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The Movie….American Sniper


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just dont forget the draft - kids were enlisted to defend a country and they never looked back -they earned the freedom we enjoy - all these men & women who served did their duty - remember them , be proud of them - the fact that you had the option and never signed up does not mean that others had the same luck -

WWII maybe, not so sure about Vietnam.  My grandmother's brother, not sure if that makes him my great uncle or what, was a Colonel in the army, not one of those common Lt. Colonels, but an actual Colonel.  He claims that in military school we are actually teaching that we fought on the wrong side in Vietnam.  He supports that idea and doesn't say that as an armchair soldier, he actually did three tours over there.  It's hard to hear that then continue to believe that they fought and earned our freedom and we should be proud of them for doing so.  I respect and even admire our troops but that doesn't mean I have to agree with every decision our government makes while putting them in harms way and that they are always directly fighting for our freedom.  

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Anyway, back to movies and whatnot... there was a show on the History channel a few years ago, recalling sniper stories. The ones with Carlos Hathcock in them were awesome. One story had him crawling in on his belly to a Vietnamese camp where he stopped nearly 800 yards away. He was a one man recon team, as he knew he needed to take out a general but had no idea who he was or what he looked like. The only thing he had to go by was the fact that higher ups liked to wave their arms a lot when giving orders. So, he found the guy who was barking at people while waving his arms the most. One shot, straight through the heart in the middle of his chest. He actually figured that was a one way trip, but apparently the sound traveled and sounded like it came from a different direction, so while all the Vietnamese guys were grabbing rifles and heading in that direction, he snuck out. The whole operation took at least 3 days, perfectly still that whole time, not entirely sure he ate anything, and he fully expected he was going to be killed. Does that sound like a coward?

Edited by MetropolisLakeOutfitters
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