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Everything posted by mkane

  1. 45 amp and am already considering different OPT's. Electraprint, Edcors's, Trancendor is just down the rod a few hours.
  2. Mines finished except for the base. i'm on my 3rd attempt. Made kindling out of the first 2. Impressions; images very well. Maybe a bit on the bright side but I'm working on that. It's dead silent when the music's not playing which is impressive. A few glitches along the way but considering I've only done complete kit's before this, I'm shocked it didn't go up in smoke and flames.. Learned lot's doing this.
  3. have quite a few different one's. Kinda like rolling interconnects
  4. wdecho, I'll keep that in mind. Iron's ordered. need to get to work on the base.
  5. Building a TSE myself, or attempting to.
  6. A member here suggested I look for a solution to my hum problem on these monoblocks 2a3@250v, -45v@60MA AC heaters hum adjust plate choke loaded 6sn7 SE Class A FR 20hz-20Khz Input Sensitivity .8v for 1w point-point Custom transformers by Electra Print I've tried 20 different tubes in all positions and have adjust the hum pots countless times. These babies are noisy so they just sit. Any and all help appreciated. I'm a rookie when it comes to testing voltages. I know to wear rubber soled shoes, one hand in pocket, table is not metal and working indoors. A bottle of my best brandy to a few who help solve my problem. Thank's, MKane
  7. You're right. The DIY bring out more detail with the OP amps I'm currently using. Instead of rolling tubes you roll OP amps.
  8. That DIY pre is that good. Records spinnin here on average 8hr a day.
  9. A blind test between the 3 pre's I own on mm setting nobody here (this forum) could tell the difference.
  10. You don't need many with a mm cartridge
  11. Next build will be for a MC cartridge and wood is Black Walnut from our property. I failed to mention there are dip switches with 4 cartridge loading ortions.
  12. Just shipping means you pay shipping and I send you my unit to see if it suits your tastes. And hell, I'll put one together for you for the cost of the parts along. You can also roll OP amps on this unit to tailor the sound. Cost for parts less than $150 sans power supply. Mine powered by 2 9v batteries which last 30+ hrs My enclosures are homemade and a bit backyard but there out of site.
  13. Jkull, while you wait for your Decware would you like to give my DIY project a spin. You pay shipping both ways. It will knock your socks off.
  14. Put this together a while ago and like it alot. It's a TVC by Intact Audio.
  15. Then I would consider one of these. Not cheap but room to build on.
  16. ^^^put 2 of these together, gifted 1.
  17. For a bit more than a C note you can build this and it's awesome. http://www.audiokarma.org/forums/index.php?threads/another-super-high-end-phono-stage-no-expense-spared.371889/page-16
  18. I'll do this soon, next week if I can. I've got 8-10 mv's of hum.
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