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Is Klipsch considering on/over the ear headphones?


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  • 4 weeks later...

If I had to guess, I would say probably not. Klipsch has invested considerable time and effort into their line of in-ears and they will probably not be expanding the line until they can be sure that their first few products can survive in a crowded marketplace.

I certainly hope they do. I did my part with my Custom-3s and absolutely love them.

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  • 4 weeks later...


First thing you have to realize is that Klipsch never makes comments about new product design until they are announce officially. If we let the cat out of the bag any earlier things get messy. People start to have a wait and see attitude and don't buy our current products. Some departments haven't been properly informed so they don't know how to react.

For instance what if I announced a supersonic headphone that goes from DC to Light with no power? Now I don't know about you, but if I was in customer service and everybody started calling me about the new Klipsch Supersonic Frequenizer I would not be happy and have to go down to engineering and give Professor Thump a Bump on the head. (An I would say "Make my day dirtbag!")

So that is why we haven't announced anything that is "Official". Now this being said, I think you have a noteworthy idea that we should discuss further, but right now my Frequenizer Laser Beam has just overheated and needs to Chill in the Sub Zero Anti-clotic Chamber.



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I WAS in Customer Service and the calls were wacky enough without deflecting rumours. I think the good Thumpster has his hands full and per Amy's thread, he is soon to lose his right hand man, the indefatigueable Dr. Cochlear.

Klipsch always listens to their customer base but there's a lot that goes into a product development decision such as 'does it fit Klispch's business model?', 'will it cannibalize sales from other products?', 'is this what we're good at?', 'can we roll this product out to a successful launch date?', and about a bagillion more.

Plus Amy and the marketing department are within throwing distance of the good Dr.'s spacious cube, so he fears for his physical well being should he disclose anything prematurely.

'nuf said? [:#]


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ooo , what's the wacky photo? Looks like some microscopic shot of an implanted copper voice coil- does it attach directly to my brain stem, doing away with all this tedious electrical-to-acoustic-to-electrical energy transfers that making air waves vibrate entails?

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 ooo , what's the wacky photo? Looks like some microscopic shot of an implanted copper voice coil- does it attach directly to my brain stem, doing away with all this tedious electrical-to-acoustic-to-electrical energy transfers that making air waves vibrate entails?

The circle depicted is about 1.5 mm in diameter. Does that help?

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Plus Amy and the marketing department are within throwing distance of the good Dr.'s spacious cube, so he fears for his physical well being should he disclose anything prematurely.

Hmmm... so who's going to keep who in line here? Marketing keeping the engineering department from going too far off the deep end or at least pushing 'em out of the mushroom cave of engineering for some sunshine and fresh air occasionally, or engineering keeping marketing from promising the impossible?

I'd think the move will be good for both areas? What with the marketing people getting a better understanding of what's going on earlier in the process, the engineers better able to beat, er coerce, uhm extract what the market wants out of marketing. Gotta be some synergy there of some kind I'd think.

Is there still a Synergy line?

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The circle depicted is about 1.5 mm in diameter. Does that help?

The pic is titled Wet Willie.... ewww gross. But it doesn't look like an ear drum and I think they're a bit bigger than 1.5 mm? Maybe an Image or Custom armature or more keeping up with more recent developments a close up view of an S4 or S2 micro speaker or whatever's in the new Images?

I'm waiting for Professor Thump's newest creation, the Virtual Klipschpone - a really teeny small, stupidly inexpensive (only $29.95) device that plugs into one's headphone jack and virtually creates the sound of your favorite Klipsch speakers in your ears. No wires, nothing but the Virtual Klipschphone.

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Plus Amy and the marketing department are within throwing distance of the good Dr.'s spacious cube, so he fears for his physical well being should he disclose anything prematurely.

Hmmm... so who's going to keep who in line here? Marketing keeping the engineering department from going too far off the deep end or at least pushing 'em out of the mushroom cave of engineering for some sunshine and fresh air occasionally, or engineering keeping marketing from promising the impossible?

I'd think the move will be good for both areas? What with the marketing people getting a better understanding of what's going on earlier in the process, the engineers better able to beat, er coerce, uhm extract what the market wants out of marketing. Gotta be some synergy there of some kind I'd think.

We are probably hijacking this thread but I have to admit it will be a refreshing change having all the folks from Marketing in the engineering mushroom cave. We needed a little sprucing up down here. Plus there were about 50% less people working in that area since last summer so it was getting kind of lonely.

I am sure that the marketing team will cheer us all up and it will be easier for Amy to get some good pictures of everything going on. Wait till you see the place you won't recognize it.

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The circle depicted is about 1.5 mm in diameter. Does that help?


The pic is titled Wet Willie.... ewww gross.  But it doesn't look like an ear drum and I think they're a bit bigger than 1.5 mm?  Maybe an Image or Custom armature or more keeping up with more recent developments a close up view of an S4 or S2 micro speaker or whatever's in the new Images?


Wet Willie is the name of a band and appropriately attached to this project. You and Michael are red hot when it comes to guessing what it is.

I'm waiting for Professor Thump's newest creation, the Virtual Klipschpone - a really teeny small, stupidly inexpensive (only $29.95) device that plugs into one's headphone jack and virtually creates the sound of your favorite Klipsch speakers in your ears.  No wires, nothing but the Virtual Klipschphone.  

Sounds like vaporware Ben. That should be easy. I am pre ordering now.

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Dear Professor,

Off-topic (sorry), but probably within your realm of expertise. I have pretty bad problems with my left ear (-20 db @ 2K Hz, and it probably gets worse from there). PLUS, I've got wax issues (not talking about LP wax, if ya know what I mean). I'm considering acquiring my own otoscope, one that allows me to see myself what's going on in there (perhaps a computer interface?). Got any recs or opinions? Thanks much!!

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