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Another question about tons of power...Bryston 7b-st...and a good center channel

Kev the ironworker

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hi again everyone !

i'm sure this has been brought up a few thousand times before but my new specific amps haven't really been talked about much (as far as i can see....) anyway....i'm as dumb as a stump as far as stereo stuff is concerned....(but i'm learning thanx to you folks !) ok, here is what i have....a pair of rf-7ii's with an audio research vt-50 powering my horns and a yamaha m-85 powering my mains...(right now) .i just bought a pair of Bryston 7b-st mono blocks for my mains (biamped) (500 watts/channel mono) and i'm wondering if it's going to ruin my speakers ? i like loud sometimes....lol ! (i've been told that you can't get enough "clean power" and that's what brystons give) i'm going to use the yammie-85 to power my rf-82ii's (surrounds for movies) i'm also wondering if i could use either a belle, cornwall, la scala as a center channel...(something big enough to hold a 50" plasma and loud enough that i don't have to strain my ears to hear what the actors are saying) ....any opinions would be great ! thanx again ! (i love you folks !)

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Congrats on your new amps......NICE!!!..........Mongo is right in going with a 64II as your center, as it was made to be the center...(timbre matched).. for the big reference line for Klipsch: 63's, 83's and 7's. It will also hold a big flat screen on top of it. As long as you protect the veneer[:@]..........When it comes to ruining your speakers...the speakers....ummmm.. speak!!!.... and they will tell you when enough is enough. NEVER and I mean NEVER just crank the volume before a song/movie starts without knowing how loud it is going to be. With the power your have in those Bryston's, you can surely damage your speakers............. If when you mentioned a speaker big enough to hold a TV...If you meant a speaker tall enough..All the speakers you mentioned would do the job....From greatest to great....LaScala,Belle,Cornwall,64II

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Wow ! so hard getting back into the system...(i know i can change my password but i....don't know how !) thanx for getting back to me ! anyway, i was thinking of a speaker tall enough to hold my tv....(i like the tv "higher up" so i don't have to look down to watch) i've heard so much about the center being the most important for watching movies so i thought that a large la scalla or belle would do double action as a tv stand and as a great speaker too...(however i could just get a rf-64ii and put it on a higher stand...) but i'm really thinking this might actually sound better ? maybe even take up "less space" (it's hard to find a stand or table 40-50 inches tall and only 2-3 feet wide that's strong enough to hold my tv...) as far as the brystons go (i'm still waiting for them) i think i'm "hooked" on bigger power = better sound (even at low levels)....i'm not sure that is even true but the reviews seem to go that way... for sure these will be my last amps ever (i do hope to outlive them but they have 8 years left on the warrenty and i'm 51....good shape though ! lol !) i have the 7's hooked up to a yammie m-85 now....had a few the other night and yup...cops were at my door ! (oops ...happened only this time ever in my life...lol !) ....thanx for getting back to me......kevin

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as soon as i get them i'll get back to you....i have a funny feeling i hit the jackpot on these .... (bought them on ebay) ....i've watched brystons for a bit and never thought my speakers would ever need that much power (they don't ...we all know this) but i offered a price below the "starting price" and they accepted... .2 grand less than the 2 sets on ebay right now...(i think those are way over priced but even the 3 and 4b-st's seem to be going for 1500-1700 EACH...anyway, i told him how happy i was and he told me how "excited he was for me !" told me they were always fan cooled in a smoke free house in a "dedicated electronics room" also told me i'll LOVE these amps...i like this person ! ...he also is buying new boxes from bryston to ship them...(i offered to help with the cost and he refused...(140 bucks) told me it was his responsibility to ship them properly). to me he seems like a "top notch person" to say the least ! (i told him that if he's ever in Saskatoon that "i'm buying the beer" !....but who in thier right mind would ever travel to Saskatoon ? lol ! anyway, i'm biamping them (doing only my mains) with a small Audio Research vt-50 pushing my horns and soon ...i have a luxman a-2003 electronic tube crossover that i'll toss in there (passively) as soon as i find someone who knows how to set it up for me......thanx for getting back ! i'll let you know if i can hear any kind of difference between the brystons and the yammie...

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i skipped your answer to me becuase i read it but it didn't seem important....but now it's sinking in....and i thank you for your input !...now do i need a better preamp ? omg ! maybe you can explain something to me ?....i'm running all this stuff from an "onkyo ht-rc 370" (the stereo guy told me it was good....) i do have an "audio research sp-9" preamp sitting unused...should i use this instead ? (the onkyo can switch from 2.1 to 7.1 at a push of a button and the sp-9 is 2 channel only...but it's tube...) i'm told i can use the onkyo for movies and the sp-9 for music ... the onkyo preouts (L&R) to the sp-9, to my tube amp for my horns and brystons to my mains....i also have a cheap blueray for movies and a jolida 100a tube cd player.....i was thinking of hooking them up to the onkyo......(for music it would be...tube into S.S into tube again)...i'm trying to get both ht and 2.1....and it seems it's not going to work ! .....thanx for opening my eyes...

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