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Edit: Forte's have been sold so only the 2 Heresy's are left. Hey guys! So I have these 2 pairs (all 4) up for sale and im trying to sell them all off together for $500. From what ive looked up and also been informed by forum members it looks like they could go for more but to be 100% transparent I know nothing about them or sound systems in general. I got them for free but I dont have the time to sit on them and try and milk them for every penny so hopefully this is a good deal for someone on here that would appreciate them. Im located near the Houston, TX area and would prefer local. Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions or more pictures through here or text/call me at (832)-339-8904.
Hello Forum, I have a pair of Heresys that were handed down from my uncle to my mother to me. From the labels i understand that they should be 1972 make and oiled walnut. As You can see, serials are not consecutive and, to me, baffling. Can somebody make a sembelance of meaning out of these? Cabinets are fine, just the veneer needs repair, its chipped in two places as You can see. I guess, the rest is mainly a matter of cleaning, sanding re-oiling, maybe waxing. I also want to make floorstands for them, found a template in the forum, great. And i have to rework the grills, the fabric is torn and one of the Klipsch- labels is missing. I haven´t opened them yet, but they do work, haven´t tested them to their linits either, don´t know if that would be a wise thing to do...? There are some other things i´ve got to get done first, but then these babies are next. Until then it´s going to be more research and maybe some good ideas from You guys. Andre
In living this past year with the mods to my Heresy 1.5 for gravitas, scale and flat response (c.f. my last post), I discerned room for improvement. The lower treble still needed some smoothing, and the stereo image was unstable: moving my head quite slightly would sling the upper few octaves all over the place, and the left-right balance was never totally satisfying. (Bass was awesome, however.) The new drivers and cabinet porting had made huge improvements in the extremes of the audio band, but I wanted to try subtle changes to the crossover in order to fix smoothness and phase in the midrange and treble. I used the trial-and-error method with a real time analyzer, pink noise, and calibrated microphone while leaving the balancing network board external to the cabinet so as to see the results of crossover component value changes immediately in the response graph. Significant improvement was achieved by changing the tweeter section to a 7 kHz, 18 dB/octave high pass from last year’s 6kHz. This tipped up the response over 1.5 dB, contrasted to the previous x-over, from 15 kHz up to 20 kHz. This also made for less summing between the tweeter and squawker where their responses overlap. The squawker needed to have its top end slightly attenuated. I had been using the stock Klipsch configuration for the squawker, substituting a high quality poly film-and -foil capacitor of the stock 2 muF value for the original paper-in-oil can and continuing to use the number 2 tap on the T2A autotransformer. This works well to meld with the woofer but does nothing to calm the squawker’s upper end ( mortite on the horn has been tried by some on this forum for that), so I tried the easiest obvious thing, which was to shunt a capacitor across the squawker’s inputs. This is a way to knock highs off a driver’s upper end by essentially shorting only the highs to ground. The second order, low pass filter (which included a 33 muF cap added to the Heresy 1’s first order woofer crossover- i.e. just an inductor) that Klipsch used on the Heresy 1.5’s and 2’s woofer x-over is a handy case in point. Comparison of Klipsch’s schematics for the Heresy E and E2 crossovers indicates a phase difference introduced by the addition of the woofer cap, by way of the schematically notated inversion of polarity between the woofer and squawker in the Heresy 1’s E crossover (which inversion is absent in the Heresy 1.5’s and 2’s E2 crossover). Higher order phase difference will come into play later. The first value I tried in my squawker section was 18 muF, which sucked out too much low midrange. Trying successively smaller capacitor values, I arrived at near 5 muF in order to start attenuating high enough in the squawker’s range. RTA showed that the roll-off slope was a bit too steep, so I tried different audio grade resistors between the 5.1 muF cap and ground while watching the graph. Putting resistance between the 5.1 muF cap and the negative squawker input-i.e. signal ground-effectively reduces the overall amount of those particular highs allowed through the cap which get shorted to ground, shallowing the roll-off. Best results were obtained with the 9.1 ohm, 10W resistor I had in store. (A Mills non-inductive 12W resistor may be a better choice. ) Interestingly, the resistor’s insertion smoothed the bass response on the graph. The midrange response now is beautifully neutral, full and rich but never shrill; the treble is sweet, extended and clear. Another benefit of adding the cap to the squawker circuit is the phase shift (around 90 degrees ) that it contributes to the squawker, making it blend more coherently with the other drivers. The stereo image is solid, the soundstage stable, with instruments startlingly precisely located. Channel balance is now rock steady with no stereo wandering. Placed 2 feet from front wall, no subwoofers are necessary or wanted. Schematic for this latest and greatest mod is included. Drivers specified on this schematic and in my previous post are easily available online. Porting dimensions and woofer crossover values remain as per my previous post. These Heresy’s sound big, accurate and serious. Gravitas, exciting scale, powerful bass, beguiling mids, crystalline highs and imaging. Happy listening.
Frequency Response Curves for older Klipsch speakers It would be nice to have a collection of them in one place. If that place exists, please let me know. Does anyone have a frequency response curve for a Heresy 1. I would specifically like the K-22 alone, but can use the whole speaker frequency response too. I am working on a Bi-amp situation using a homemade NHT 1259 woofer driver to lower the base to about 25 hertz. I am working out the crossover design using Passive Crossover designer 8.0. If I can get a picture I can trace the curve and get the FRD file. I already found the impedance curve on this forum. Thank you for any help.
Hello, I have recently become the owner of a pair of black spatter paint Heresy speakers that were purchased in the 1970's (I think) by an old acquaintance who now lives in Norway. Like me, he was a guitar player, and he bought 3 black Heresy speakers from a stereo dealer on Long Island near Roslyn. He used 2 of them for his PA system, and the third was his monitor. He ended up giving them to my very good friend, and guitar builder, John Monteleone, who has had them stored in his shop attic since forever, and recently he asked if I'd like to have them. I brought a Sony STR-7045 over, and hooked them up where they sat. They about blew me out of the attic when I put on VH Hot For Teacher, but I digress........ I would like to know, via whatever pictures and driver codes I can provide, more specifics about the model. You'll see that one of them had a very clear M1 stamped on the back edge, but other than that I've seen nothing aside from the driver & crossover codes. Herewith......I'll try the stamp letter/number first: And so there's the start of my project. I do have a decent wood shop, so I've started removing the spatter paint, but there's a lot of filling & sanding to do before I unroll the 4' x 8' sheet of rift sawn white oak that they'll be covered in. The clever contraption that was installed in the bottom for speaker-pole mounting has left a few holes to fill as well, and then there'll be angled risers to make, but it's a start. I like the way these speakers sound, especially because they're no-nonsense, in your face, and pretty efficient. I've spent thousands of hours in recording studios, and my favorite speakers were always the JBL 4311 and Urei monitors. Nothing subtle about them. Thank you for any information you can provide me with, and I look forward to being a member here! best regards, Howard Emerson
Hi All, As a friend of mine is a "Highend" guy, he can provide me with some speaker for test... Up to know i tested & compared the "Fyne F501" (F501 - FYNE AUDIO) and the "Pylon Sapphire 25" ( with my good old Heresy 1 originals on a "FONEL Class A Hybrid" amp and an "ONIX DNA-50" amp. my subjective result is: Both speaker do not come close to the Heresys! Although the Pylon has a very pleasing character, that the Fynes lack, the richness in details and the fie tonal structure of my beloved klipsches are not beaten! The only thing is the bass perf from the Klipsch..... i read through Claude's fantastic posting about the "Super Heresy" and i am really excited.... I am really tempted to replace the woofer by the "Eminence Delta Pro-12A"..... So my questions are: - Will i get a 'Bass Boost" when i simply replace the original woofer with the eminence? - Or have i do modify the crossover too? (if i have to modify, can i get some specifics?) I cannot find the "flared port" tubes, suggested by Claude here in Germany.... - So does a plain PVC 4" x 4" tube do the trick too? Then, i also plan to replace the original caps on the "E" crossover - should go with Crites set & the Sonicap caps? - Or the "Dayton Audio DMPC-2.0 2.0uF" that Claude mentions (which are impressively inexpensive)? sometimes the high frequencies on my Heresies are a littel bit unpleasingly piercing esp. with the "Fonel" amp, which otherwise is so great in clarity, details & openness i never heard of... (but the low end, the bass is a little bit weak-ish) - will replacing the caps probably change something in that respect? here a pic of my setup with the fynes & the onix amp & Yamaha CD & streamer stuff. ( check esp. the custom risers for the klipsch ) Thank you in advance, Karl Tietze
These speakers are from the original line of Klipsch Heresies which have a significant audiophile following. I upgraded them with the Crites crossovers and high frequency drivers which definitely improved and smoothed out their sound. Cabinets and grills are showing their age - see pics (I never got around to the refinishing stage). Currently they are on angled risers, but I also have the original even bases. I'm still looking for the pics of the insides. Pick up is in the northern Virginia/DC metro area. Price is $500 (PayPal fees extra).
I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself quickly, stop lurking in the shadows and share with you my quest with a recently acquired Heresy pair. My name is Robert (Rob) I live in the northern part of Mexico and I have been an audiophile by my father´s inheritance. My quest for music Nirvana guided me to try the Klipsch sound and since my listening space/study is a bit serves as audio workshop/music room/informal office... the space is limited and thus a pair of Heresy (smallest from the Heritage series AFAIK) seem to be adequate for the space (10´x12´) After a quick hunt I got myself a well preserved pair of Heresy I with TYPE E xover, K22E woofer, K55M squawker & K77M tweeter. Consecutive S/N 137X935 (any history with the given S/N will be much appreciated). After a quick check to the Xover network and verifying good cable connections hooked them to my modded Adcom GFA535, crude first impression great mids, good top end but lean on the bottom and with a coldish sound signature. I was expecting a lean bottom but it lacked body for its size. Changed the Adcom for my upgraded NAD 3120 and things were warmer and mucho better in the low end. Listened for a week or so to adjust my ears and brain. Things for me were too front forwarded in the mid & upper end, very very good with a good amount of WOW factor with how this drivers and Horns present the music. Like it! but...YEs there is a but....I did not went to bed with a sense of satisfaction at the end of the day, they lacked body...fullness. After reading some in the forum opted to try the well known network mod by @JohnA (great stuff John!) to tame / balance the upper portion and things got better, the veil in the lower half was pretty much gone, more balanced all around...but, yes, another but...well actually the same from the start, the 12 inch woofer seems to be a bit lacking and IMO does not make justice to the upper portion of the speaker. I do not consider myself a bass head but in my room the Heresys always leave a sense of....they do not give me the full grin I am expecting for. Nothing new I know but they could have a little more body in its foundation. Yes I have played with speaker placement since I know bass is very tricky vs speaker placement. After reading some more I am very tempted to go for the Super Heresy mod by @ClaudeJ1, seems pretty straight forward...thumbs up for the mod Claude, you have a good amount of followers for what I have read and really walked the mile with the mod and overall design and testing) Will gather the info, part list and everything necessary and will keep you posted on the progress, doubts along the way and outcome of this new near future DIY adventure. Anyhow, sorry for the long intro and I will be around reading all the good stuff from you guys. Rob.
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Hi everyone! I’m interested in forum members thoughts on the situation I find myself in diving into my home theater build. I’m a long time klipsch lover and hifi audio system geek in general. After tossing around the idea of doing an all paradigm or all canton HT system I have finally decided that I just will not be too happy without that classic klipsch sound. My delema is should I go with an all legend series klf 30/20 for mains, side & rear surrounds, with klf c7’s as center and atmos front and rear height speakers which is what I had resolved to do. I currently have a pair of 30’s and I am planning on procuring another pair of 30’s this weekend. So I’ll have 4 of the six towers needed to get started. Then it’s just track down another pair and 5x c7’s (which are far more shipable than the towers). On the other hand I also have the opportunity to pick up a pristine pair of heresy 2’s and 3 pair of heresy 1’s that are in beater shape that need a ton of work. No matter the choice I will be doing crites upgrades on all of the speakers legends or heresies. Haven’t had any experience with crites upgrades, are heresy or legend upgrades more costly? Will there be a timbre matching difference between the heresy 1’s and 2’s after crites conversion? Also what would be the best recommendation on atmos speakers for the heresies? Theater room is about 28x30. Would drive the system with pioneer elite vsx-lx503 and b&k separate amps (on 5 channels). Plan on upgrading to either an arcam, marantz, or anthem processor in the future and finding the best amps for whichever series I go with. The heresies are gonna need a lot of restoration work but are available now. Legends I’m gonna have to go through the headache of tracking down and picking up/get shipped to me. What are you guys thoughts on which route to take, and why? Has anyone heard both an all legend and an all heresy home theatre? I helped a friend years ago set up an all legend series theatre which was amazing and that was back in the days of 5.1/6.1. (He got a pair of klf 30’s after babysitting mine for me for a month or so, then completed the full surround system) Btw having two pair of klf 30’s as extra stereo sets if I go with the heresy option is no problem and I have the gear to run two separate audiophile stereo configurations on the 30’s. Choices, choices, choices... Any thoughts, experiences, advice you guys have would be much appreciated.
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