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On 3/23/2004 12:20:27 AM wheelman wrote:

Moon may be i will buy that one and skip the second one. LOL It looks cool. I better hurry up and watch the second one


Yeah... I think you should watch them. Very good movies. At least I thought so. Also, you may be interested in watching the Animatrix. It explains what happen prior to the first movie. How the machines took over. It's a bunch of short cartoons. Some are very hard to follow but most are very cool.

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I disagree completely. I thought Reloaded was simply an okay sequal to the Matrix. It continued the story, but didn't really add much or explain much new. The third movie did an excellent job of bringing everything together in a logical way.

Just my opinion.


On 3/23/2004 3:47:58 AM gpbusa wrote:

Yeah, the first one was great movie/concept. Then Reloaded set the stage for what could have been a great ending to the trilogy... But Revolutions just kind of laid there and all that setup from Reloaded was wasted.


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On 3/23/2004 2:10:52 AM nicholtl wrote:

although from every single source I hear from, it sounds like the trilogy simply went from revolutionary to acceptable re-hash to embarrassment.


Those who say they don't like it just didnt bother to understand the movie. That happens with a lot of great movies, if a person doesn't understand it, they assume it wasn't worthy of their time and therefore are predisposed to say it was bad.

I'm counting down the days as well...

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On 3/23/2004 2:10:52 AM nicholtl wrote:

I haven't seen the final installment either, although from every single source I hear from, it sounds like the trilogy simply went from revolutionary to acceptable re-hash to embarrassment.


Now Nic... I've always thought of you as a bright level heading person... Don't skew my perception now.2.gif

Don't listen to the ney-sayers. #3 has lots of eye candy. And I do mean lots. I'm about to drool on my keyboard.

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Moon - haha easy there, yeah I for sure must see the movie before I judge it. Eye candy? yes, positively that's for sure! (Alias has lots too 3.gif )

Juba - I completely agree with you. After all, Artificial Intelligence is one of my favorite movies of all time and not a single person I know likes it. I think it's genius. I can often appreciate a movie moreso than my more provincial friends as well, because I majored in film production so I can dissect a film in ways others never thought possible.

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