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Cal Blacksmith

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What CRAP the Melinimum Copy Protection garbage is!

About a week ago, we had some thunder storms (a rare thing in So Cal) so I unplugged the Htr equipment from the wall to protect it should the power lines get hit. Last Sat night, the wife and I decided we wanted to watch a few movies in the HT so I pluggen in everything again and switched it all on. We could see the projector was trying to show something but no joy. After over an hour of swapping cables, players, turning things on and off over and over I gave up for the night. Sunday I went up in the attic and followed all the cables to make sure everything was OK and mice had not gotten to or damaged anything. Nope everything was safe so again I swapped equipment and cables .... etc.... and like magic, POOF, the HTR had a good handshake with the PJ and we were in business! What crap to put up with cuz some movie studio is worried John Q Public might make a back up copy of a disc to protect his investment by playing the copy and safley filing away the original for safety! Nevermind that criminals break the CP right away to make their millions of bootleg copies anyway[:@][:@][:@][:@]!

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The worst part is that awful Clark Griswold moment when your wife and progeny are more or less quietly waiting for dad to sort out the technical snafu...and waiting and waiting. Then the snickering starts and your youngest smarty-pants son makes some smarty-pants comment about your technical proficiency or lack therof. The flop-sweat starts to roll. Your wife then valiantly defends your honor and manhood to said smarty-pants son. Your daughter wanders off to read her vampire novels for the seventh time. Your wife meekly suggests that perhaps an "all in one" system might be best. Eldest son yawns and adjusts his junk in front of God and everybody. Then finally, after everyone has left dad to wallow in his own irrational desperation you discover that when you last rearranged the system (four months ago. You're really a 2-channel music guy.) you didn't connect the digital audio out from the DVD to the proper input on the receiver.

Not that I would know from experience or anything. I'm just saying.

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I agree that the handshake stuff sucks...

Since we're sharing, here's what happened to me ten days ago. My wife and I rented Iron Man 2 on Blu Ray, a 1-day rental and she is going out of town the next morning. We pop in the disk and the Sony BR player remote control no longer works. Would you believe that you can't navigate the menus to start the movie without the remote? The buttons on the player itself won't do it! So we sit there, trying everything and stuck on the opening menu and the "play movie" option just waiting to be selected. I tried to program all my other remotes to control it, even an older RCA universal with touchscreen, and nothing worked.

Late that night I was looking for the cheapest remote I could buy that would control it. I found a $50 Harmony 300. While I was looking at it on the Futureshop web site, the price dropped to $35. It was just past midnight and, that week, they had a sale on a different item each day. That day, it was that remote. So I went to the store the next morning, asked about the remote (no one seemed to know about the sale, which was more of a web sale but also available in stores) and picked it up for $35. Works great and controls the whole system.

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and we all endure because it is so relaxing spending hours upon hours on CL, looking for that killer deal, or trying to decide do I really want to bid on something i can't see until after I spend the money.

I also have a story, pretty much have the room set up, invited some friends over to watch the movie Frozen (decent movie), pushed the movie button on my harmony remote everything starts up as it should, hit the play button..... no sound. I spend 20 minutes looking at everything I can think of. Then just when I am going to give in and tell my buddies I can't figure it out, the wife comes in to tell me she is leaving, sees me with panic in my eyes, politely asks me to come in the other room and tells me I forgot to turn my amp on, I had forgot there is not a trigger on for it.

Could have been worse, she could have done it in front of my buddies.

~ ross

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LOL, great replies!

My system stays in standby all the time so I guess the handshake stays in place. I am glad it was only the wife and myself, it could have been very bad if this happened at, say, a superbowl party with a dozen manly men and a room full of male hormones. At least I now know where to look first if it happens again!


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