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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. refreshing to hear metal vocals that aren't all grunting and growling was listening to Ocean Machine Live... on spotify. and enjoying
  2. Random association I have this lp, too
  3. I guess it is an appropriate time for this tune... it seems to apply to me
  4. Alice? the movie that spawned the tv show was filmed [in part] down here. From 12:00min to 14:00min.. my stomping grounds. I helped build the giant cow skull at 13:13 min.
  5. I played Higher through mine... I have to say that I'm impressed. Have to look into getting a few hard copies of his stuff. thnx for turning me/us onto him
  6. I DJ'd a HS dance Mountain and few other not , well were featured..... that'll happen when you let the stoners run it.....
  7. anyone else like LittleFeat? I have a few of their albums....picking a "favorite" would be like trying to pick a favorite GratefulDead lp, if you are into them. I have a couple of Dead lps, but never really got into them.
  8. I'm proud to have made it to 65. No idea how... except not getting married until I was 52. still have hair, my ears and eyes... that's about al that's left. lol my vinyl is from when I was a "kid". All of it is at least 30 years old.
  9. uh huh I have Stand Up, Aqualung, Benefit, and Passion Play
  10. I want to thank y'all for getting me caught up a little. I live in radio free Arizona and I'm just finding my my around computers... I treat them like horses...Have their use, but can kick ya in the butt. fun sharing some of my vinyl with ya, too.
  11. Oh, let's see if I can find some morning music HaHaHa crank it up @Full Range the name Albert Lee is ringing some bells, though I'm not familiar with his music
  12. Ooooo you've got 'em working and are making it pretty now. very good.
  13. Mornin' All Starting out nice this AM... 70` Accuweather sez a shower at 5AM... Think they're wrong this time. I was thoroughly surprised last time they called for a shower at 5. They were right, though it happened at 4:45AM.... at least we are getting a little rain. Tucson has gotten 0.73inches this "monsoon". We're doing better than that, but better isn't even close to normal. It tried to rain last evening. We were just on the fringe. Outflow wind and heavy mist. It did cool off... thank you! @Tarheel How would one go about hooking a sub to an amp w/o a sub out? This H/K has "jumpers" connecting the pre amp and and amp [I presume that's what they do] or is there a dongle that knocks the voltage down, and use the B speaker outs?
  14. Being a simpleton, I'm glad that all I have is 2 speakers and a receiver. This heat is getting oppressive. Our temps prolly aren't getting us as bad as 99` in SanFrancisco. Those folks a dying. They wilt at 75`. Our meager rains has cooled things off a little. It is still getting warm before it does rain. Late afternoon/early evening. Temps maxxes out and is already cooling [marginally] before the rain. Anyone surprised at the woman getting her butt stomped by the bison? That is why the have a zoom function on most cameras... especially i-phone cameras. casual observation of things... might be a bunch of Harleys for sale soon. I hope I'm wrong
  15. ...one day, my dad came home from work...says, "Bill, I worked on some flutes for someone... you might know who he is. I don't...Ian Anderson"
  16. only because I have a connection ... I was given the LP for being in this video. Worked on "set" decorations, too Met Sir Paul and Linda Did ya pick me out? I'm wearing a cowboy hat lol
  17. it's a hot humid day Kickin' back I think PygmyFunk has been deleted from the lp by yt for reasons unknown to me but they have it as a single????
  18. is Dr holding up the surgery or the insurance co? If they aren't bad enough, it qualifies as elective surgery and not covered. My wife went thru that scenario. She said it was like wearing sunglasses in a dark room prior to the surgery. Led me to wonder how bad it has to get... not being able to see well enough to drive?
  19. Never seen one jump. Pretty heavy bodied to jump, I would think... they get some size, too Body the size of my thumb isn't stretching it
  20. They are startlingly big. Very mellow.They behave like a cow. They don't get angry/defensive w/o a lot of provoking. Just plod along. There are other things more worthy of concern... scorpions, centipedes, rattlesnakes Don't know if there are SunSpiders there.... Those give me the creeps. Not venomous. Won't say they can't bite the crap out of ya
  21. I've threatened the wife with one, if she doesn't learn to not overload our machine. Don't know how many of the plastic drive link "fuses" I have replaced... 4 or 5 so many, that it's a 20 min repair now.
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