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  1. Fixed gear mostly used in the winter to help your spin. You must either ride by yourself of with other like minded cyclists.And have a front brake.
  2. mkane

    ALK AP12-600

    Excellent condition $200 + shipping
  3. Nortons only going to make a twin. TMO and I'm sticking to it.
  4. mkane

    Cornwall 1's

    Turned out to be EV. It was a misinterpretation of a modification.
  5. mkane

    Cornwall 1's

    Dust caps are shiny because theres a ping pong ball hanging by a piece of thread in front of the dust cap. And yes, bought them from Schu.
  6. mkane

    Cornwall 1's

    Consecutive #'s. Eminence woofers, ct 120's, With AA crossovers $1300. Stock crossovers $1000. Sonoma County mikekane@hughes.net
  7. I haven't had a tube failure, yet.
  8. I've got a BH Stereomour that will run 2a3/45's you can take for a spin. Fantastic unit.
  9. Electra Prints arrived today and installed. On my first album side.
  10. That's a big 45! I also use 45's and out of the 6 tubes I have purchased off e-bay, all run fine.
  11. Bottlehead Our Stereomour pushing 2a3's is fantastic and support awesome. Build guide makes assembly easy.
  12. Bottlehead Stereomour configured for 45's and Tubelab SE DIY
  13. We have around here 4 tube amps and all we use these days is our SE/SET's. Music varies. 70's rock, Classical, blues, lots of instrumental stuff and plenty of female vocal type. 2a3's are runner up to the 45's In our listening room, sublime to say the least
  14. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around just what volume level is loud. I use SET amps in a large room and they deliver plenty of volume with Cornwalls.
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