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  1. Being an x musician with a decent amount of time spent in recording studios....the engineers(I am far from one) really liked what tape could do. I really didn't understand it at the time but now I try to watch videos on youtube with engineers who like tape over digital and it seems to me that they are able to push or saturate tape in certain instances that works really well. Here is an interesting video interview of the great Phill Brown. He talks about tape for a good portion of it. I like this thread though and its pushing me to get a reel to reel soon as I can. A couple years ago I bought someones 100+ reel to reel collection. Most were recorded off vinyl but there are some factory ones.....I look forward to someday getting a reel to reel fired up in my system
  2. We've been using Playstation Vue for a couple of months now....the one we use through the Roku seems to wok well although we have no guide button. The Tv we use that is hooked up to the Playstation 4 has been kind of a head ache.....It just takes a long time to start watching a show when you first fire it up....I get frustrated on a daily basis. I guess it depends on your interface...ymmv Worth giving it a shot
  3. I love the size description: condition: excellent make / manufacturer: Klipsch model name / number: La Scala size / dimensions: big x kinda big x big
  4. ^^^^ You guys will enjoy it....Lot's of vintage deals to be had. A buddy of mine usually brings tons of nice cables as well. I've been to 4 or 5 of them. The host always has his insane Altec setup there as well @Grizzog
  5. I had a tough time with Black stains too.....I am using a black wood dye now and the stuff works great. No smell, just mix the powder with water and it'll stain the toughest and hardest to stain woods easily....$15 makes up to a gallon http://www.kedadyeinc.com/?gclid=CjwKEAiAirXFBRCQyvL279Tnx1ESJAB-G-QvbRfOUhYJQ3hkSPacpchC0ZWn_7v2qXYOESMQm9ymKxoCy7Tw_wcB
  6. he had an incredible left hand...Always enjoyed his playing
  7. I have a 1956 and a 57' and they both are completely finished(one B Style and one C Style)....I do however have 1960 single that looks like the one pictured above. I think it was just a utility style.
  8. I have spoken to the seller on ebay quite a few times over the past week...Honestly, I think he's a good guy who tried his best to list it accurately based on other auctions. I think he just got hit by so many people everywhere(sounds like it might have been quite a few) that he got overwhelmed and maybe somewhat defensive. He's not a "regular seller" on eBay and I think this listing reaction just surprised him a little. Since I shared with him a little story on how I use to collect vintage drums and how picky that market was he shared his reasoning with pricing etc....Here's one of his messages to me.......I just want to put this out there because again...he just seems like a good guy that got overwhelmed. I truly appreciate this message. After getting dozens of "flame-o-grams" from others this is an oasis. FYI ... (not sure I mentioned this to you before) but I had no idea on how to price the speakers when I started out .... SO ... I checked the current listings that I saw for what appear to be the same speakers as mine (regardless of the name - I don't want to go into that rat hole again - but based on photos and serial numbers etc) that I could find and then listed my set at a discount to the lowest price I found. I thought that was a fair way to go about it. I'm not a professional eBay seller so my usual mode of operation is to try a listing at what I can divine to be a good starting point and then over iterations lower the price gradually until I find the fair one. I've sold maybe a dozen items total in my eBay experience and this has worked well enough. I have some really wonderful buyer comments and emails so I feel I was fair, honest, and of service. SIGH unfortunately in this case I don't see how I can iterate! I would normally have relisted at maybe 90% of the prior listing price (in this case maybe 1200) and try again. However I'm more or less certain the (I'll use a bad term) idiots that gave me so much grief this last week will certainly rejoice in how they forced me to see the light etc and so on. And, more disappointingly, start another barrage. SIGH. Anyway ... I enjoyed this last message VERY MUCH.
  9. yup, I think you can get them in Lego sets with a construction theme....
  10. I have a pair of those jewelry pliers and I never knew what they were till this thread. I got them from a buddy whose dad was a lifelong metal worker.
  11. bcarey13

    Vive la Klipsch!

    lol.....I hear you. My two dogs(american eskimos) sprint for the front door no less than 3 times a night when the tv is on.....every strange noise through the speakers get both of them riled up.....forget it if there is a door bell in the commercial
  12. I have an AR SP14 Pre http://www.stereophile.com/content/audio-research-sp14-preamplifier#OPB6C7AAEyyQlBBI.97 And even though it is mostly Solid State(except for the tube phono section) it has been the nicest preamp I have owned for my listening. I am hoping to work out a trade soon for a D115 Amp to go with it. Before this Pre I always used Tube Pre's including a couple of very pricey BAT Units. The AR has been amazing with all of the Klipsch I use. I do use tube mono blocks for power. I wouldn't hesitate trying any of the Audio Research equipment....seems very well made with a great "solid metal" feel to it. I love the old school toggle switches too.
  13. on my first khorn bin I had to fix the bubbling by slitting the veneer with a razor and get some glue under there and reapply heat, etc....All seems good now.
  14. ^^^^^ Ok, sounds good. I did that on my second speaker and it turned out fine but it was interesting that I spoke to the president at Oakwood veneer when ordering a few weeks ago and he told me to just glue the cabinet and NOT to glue the veneer. I had a lot of problems, bubbling etc that I had to fix after. On the second one I went against the advice and glued both the substrate and the veneer and it was so much easier. No bubbling to speak of.
  15. Thanks guys and Pzannucci, your speakers look great. Let me ask you a question as I am also using the titebond II method with an iron and have had a few challenges. Did you use paperbacked veneer? Did you glue both the substrate and veneer? Did you rough up the speaker surface first and if so, what grit sanding? Did you you wait till the glue was completely dried first?tacky? other? Thanks
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