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  1. Jeez, Sorry everyone. Had a lot of Family and work stuff going on. Everyone is doing well thank God.
  2. Jeez, Sorry everyone. Had a lot of Family and work stuff going on. Everyone is doing well thank God.
  3. Have recorded on many of them. You know, back when musicians had to actually be able to play.
  4. Look Mom, pretty lights!
  5. On Ebay if anyone is interested.
  6. Not yet. Might write one up on some 12 gauge paper. 🤣
  7. Some guests in the back yard
  8. Sometimes one just needs to chill out.
  9. So yeah...kind of busy this morning.
  10. Hell yeah!!!
  11. Yesterday was Jason Beckers 55th birthday. Wow how time flies. Happy Birthday to a true prodigy and someone who didn't let adversity stand in the way of his true calling.
  12. Add a twin turbo and it's "Hyper drive". 😉
  13. Been busy with the cc. 🤪
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