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Everything posted by fmalloy

  1. Wife logic and our logic are on two different planes. I'm retiring in about a decade. And when we move, the house will be chosen with strong consideration for Khorn placement
  2. I like your thinking but she's too smart for that to fool her. Also, unfortunately, the room is configured so it's next to an open kitchen so space is at a premium.
  3. Copper oxides don't conduct electricity, so it increases the electrical resistance of the wire to your speaker. Also, the oxidation can spread to your speaker terminals. Lamp cord is meant to connect to...lamps.
  4. Every lamp cord I've seen connected to speaker terminals get brown and nasty from oxidation.
  5. Sadly, it's not the spending. I just bought her an $8,000 diamond bracelet. I reminded her I can get 4 HIIs for that, but it doesn't matter. Those humongous, beautiful boxes will never cross my doorstep until I'm retired...probably 10 years... With the way Klipsch is increasing prices on the Heritage series, who knows how much they'll cost in a decade...
  6. I'd love a pair of LaScalas. Unfortunately, the wife doesn't love them. She says the Heresys are huge.
  7. Funny you mention that - I just listened to all of "The Final Cut" yesterday and it sounded really good on the HIIIs.
  8. After a few years with my HIIIs and swapping out the inexpensive Sony 100wpc receiver with an NAD 50wpc integrated amp, I'm actually wondering why they are supposed to be "rock speakers". I'm finding that well-recorded jazz and classical can be wonderfully detailed. Classical especially absolutely must be well-recorded or large orchestras sound terrible. Actually some of the worst sounding music has been rock. For example, Journey sounds horrible; their music has so much hot midrange and highs it's unlistenable. I was excited for Led Zeppelin, but not only is their music not recorded all that great, I realized it doesn't have much depth or detail.
  9. Polizzio, you're behind the times - how about $42,000? On the plus side, it is a whole 15 feet. https://www.needledoctor.com/Kimber-Kable-Select-KS-6068-Speaker-Cables?custcol115=24&custcol120=49&_vsrefdom=adwords&gclid=CjwKCAjwk7rmBRAaEiwAhDGhxFRiD6xNWiAx-e60aATGsMJQ9zYuoR5gIbLNOw_cetbZOXiSxAuL2xoCs4QQAvD_BwE
  10. But only if the beers and shots happened AFTER the install, right?
  11. Looks like the door might be wider than the Cornwall, so it would likely hit the TV stand?
  12. Keep in mind Chromecast sadly can't stream from Apple music sources...
  13. Wow that is a beautiful picture. Very classy looking Fortes. I wish that was *my* living room. Yeah, and I want that Forte display banner too. 😀
  14. Of course, for a Klipsch Heritage series "turned down so low" means 90dB SPL 😁
  15. There's always a debate on what folks can afford and what they choose to spend their money on. I see plenty of BMWs and Mercedes parked in low-end apartment complexes, and it's easy to judge and say "well, why don't they spend that money on nicer living"? Because a fancier apartment or owning a home may not be for everyone. It may not be everyone's source of joy in life. Personally, I wouldn't feel guilty about buying Khorns when I drive a 2000 Accord. The reason is simple - I get no joy from owning cars or driving cars. When you compare the price of a new pair of Khorns compared to a BMW or a Porsche it's quite the bargain - and no insurance, registration fees, or ridiculous maintenance costs. And they don't get dings and scratches when you park them out in public.
  16. Yours look amazing, you should post a bigger photo, this one is tiny... As far as WAF, I have Heresy IIIs in Cherry, and she says they're "huge and ugly", so La Scalas are def out She says "Why can't you have those little white cube speakers on the wall like everyone else?" It's sad when you have the cash but the wife is standing in the way...
  17. This is a Play-Fi product, right? Did you try: https://play-fi.com/faq/entry/how-to-do-a-manual-speaker-update
  18. This is a Play-Fi product, right? Did you try: https://play-fi.com/faq/entry/how-to-do-a-manual-speaker-update
  19. Ok...I think I was not understanding this...so there is the La Scala II and the AL5. Somehow I thought there was only one modern La Scala, and they just took that model and raised the price by 2 grand... Is the La Scala II remaining the same price? This is what I am considering, but I need to get the wife on board...there may need to be a diamond bracelet parallel purchase and a few glasses of wine...
  20. a TWO-THOUSAND DOLLAR price increase?! Klipsch - SERIOUSLY? You can get a pair of brand-new Heresy IIIs for the price increase alone. And you guys here don't blink an eye?
  21. Why rotate the woofers? Something about evening out gravity effects?
  22. Those are great looking speakers. Immaculate.
  23. Wow, what a review! https://www.stereophile.com/content/klipsch-reference-premiere-rp-600m-loudspeaker
  24. What solved the upper midrange harshness of my Heresies was to upgrade from an inexpensive Best Buy 100W Sony A/V receiver to a 50W NAD 326BEE integrated amp. While I can't do a blind A/B, to me the harshness has greatly reduced, and I also get more bass even with Tone Defeat on the NAD than I did with the bass turned 3/4 up on the Sony.
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