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Everything posted by dusty_bottoms

  1. 3 channel reminded me of a 3 speaker system in which #3 is hooked up to each of the other speakers. I can’t remember the name of the system/effect but I’m curious how that might work in a home theater setup. Anybody have any experience doing that? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I’ve heard good things about U Turn Audio turn tables but never heard one. They’re well below your budget though.
  3. You should see what happens on a motorcycle forum when someone asks what oil they should use.
  4. I love mine. I listened to them for about a year before installing the Crites tweeter mod and now wish I had done it immediately. I fear the KG4 is a gateway drug.
  5. That’s amazing. Apparently I know nothing. Audio is teaching me that daily. So 12 watts is in what insect category?
  6. I don’t know what flea means exactly but maybe this 12 watt Abraxas would fill your need. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F162885382993 Full disclosure: This belongs to a friend who is loaning it to me until it sells. For my sake I hope it never sells but I know he needs to thin the herd and unfortunately I can’t afford it at the moment. When it does sell I’ll plug the Carver back in.
  7. Installed the titanium horn diaphragms yesterday and the difference is very gratifying. I love these speakers now, and I thought they were pretty damn good before.
  8. Want to trade for a nice pair of KG4s? I’ve never heard the Fortes but I’d like to.
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