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Everything posted by JohnJ

  1. That's right Paul & Mike, it's the other red. Ya'll know I was thinking of the similar sounding trio from the 80s. alright, get a hold of yourself an' don't fight it, it's over your head it's alright, the rumble in your ears
  2. You are welcome Paul. After that the only thing to follow it with is the Blue or maybe the Red album. Had the red in the car for three replays a couple weeks ago Thela Hun Gingeet....Thela Hun Gingeet so it's the Blue one next!
  3. The heavy cd I pulled out just did not fit my altitude tonight. That's where I just found out it's this threads op's birthday🥨🍺🥩🍗🔊 Alright folks pile on: Happy Birthday @Full Range this is more like it right now: just one more hint - Oh yea......... Rock On Brother !
  4. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Happy Birthday @Full Range !! Got one from down your way. First import cd I got years ago, and let me tell you you can hear it's better than others. J. Albert & Son do a good job with their pressings or imprints or whatever they call it with cds!
  5. Looks way better than Penrose!
  6. ... for you to think about me @Dave1290 had to pull that one up, jamming right now, thank you! Sounds like the Electric Lunch on 95Q to me 🤘 Next time I get the house to myself I'll be posting early Judas Priest while the walls are "breathing" here!
  7. Nice, would go great with the sausage and mushroom lasagna I made Monday. We ate and then cut up and froze into perfect sized pieces for later meals. It would even cook over the gas stove if the power goes out in the unknown approaching storm!
  8. @Tarheel love my flip-flops too, from the 80s. Picked up on a trip to Daytona, way before I realized my "heart" would lead me to live there. They aren't made like these anymore, and I hate the other kinds. It's going to be chilly out there this weekend, I can always feel and sometimes smell when snow is in the mountains or around I-40. They were calling for 10 to 15 inches here yesterday. It leveled out to 8 to 12 for Sat - Mon and has not changed lately. Bread and beer flew off the shelves here the last couple of days. Couldn't live off of that if I had to.  Just found out I'm out of Texas Pete, before you rag on me yea I know it isn't hot but I love it anyhow!! Back to the grocery store today it seems.
  9. Good Job @dirtmudd!! @windashine Not just your mom, they were still doing that in the early 70s around here with the boys. My brothers is in the hallway now not sure about mine.
  10. @Oside Realize you're on the west coast but: https://columbia.craigslist.org/ele/d/prima-luna-dialogue-one/6761074532.html
  11. No Sir. If mine had, I might have been here griping about it for a few then breaking out the manual method equipment again. No way I would have done as much as I have today without my two 14oz mugs of my current and probably last addiction!
  12. Nice. That French Roast was one of the ones I used to buy from them, it was a little more smooth than the Ital roast. We've been drinking a med-dark roast lately that I'm liking a lot, especially when it's nippy out in the mornings.
  13. Beautiful water, it's clean and picks up all the blue from the sky where it gets deeper!!
  14. Don't bother @dtel go to any Whole Foods or a regular priced store that has coffee in bins. Get some of that, brew, take a gulp, spit it out....... go to harbucks buy a cup, take a sip....repeat. It's all had a similar musty dirt taste in my opinion, in the 90s they had great beans, but no more! Simple Colombian for me when I can find the "real mccoy" http://southpark.cc.com/clips/151003/tweek-bros
  15. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    I left here the other night listening to Jimi Hendrix and his progeny from Canada. Come back to Miami Vice!! Mike it does sound better after not hearing that for decades...
  16. Excellent Steely Dan LP there Gary, tough color of vinyl too. Or it's just the lighting there playing tricks on my eyes, it looks like dark amber in the fourth photo down. Mind if I join you?
  17. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    So, what do you listen to after a Hendrix fix on your headphones?? Don't settle for anything less than Frank Marino & Mahagony Rush!
  18. Evening Paul & all. Got a Jimi repost myself! This was one of if not the first heavyweight LPs I ever got, came out when I worked at the record bar to support my (mopar big block) gasoline also my A.gold & C.redbud habits. The live "I Don't Live Today" is exceedingly clear and clean with the perfect amount of reverb. The rest is noticeably the same with this LP. I was not clear nor "clean" back then. Roomie hit the sack early, I won't tonight so the headphones are out tonight. The last of my Jimi as long as I'm without a good working cassette deck. "Castles" always a favorite with me!! ** After listening to this again, I'll have to agree with the fellow that wrote this 👇 Jimi's Music heals.
  19. @dtel I saw that Aussie cow on wasfox the other day in the 5 minutes I could stand to stay on that channel before I changed it. That beast moved through the other cows and pushed them out of the way to get where it wanted to go. Seemed like he lifted one of them off the ground with all four feet in the air! Sheer Brute Force! WOW.
  20. If that's supposed to look like a handlebar mustache it was a rookie artist!
  21. I heard the harmony instantly when I saw that pic just now @dtel. Weird, when there is enough of it it's black, two tbsp left and it looks like tea.
  22. Hey @Dave1290 I wonder if Derek is Butch's son, that would explain it, he might have been exposed to Duane and Dickie back in the 70s. Good poster, but those chipmunk cheeks on Jimi are bad.
  23. JohnJ

    The Other Discs

    Got coffee on again, feels like afternoon at 11a when you get up at 5. Tunes with a mild attitude are in order right now.
  24. Cool, and my first page post of two tunes from the 90s blows away ALL rap and sounds kinda like it too!
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