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Everything posted by dirtmudd

  1. that's why you still have the original..
  2. the real question is how does it sound now ?
  3. https://www.mrcoffee.com/replacement-parts/carafes/
  4. it's working again...mother superior jumped the gun...
  5. ot it crapped the bed....I spoke to soon....at least I got some coffee out of it...Will this do ? or is it the wrong one ???
  6. almost got you wish....scrub down my maker....inside and out.... last week I ran white vinegar in it.. but after today's cleaning..it stopped making coffee...got the switch a little wet.....I almost had a nervous breakdown....no f.....ing coffee.. not the button a few times ...haaa... coffee !
  7. I read their forum before they didn't like klipsch at all....and stated klipsch was a cabinet maker... well I find funny klipsch's original designs....or heritage....are still going strong 70 + years.....
  8. that's not to far from the truth ! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/JBL_Paragon#/media/File%3AParagon_section.jpg https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZitZ7be36yKE9RrCJL4ge3OLvxMdqkvPU_15EVBMYPBfto-wesIXLZZByLt2kKpR9KhUWS9CsCu4nOP54N8d0oQsB-LK6BbOM-fZUZm45hu1dg2-aQ-DYJE_105zcT_12bZalzBy887smtH7IR0u8grGYAao7F0a33zYe1JrDsUjzIQIZX65GLTt5AEB7Ekn1y-nY-Kl5_1SXxeAjXncdrb8subPc75V7UdKxoDjRZsSO7rwUDaDfzi89XNt6F3S6acqLV4_1KaFRAHEhf-PFNskF4OtjGMPa-W4X6OXNHSfhR2Vs3ftEX8YRFLy5QLkifnPfwS85CQPHDMyYM_1SxsjhL3-rucyjClA#imgrc=xGIOgR6KMkTnLM:
  9. maybe you need to upgrade your Aa ear nework....to crites , Dean g...or alk..or use a 400 horn for a hearing aid... lol... I hope you feel and hear better soon..
  10. it's that time of the day.. for special morning brew.... Morning Chuck....how's the ear ?
  11. I think exile on main street on vinyl. would be a better deal....
  12. the musical box....
  13. must be delivered by kangaroo....
  14. it's in the homeland ! December 3, 2017, 8:18 am Departed BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA Your item departed a transfer airport in INTERNATIONAL, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA on December 3, 2017 at 8:18 am. The item is currently in transit to the destination.
  15. trade for what ? if I have to I'll will buy you a new cheap coffee maker
  16. chepo there only $25 for a new maker.... https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/coffee-maker-replacement-parts
  17. you should of seen me yesterday... Had a group of red hats....about 60 little old ladies....that had a party at the restaurant....and they brought in home made cookies..... I made the cookie monster look like he was still in training ..
  18. https://www.wholelattelove.com/maromas-orphea-gift-set This one billybob ?
  19. billybob how is them there la scala's ???
  20. we don't get any....wtf !..... it most likely that Fox ....that's grilling..
  21. mommy's little king !.!!!... Glad everything went well !!
  22. you should gotten the z pack sooner...
  23. stop thinking and start buying
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