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About mopardave

  • Birthday 01/09/1964

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  • Location
    Mt.Morris MI
  • Interests
    Auto drag racing and build high performance engines, 2 channel stereo
  • My System
    EL34 amp(Audcom) 30w/ch thumper , Home Brew Cornwall, Heresy, 100w/ch Yamaha thumper with Modded Sony c333es

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  1. I bought a Mapletree pre amp 24 years ago and its still in use today with the same tubes it came with. They are not talked about much, but make a nice pre amp. Couple years ago i bought their phono pre amp. Its just as nice as the first one.
  2. Try the cv181 Horizon. I think you might like them and for the unbelievable low price they are worth trying.
  3. I hope so. Claude modeled the cabinet with his software, and picked the best matching Celestion woofers. I have a universal crossover from Al i am modifying with help from THD+N. Should be pretty cool.
  4. I have a Klipsch like speaker i am building. Similar to the KLF-30, but with a larger cabinet and twin 15's/per cabinet. Will be using Celesion 15's, PRV2200 mid with the 18x10 horn and DE10 with the Mahl horns. I have all the components and the lumber, just need to find time to get a good start. THD+N is helping with the crossover. I built a pair of vertical Cornwalls 20+ years ago, now CornScala and they sound fantastic with B&C drivers.
  5. I used to come here for the mods section as i am a Klipsch owner and hobbiest, but once they frowned on making/talking about mods on Klipsch speakers most of us moved to AudioKarma. I only drop in here now to read the classified or tube section. I felt kinda pushed out so i left. I think they just wanted us to talk about how good their over priced speakers sound. Pertaining to my earlier post, I just read where Stellantis Chrysler is going to cut prices by 35% on old inventory. Maybe Klipsch should follow along here. If Barra doesnt get off the EV train(100% EV by2035) and Ford off raising prices into 2025, they will be left behind. Many including myself cant afford the new pricing on new vehicles. They are just simply gouging.
  6. Yes, they do seem to be well built. You cant post stuff like that on AudioKarma. You will get a beating for buying Chinese amps, but at the same time they talk highly of amps like Primeluna, Line Magnetic, which are Chinese amps as well. I currently own the Willsenton R300 and i love it. I barrowed a friends Cary Insperation and rolled many different tubes thru it including 6L6 kt88, kt120, kt150 and a few others all while ABABABA ing the r300 to the Cary. The Willsenton 300B amp was better to my ear until i got to the kt150 tube. The Cary with the kt150 was the clear winner, but the Willsenton beat out all the other tubes that were run thru the Cary. I do use GL 300B and nos pre and rec tubes in the Willsenton. I have performed some mods on this amp including MuDorf caps and Hasimoto output transformers. The output transformers made no difference to my ear. Willsentons are mostly point to point.
  7. think i might do just that. thanks
  8. Lets hope. Wish things were the way they used to be so many years ago, but they're not and we have to keep going forward with whatever makes us happy in our own way. There is always more than one way to skin a cat, right?
  9. Thats awesome and glad you had the tight family business experience. Not all do.
  10. I used to dream of having new Khorns, but it was only a dream. I would love to buy a Klipsch product, but way out there now for me.
  11. That alone is north of $300,000/yr. Electricity, liability insurance, taxes, materials etc. A lot of money for sure.
  12. How many people on here are buying $26,000-$36,000 Klipsch speakers? Most are only dreaming about it and thats all it will ever be at this point. Those speakers are catered to the rich, but the rich are buying $50,000 speakers. So where does that leave Klipsch with Heritage? With the middle class, but the middle class cant afford to buy them in numbers. So now what? I'm not sitting still and just dreaming about. I am building my own with the quality wood and components. I will never take a loan for a pair of any speaker.
  13. I cant and wont ever tell others what they should do, but i know i will never open a business and eat ramen for the first 5yrs or so while i reinvest everything back into the business with the earnings and without a guarantee it will survive.
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