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Just Scored!!!!!! WooHoo!


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I just picked up an Onkyo TX SR647.

It is silver; mint and fully tested and functional.

I have the box also. :) The price? $60+ gas.... (Thank Heaven cuz I am broke; lol).

95wpc x7 with most of the same features my TXSR702 has. (No THX which I do not use anyway).

Oh yeah; this has 3 HDMI ports...... Not 1.4; but will work for the foreseeable future.

So.... after the move..... this goes in the new living room with (most likely) the Promedia 5.1 sats and sub. (Perhaps RX series sats?)

The current rig? Basement listening/media room? IDK..... Options are nice......

Woo Hoo!!!!!! I love Craigslist.

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Does a CL purchase count as thrift store? LOL....

Thrift store, Goodwill, pawn shop, yard sale, auction, and even Craig's List are all close enough for Sweet Thrift Store Finds. Any score, audio, or otherwise. No real rules. (except Fini is not allowed to post pictures or videos of his dancing after a score lol)

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