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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. I feel for the mods... Been there... done that I wouldn't have let it get as far as it did.
  2. Red bandannas are illegal in AZ. One of those old laws that never got taken off the books. c/p Any misdemeanor charge is automatically considered a felony when committed wearing a red mask. Make sure to leave camel-hunting out of your summer plans this year. It's still illegal in the state of Arizona.Jun 23, 2015 have a chuckle here's the site https://maricopabar.org/index.cfm?pg=Blog&blAction=showEntry&blogEntry=4992
  3. I'll take one. Does it come with a salad of mj? Good Mornin' All Still waiting for rain. Made the coffee a bit stronger this AM. I'll hear about it from the wife. Was sleeping good and then... cramp in my leg stood me straight up.That was at 3. Everyone is home today. We have the kid, too.I could go to the lake for a couple hour and be back before they wake. They still haven't figured out what "burnin' daylight" means.... And down here, the "burnin" part is more than a figure of speech. no plans for the day... I can't make plans. Things are too "fluid" around this house. The folks that own the "ranch" boy works, leased another dude ranch in Tumacacori... and boy may be working it for a while at least. He's not too crazy about an hour drive [each way]. Told wife, he doesn't have to say he won't go... just that he would prefer to stay at the place in Sasabe. I still think he's gonna be there until they get it staffed. IF it the place I am thinking it is... My dad always told me, "If I had the money, I would buy it".. https://ranchosantacruz.us/ Elden, I was looking at that "bike" and thinking a 5 point harness might be a good idea. That wind buffeting is a factor in comfort. I drove the boy's MustangGT from here to FayettevilleNC. You could not run with a window down. The buffeting was crazy. Couldn't hear anything but the wind popping. Wonder if they have they fixed that "Textured Pavement" on I-20? I don't think the 3in change from one slab of concrete to the next was part of the "texture". I saw all the semis running in the left lane, for no apparent reason until... It was like hitting parking blocks.
  4. like I said, they sound like they might be fun for a minute. I started collecting stuff to build one I saw in PopularMechanics a looooooooong time ago. Based on a 750 Honda and a VW front end.It was mid-engine. Sat in front of the motor. Had the bike...Then I moved to HI.... Was looking in on the Started Here, Ended There thread and started to ramble off. One random association to another and now I am missing my old ARP AXXE synthesizer. Analog. It was cool. Took some learning to get to where you could make the sound when you wanted it. Only played one note at a time...no chords. Played it through a Kustom amp. Don't know how many watts... enough. It had 4] 10in in it and white tuck and roll upholstery. Thing would scream. I've been pissing off my neighbors for a long time. That synth would make some awful noises
  5. the computer has become an instrument. Some of these new artists are quite good with it... even if it has no feeling or soul.
  6. first time I went to Australia, I noticed that they ask if you would like "An American cup" of coffee....Same /regular amt of grinds in a double size cup [2X the water]. Wife prefers coffee a little weaker than mine. Told her to get up early and make it the way she likes... sorry...Not sorry We're drinking Peruvian. I do like Columbian. We don't see it on the Gadsden menu [at the store] very often. Personally [with our tapwater] I am happy for Mexican beans.
  7. Last night's coffee and warm, fresh from the oven bread pudding Red sky ... maybe it will rain and most likely not Good mornin' all Cool this AM. I could wear a robe. Not 70`. How are you folks doing ith the heat? I know it's gotta be ugly. Lived in IN. We didn't have A/C. Prolly why we were at the pool all summer. Or in the creek, river, pond, gravel pit, lake.... If indoors - the basement. Starting out to be a peaceful morning. Then, I'm the only one up. Lost my wifi last night Sorry, Elden. Those 3 wheelers are a step backwards from the old style sports cars. Was watching How It's Made... They were talking about the old British sports cars and how they grew the 4th wheel to not be a motorcycle... or something like that. I would like to take one of them out for a spin. I suppose they are kinda like a sidecar. Never been in one of those, either. Can't lean into the corners, or you have to do it different from a bike.
  8. Oh... we have recluses here. When I move lumber, I flip in over before I grab hold to move it. Nasty things live in piles of wood/lumber... Scorpions, all manner of spiders and the odd snake.... shaka shake snake... Last one of those on the property met an untimely death. I'm all for leave it alone and it will go away.... The cats had it surrounded. And it was PO'd. Wife decided I should dispatch it. So, I asked to bring me something to kill it with. I was thinking a shovel or the like.. I don't remember all what she brought before she got to something that would work... I know she brought me a broom and a few other stupid "weapons"... then she came out with my broadsword ... Now that's a knife! Kinda figures I would have a broadsword, doesn't it? Bugs on a motorcycle are lots of fun. A june bug might as well be a stone. Had a butterfly smoosh on my visor then blow under it. Was going for lunch... the waitress commented that I had some mustard on my cheek.. . .... and there are swarms of, what we called, cyclone gnats. There is no defence for them... in your eyes, up your nose and DO NOT open your mouth. Took a bee of some sort... All I know was a stinger in my arm and a trail of guts. and Yes, many venoms retain some potency when dry... Elden sounds like we have a lot of the same pests.. We have caterpillars that sting, too.
  9. Daddy Long Legs venom is more potent than Black Widow. Fangs can't get through our skin. Bee stings tend to fester up on me. Tis the nature of puncture wounds.
  10. Elden, I can go with not liking spiders. Not many people do. I'm not crazy about them. I am OK with tarantulas... We have so many that are much less nice, that they make tarantulas look almost cuddly. Add that they are generally slow moving and won't lay you out if you get bitten.... then... you will only get bit if you are messing with them. It takes some doing to make them defensive. Just for fun, we have a BIG wasp, the Tarantula Hawk, that takes them out... I would rather deal with the spider than them. Good thing they are solitary. I had to disassemble the stove to let the bird out. My big mistake was taking the damper out. That was easy. Getting it back into place was a pita. 2 hrs of reaching up the chimney , trying to line everything up by Braille. Wife made me laugh after it was all done... Sez "Your hair smells good".. sure it does... just like ash and creosote.
  11. I saved a bird that went down our chimney. When I am more composed, I will try to tell the story. It was not fun. I hope that wren appreciates how much trouble it caused I trust y'all are having a more relaxing Saturday
  12. There isn't much usual stuff as we knew it. People staying away from each other is very strange.
  13. Stupid me... my nephew works for Apple. This is the stuff he deals with. PM sent
  14. Nice. A growed up half desk. I always hated them in school. They assumed everyone was right handed. I had to turn sideways to write anything... my left elbow was out in space if I sat straight forward. This model doesn't seem to have that feature. Taking wife to her follow up for her 2nd eye. Not particularly looking forward to it. It is at noon. I get to sit in the car. Ugh. We just love sitting in the car, in the sun, at noon. It will be at least 100` in the shade, of which there is none. Take a spare bottle of water to wear. Wet myself down with. We have a mix of dark and light wood in this place. The floors are bamboo. Walls are dark redwood. The bumpy black LS fit in nicely....
  15. I'll change the subject... Nothing exciting going on. Still waiting for a break from the weather. Our historic chances of rain are about 75%. That ain't happening this year. We are getting some relief from the heat. The storms are close enough to give us that. We can see them. Wife threw me today... says she starts work next week. No students... all prep for remote classes. I still question how you can do that when the kids are just learning to read and write? I started to rant.... put a plug in that Growing some flypaper in the house. Yeah, I let some of the daddy long legs get wild. Skeeter control. We have a couple larger type spiders for the flies. I chuckle.. my BIL used to say that spiders were a sign of a healthy house... This place in on steroids. I thin them out once in a while... Every 6 months or so. That's about how often I take the vac to the walls and ceiling. I knock the webs down with the broom more often The spiders get sucked up when I vac.
  16. Hi Steve I'm zero help with your problem. I was doing good to get my streaming music to run... Hope you can unlock your lost files. .... before you frisbee the computer. You might consider paying a tech to say, "Oh, we just need to push this button". "Simple" on a computer is an adventure to me. I don't have enough of a computer vocabulary to execute the simplest tasks. I had to learn to "type" because the damn things....
  17. took the wife to a steak dinner for one time... She about bit the waiter's hand when he stupidly thought she was done with her t-bone before she chewed on the bone it's raining about 10 miles away comin' a beach. flood warnings all up and down the valley. It's sunny here... dark as off to the east.We'll be lucky if we get any on this one. Did cool the temp to 75 -80`. I have the windows/doors open.. Was pushing 100 at noon.
  18. ...if they can call Poker a sport, why not eating?
  19. I warn folks that are to meet my sisters... they know the lyrics My mood for the day... "Old Folk's Boogie", Little Feat
  20. Shades of Caddyshack my mom was afraid of spiders. She got over it. There were a couple, don't know if they were the same ones all the time, that would hang at the sliding door. She looked forward to seeing them. We just shoo them out, when they come in... more like herd them. They don't move fast, until they have to. The young ones skitter around and will run halfway across the room. The adults are like cows. They just plod along. compared to most of our critters, tarantulas are nice. They aren't aggressive or have a highly venomous bite. We like them. Wife is going to the school today. I have the house to myself... wow! I'll kill myself trying to get things done w/o people under foot or undoing it as fast as I get "it" done. Wife will be out at a reasonable time... 9AM, earlier would be better, but. Knowing she will be out, I can get a jump on some of the housework. in my working days, most of my work was invisible. Machines magically all ran, every time you turned 'em on... the place was always clean .... and you NEVER saw me working ... in public view. That still applies. Worse part of being a maintenance mechanic..... the better you are, the less it appears you do. Everything is working and Bill is sitting in the shop with his feet on the desk. They would periodically get rid of me.... 6 months later, I would get a phone call. Things are blowing up... can you come up and help us out? I was a necessary evil. Mind you, I always got greasy, as a mechanic... even if I wasn't doing something. It looked like I was busy... or had been. Smear a little, first thing. Kept me from being volunteered to to things ... Oh, looks like Bill is busy. saw a River Toad in the yard last night. They have protective ooze that some people dry and smoke...DMT... Wouldn't recommend it. The natives didn't do it... there had to be a reason. Jimsonweed [Sacred Datura] was used by them... as a gauge .
  21. sounds like me... My first stick was a Freightliner. My other manual experience didn't help much... it was a motorcycle. Wife must be feeling better/normal. I swear she's trying to make me crazy. I won't go into details, but things have been on the chaotic side around here. What did I do today? Emptied and bleached the hillbilly hot-tub. Was sporting a coating of algae and feeling a little slimy. I empty it out every other day. The fresh fill water was hardly refreshing. Pretty near make tea in the "cold" tapwater. The weather forecast looks optimistic. Chance of rain all across the extended ... after today. Sunny, dry and warm... again today.. I saw projected temps under 100` next week. A gopher hole popped up in the yard. Eight legged gopher. Tarantula den. Looks like a good sized occupant, judging by the size of the hole.
  22. Scatterbrain by JeffBeck https://open.spotify.com/track/4nqusKH4sULM5n14EHAtYQ?si=LlnFO4lOQx-Swqo9nxdSFg
  23. I have to go up the roof regularly thru the winter to clean the chimney. It's plenty bright. Even with sunglasses , I can't see when I get down. You don't see motorcycles parked on asphalt here. I made that mistake. The kickstand sinks into the black goo. Sun finally came out. Wonder if it will stir some storms? We already got rain this AM. That negates our chance for rain. Forecast said 20% and it's done that...
  24. I've done roofing in the summer. We did a dome. Worked in the shade as much as possible, until the ladders started scarring the shingles. That was a "fun" job trying to keep the courses level when you couldn't really snap a chalk line... before laser levels. Done a lot of fun things in the summer... like sandblasting a couple swimming pools. That was just more fun that you can imagine. Kinda amazing my lungs aren't worse... Fixing a sewage processor at a campground. I hesitate to call it a sewage plant. Took a bunch of sand and the sludge pump couldn't pick it up... so, we baled it out. The poor bugger filling the buckets at the bottom of the 8ft deep tank....
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