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High Pitched faint sqeal

Hard 21

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I just got my R35 5.1 and my AVR7200. I'm using a simple RCA TV. I've never before noticed such a squeal (like the one you can kind of hear right when you turn a TV on sometimes). But now I can. When I turn off the TV monitor and still have the DVD going (with the audio still on), the noise goes away. I even turned everything off and disconnected all the connections from the receiver to the TV and DVD. Well the TV is still making that noise. It makes me think that the TV is getting interferenc from the receiver (but how could that be right, with the receiver completly turned off and disconnected), or interference from the antenae. Anybody familiar with this?

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If the receiver is turned off it can't interfere with the TV. As you have indicated you have disconnected everything and turned it all off and your TV still squeals. I would also discount antennae interference unless its from a powered antenna and even then its a stretch. You source of EMI/RFI is likely inside your TV. How high a pitch is the squeal, I have heard power supply choppers squeal pretty loud but those were in transmitting devices. Most power supply noises I have heard were usually hums or lower frequency sounds. IE the 60 HZ variety. I suppose it could be from an outside source do you use cable, a standard TV antenna, or a disc set up? But I'd bet its your set.

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Does it sound like the high pitched noise is coming from the very back of the TV? I have had a problem with high pitched sounds coming from the back of my TV on and off the last few years. I believe the part the noise is coming from is called the yoke. My TV is 8 years old so I haven't bothered trying to have it fixed.

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The electron gun cycling rate for an NTSC TV is about 14,700 Hz. I used to be able to hear it from some TVs. If you hear it with only the TV on, that might be your problem. Turn the audio up loud and in a few years, it won't bother you at all. 9.gif

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This is from: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_tvfaqa.html#TVFAQA_010

"First, make sure it is not coming from the loudspeaker itself. If it is, then we are looking at an unusual electronic interference problem rather than simply mechanical vibration.

If it is a new set and think the sounds will drive you insane, returning it for a refund or replacement may be best alternative. However, you may get used to it in time. I don't know about returning a set to a store that doesn't take refunds (I won't even ask about that!).

In most cases, this sound, while annoying, does not indicate an impending failure (at least not to the set - perhaps to your mental health) or signify anything about the expected reliability of the set though this is not always the case. Intermittent or poor connections in the deflection or power supply subsystems can also result in similar sounds. However, it is more likely that some part is just vibrating in response to a high frequency electric current.

There are several parts inside the TV that can potentially make this noise. These include the horizontal flyback transformer, deflection yoke, other transformers, even ferrite beads in the horizontal deflection circuits. In addition, transformers or chokes in the switching power supply if this is distinct from the horizontal deflection circuitry.

(more at the site indicated above.)

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