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Ohhh nooo! Not Bose for Christmas!


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I bought a cambridge audio works 740b table radio for the S/O for xmas. I have heard the bose wave radios and read all the reviews ...this 740B sounds much better and has so many more features for a retail price of $399. I got mine NIB for $321 off ebay though.

The 740B weighs 12 lbs. It has a built in powered subwoofer that shakes my desk ...and the radio is in the other room! The remote control works from 20 feet away. This thing even plays MP3's.

It's awesome.


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I'm not surprised since Cambridge is owned by Creative Labs, the makers of the ever present SoundBlaster XX.


edit: It is also Cambridge SOund Works and not Cambridge Audio Works. They are two different companies.

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On 12/26/2003 11:56:26 AM TBrennan wrote:

Steven----Ahhh, the looks. Yeah. Tivoli is about looks and a certain status enjoyment, being upscale in appearence. Christ, the sons of *****es have the nerve to charge a hundred for a lousy alarm clark to go with the radio. Oh yeah, the clock comes with a crummy 3" speaker too.

Now if I wanted a cool looking radio I'd look for an old Philco or Zenith or something; it would look cool and have a 6 or 8 inch speaker too so it could sound decent. Of course the people the original KLH was aimed at were people who thought Philco and Zenith and Motorola and such were uncool.


You are entitled to your opinion. However, it seems that there are quite a few folks, such as this one (MSNBC), this one (geek.com), this one (IGN.com), and this one (ZDNN) that think the Tivoli radios sound plenty good enough for the price (and in many cases think it sounds much better than other table-top radios). Those are only a few of the many that I found on the internet doing a simple search through Google. Take it how ever you like, but I am more inclined to value ZDNN's, MSNBC, or IGN.com's opinion over yours. Also, for my particular application (use in my office at work), it works plenty good enough, even for the price. You can rant all you want about how you think the Tivoli sucks, but I am just simply not buying it.

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You are right,it may be called the Trivoli,Ravioli its a glorified overpriced table radio.I just purchased a set of Monsoon PlanarMedia 14 speakers for $80 Canadian and these make these glorified alarm clock radios sound like third grade junk.


"The 740B weighs 12 lbs. It has a built in powered subwoofer that shakes my desk ...and the radio is in the other room!"

12 pounds,WOW and has a built in subwoofer!That shakes your desk...all while being located in another room!What are the walls made of,paper or 1/50 inch cardboard?

I bet this subwoofer is flat at least 31.5Hz and can output 100dB before distorting from your description.

Shaking a desk! WOW Are you sure your dog is not humping the leg of the desk?


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To: Steven Konopa

Fredericksburg, VA

C/O Klipsch Forum, U.S.A.

From the Office of Klipsch Police:

Dear Mr. Konopa, we regret to inform you with this letter of our

having to conduct yet ANOTHER investigation in regard to evidence

we have received that you or a member of your family have

willfully purchased or accepted as a gift a TIVOLI RADIO while you

have enjoyed the benefits of being a member of the Klipsch Forum!

Before any further action is taken on the part of the Klipsch Police

we will be sending out another undercover private investigator during

this holiday season who has had experience in participating in Klipsch

interests in the past with great success. We hope this is not an

inconvenience for you, your family and friends so we are providing

you with a for-your-eyes-only photograph of the new undercover agent

assigned to your case. This is for identification purposes only and the

photo included below is not for public viewing but to ease the shock of

your family or co-workers being suddenly startled by the presence of our

Elf on the Job during this glorious holiday season. We hope all

these accusations of owning a TIVOLI RADIO are proved false!

Yours truly, the Klipsch Commander.

(Photo of Agent E standing to the right

of Agent Billy Bob included)

He He He He He He He He He 11.gif

Santa Billy Bob 2.jpg

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