75's. GLWS.
  4. Set your speakers on the HDMI audio out to 5.1 or whatever your using in the sound app in the control panel. Optical is limited to 2.0 on PC's unless you are passing through already encoded DD tracks or if your sound card supports dolby digital live or DTS Connect. IF it supports those (my old X-FI did it) you will get 5.1 out of everything.
  5. This is by design. A PC will not pass compressed audio over HDMI. You will need to set your sound card to decompress all the audio streams before transmission. This is assuming you have the proper codecs installed. In my opinion it is much better to use dedicated devices for their individual functions. When you by a stand lone player you can be assured that all the equipment and processing is being dedicated towards only what you need it to do. They are also far less power hungry and usually easier to integrate into your HT environment. This is not to say that installing an HTPC cannot be done. It is, however, far more time consuming to set up and maintain and will come with all the problems that usually accompany any computer set up.This can be great if you also intend to game with this set up but it is not suitable for much else as text will not have the same ease of reading on a television or projector without modifying the output settings, which will not guarantee the same application of settings across all your applications. I must disagree, I run 5.1 over HDMI for everything (pc audio, games, stored videos) All you need to remember to do is to go into the configuration section of the windows audio control panel and set your speaker setup to 5.1 or 7.1. It defaults to stereo unless you set it correctly. The video card will output what you set it to as long as its new enough. Nvidia 400 series or AMD 3000 series or newer should have no issues doing this, earlier cards will have had technical limitations that prevented output in anything besides stereo. Intel 2000 series or newer video should do it too.
  6. Excuse the clutter, my theater room is also my living room and gaming room and as such is a bit busy. I'm thinking about adding some sound deadening panels to the room as there is a bit of an echo in it, but otherwise it works great for me. I actually rented this place based on the shape of the room for HT use and its worked well for me for a few years now. Not bad for a 1000sq ft 2 bedroom duplex. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Enjoy!
  7. Looks like the speakers sold hit me up if the stands are still available!
  8. I'd keep those if i was you, you'll find another set but you will pay dearly for them.
  9. I'll take the stands if they can take an RB-75. Chris.
  10. Oh and i found the amp, forgot that my dad has a Carver M-500t that i can bridge down for this bad boy, make this an even cheaper experiment. The carver is a beast!
  11. Im really liking that SI 18 now, illl get that pre-ordered and get a box and amp. Then I'll decide what to do with the RT. Thanks for the input guys.
  12. Im in colorado and i've got 600ish to play with. I'm not in a huge hurry at the moment to do anything but i do want to figure out my plan of attack. I do listen to some music but not seriously, i mainly game and watch movies/tv on the system, its a theater/arcade first.
  13. I have a bit of a dilemma, I currently have 1 rt-10d in my theater room, which is a 18'x12' rectangle with everything on the "wide" wall so i can have good driver separation and defeat a nasty standing wave in the "deep/narrow" configuration. The RT does ok in the room, but i've been wanting more than it can give for a while. I had thought about a second RT, but they seem to be a bit hard to find used and the cost is 500-600 on them. I've seen the PE kits with the ultimax 15 and the 18 HO and these interest me, i can grab one of these with an iNuke 3000dsp for about the same money as that second RT-10d... Would i do better with 1 of the PE setups and the iNuke than with 2 RTs? the PE stuff is so cheap it would be fairly trivial to add a second one of those later...... I have a decent amount of room in the corners to fit what i want so size isn't a huge consideration here. The RT-10 is currently corner loaded on my far right. Thoughts?
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