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Newbie here, need some help

Orange Peel

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I'm looking to buy some new speakers, I'm torn between Klipsch and Polk Audio.

I saw this on ebay, and I was wondering what some of you Klipsch experts think of this setup?


Is this worth what he's asking, or is it too good to be true? I never bought on ebay, so I'm very leary about buying.

I went to Ultimate Electronics here in AZ, and listened to some SF-2's for the first time and my god I love the sound. I wonder how the RF line that the ebay stuff is compares to the new models?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Any advice on some equipment will be greatly appreciated!

Scott Goldsmith

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Scott - Greetings from a fellow Arizonan. There are a few of us on the boards, here.

The Reference series in the Ebay ad are almost the same as the Reference series currently in the stores. There were some minor tweaks, but more like a refresh than a new product. The ones you see in that Ebay ad are all still available, but as the "II" versions (except the SB-1).

That's a nice reference setup on Ebay, but remember it will have to be shipped and that could get expensive. Depends what the price ends up at...



My System

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Doug, I was hoping you would reply, being a fellow AZ guy Smile.gif I took from your post that the ones for sale on ebay are pretty decent speakers for a somewhat entry level system then? Right now I have a Polk Audio RM6000 setup, VERY cheap, got it for $250, but ok for my first system. My HK AVR125 runs that, I have a Sony DVD player and a 60" Mitsubishi Big screen. I want something more, and I really liked how the SF-2's sounded today. Do you think that ebay setup would sound as good as the SF-2's? The bottom of the ebay listing says the shipping would be $75, is that low balling it?

I don't have a pre-amp or anything, just the reciever, do you think the reciever would run all those Klipsch stuff ok?

I bet your setup sounds great!!!

Thanks for the quick reply!


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The reference series is supposed to be a step up from the Synergy series. I have SF-2's, and love the sound, which makes me wonder how much better the RF's can be. My guess is that the RF-3's are probably comparable to the SF-2's (if not marginally better), and you have to climb the RF series ladder to get the next big jump.

Bottom line, if you like the SF-2 sound and you can pickup that Reference set on Ebay at a decent price, then do it. It's already discounted as used equipment, and you should be able to sell it years down the road for around the same price that you paid for it, so there's really little risk. Note that this set does not include a sub.

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Scott, I have the RC3 and RS3's. I can't speak for the rest of the system but I don't think you will be dissapointed in the center and surrounds. Of course as Doug mentioned the actual price plus shipping is the main factor. The surrounds are especially sharp, clean and spacious. I am impressed with the center also but I am going to have a LaScala to replace it so as to better match my fronts which are the Klipschorns. If you can buy them at a fair price you will not be disapointed. Good luck, Don

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Tripod - THANKS! I will be looking at that too for sure!!!

cardinal - Thanks for the input, I appreciate it, I won't have to worry about not hearing them now Smile.gif If they sound anywhere near as good as the SF stuff, man they will be nice.

digjr - Cool! I emailed the guy about a "buy it now" option, I'm not familiar with ebay, so I'm not sure if he can do that with it not being listing in the ebay listing. Can they just stop the auction if they want and sell it now to someone that asks? If not, it looks like I will have to bid and wait. Frown.gif I'll let you know how it goes either way.


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Scott - IMO, the Reference will sound better than the Synergy series, as good as the Synergy are.

Get thyself back to Ultimate (or Showcase Home Entertainment) and listen to the RF-3s/RC-3/RS-3 that they have there. Even if they are the "II" models, the sound will be virtually identical to the non-II models.

There are several on this board who swear by the HK/Klipsch combo, but I can't speak from my own experience. Since these Klipsch are so efficient, they don't take much power to drive them to insane levels, but they also show up weaknesses in the supply chain (if any).



My System

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Ok, I will just add my $0.02...

DO NOT BUY FROM EBAY!!!!! I was just recently screwed on there when I purchased two pairs of Klispch KG-2.5's. commntication was good and he seemed like a nice guy. I sent my money and for some strange reason it took him one week and one day to recieve it. I found that strange right off. So he said he would send them and it has been about 15 days since. Never again will I deal with eBay. The really odd thing was that this guy had a positive rating af about 150 and only one neutral. Now I almost have a g/f and I am out this money I could really use. If I do ever recieve these speakers, they will immediately be sold off to anyone here who wants two pair.... But I don't see that happening.

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I recently bought a pair of new SF-2's. Before doing so I listened to them against the SF-1's and RF-3-II's MANY, MANY times at my local Tweeter store. I found the SF-2's to be a nice step up from the 1's, the just sounded much fuller to me. My novice ears could detect a slight improvement between the SF-2's and the RF-3's, but not near as much difference as between the 1's and 2's. So, I went for the 2's. As Cardinal said, if you can get a good pair of used 3's for a great price, go for it. If you end up buying new, I would suggest the SF-2's.

As far as Buy It Now goes, you can't use it if it isn't activated. However, the seller is able to go back into their auction settings and edit them to add BIN. For them to cancel the auction gets a little complicated because they have to cancel each of the exisitng bids and justify why the high bidder isn't the winner. This is less of a problem if you make sure you are the high bidder before they go to close the auction. Your best bet is to ask the first seller to add BIN. The second seller won't be able to because their eBay account is too new, but they might sell it to you directly if your price is right. I'm guessing that he wants a lot more than $600 for the full set though.

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Re: Ebay

Everyone is going to have bad luck on Ebay at some point... Luckily for me my bad luck was with a $1 item, so no biggie.

I got my SF-2's off Ebay for $400 delivered. Perfect shape except for one of the grille pins was broken, however being a bottom one it's not a big deal.

Got one of my two SC-1's for 98 bucks delivered, too.

All in all you are just throwing the dice and hoping that you get what you pay for... So far so good in my case. Good luck to ya.


-Me fail English? That's unpossible!

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Orange Peel asked:

am in the works with the guy that is selling the RF-3 II stuff. If I can get it for about $800, do you think that is a good deal?

Yes, that would be an excellent deal, provided that dude delivers the goods as promised. Keep in mind that just the pair of RF-3IIs alone costs $850/pair brand new. In total, you are looking at over $1500 worth of speakers in that package he is selling off.

Good luck and hope it works out for you Smile.gif


Steven Konopa

Fredericksburg, VA

Denon AVR3802 (Receiver)

RF-7 (Fronts)

RC-7 (Center)

RC-7 (Rear)

RS-7 (A Surrounds)

Infinity RS2000.5 (B Surrounds - recycled)

REL Storm III (Subwoofer 1)

Yamaha YST-SW40 (Subwoofer 2 - Recycled)


Sharp DX-200 (CD - ancient)

RCA DWD490RE (DirecTV/Ultimate TV receiver)

Sharp 32 inch (TV)

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Thanks. He countered me with $950 and free shipping, so I countered back $900 with free shipping and it's a done deal, so we'll see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

It would be about the same as the $800 plus shipping, so I still think it's a good deal.

I'll keep ya posted. I'm going tonight to listen to the RF series, this way I will know what to expect.


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