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had eye surgery yesterday


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yesterday i had strabismus (lazy eye) corrective surgery. my eyes are all swollen and red. the outer half of my eyes are blood red, and it really looks weird. (ill post pics as soon as i can look into light.) they hurt sooo bad- it hurts to look in just about any direction, and every time i move my eyes, i feel those tiny little stitches. well, thanks for letting me get this out.

hehe- i look like this guy 14.gif

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I had that surgery on my left eye in 1956 at the age of 8. I remember the eye being all bandaged up after the surgery and it being painful to open even the right (good) eye. Definitely a cosmetic improvement. Before that, the left eye wandered all over the socket. Cool thing was, though, that people never knew if I was looking at them. hehehe

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Did your camera get surgery also? Is that why the pic is blurry? Just Kidding. I had the same surgery twice...when I was 9 and 10 years old (about a hundred years ago) As you can tell by my avatar, the results were completely successful. No No don't worry. Just don't strain your eyes.

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Hey Mari930, How ya' doin'? I think the hardest part of corrective surgery is the waiting. Once you're through it, you're on the road to recovery even if it hurts and makes things awkward. When I was 2 or so, I fell down a set of stairs and did nerve damage to the right eye and lost the vision. So it just sort of wandered where it wanted all through public school, high school and college. When I was 25, I had the muscles tied so it follows the good one more or less. So the peripheral concepts of 3D, parallel parking, and driving anything big still are totally foreign to me. And I don't miss it because I've never known anything else.

Anyway, a speedy recovery to you and all the best. Hamish

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thanks for sharing your stories guys.1.gif i am feeling alot better than i was yesterday.

cluless- the pic is blurry because i got the camera too close to my face and it couldnt foucs--its a bad camera anyway.2.gifit looked much better as a thumbnail.

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